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    • Art and literature often deal with mature subjects. This is fine, but please keep in mind that we'd like to keep things PG-13. Don't let discussions get out of hand, and if they do, please alert a moderator.
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Pixel Weekly Pixel-off [Current theme: FREE FOR ALL]

Discussion in 'Art' started by MrDrMuffinPants, May 29, 2015.

  1. MrDrMuffinPants

    MrDrMuffinPants Void-Bound Voyager

    Old thread

    Pixel art implies specific stylistic influences, notably:
    -A restricted colour palette
    -Usage of and emphasis on pixel level detail
    -Typically working on a smaller scale to further highlight the above.
    -Title your entries with something like
    -Entries must adhere to the current theme
    -Keep entries PG unless otherwise specified
    -Post with most likes wins
    -Winners are chosen at the the end of each week
    -Winners get to choose next weeks theme
    -Please go through the past themes, try and keep each weeks theme fresh
    -Keep themes general, if you try and start a theme like "Silver dragons with raincoats" It will be denied.

    Current theme:

    (Awaiting revision)
    Ifrix: 2
    FleetFeet: 1

    BDos: 1




    Week 1: Theme - New header- Winner @Ifrix
    Week 2: Theme - Luxurious - INCOMPLETE, NO WINNER
    Week 3: Theme - E3 - Winner @BDos

    Week 4: ?
    Week 5: ?

    Week 1: Create the Title I
    Angry Muffin wins
    He now dictates the title
    Successful first week

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Week 2: Apocalypse
    Spectacular pics
    We voted in a new way
    The result: a tie

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Week 3: PokeDémon
    Dragonith destroys
    Coincidence? I think not
    This is his forte

    Week 4: Iron Chef
    Mopy's a haxxor
    Delectable pixelwork
    We all softly weep

    Week 5: Marvelous Mustache
    Your dread witch-cult shall reveal
    The blackest of brews

    Week 6: Perpetual Penguins
    Cutest of mechas
    A most sinister penguin
    Unfit for cuddling

    Week 7: Something Fishy
    Secluded bright speck
    False sanction in dark waters
    Unhappy ending

    Week 8: Pixel-Art Time!
    Dammit Suika
    She sucks the hue from my heart
    Teach me, oh sempai

    Week 9: CATS!
    Meow meow meow meow meow
    Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
    Meow meow meow meow meow

    Week 9: Makin' Bacon
    Everybody draws pigs
    Punky brings home the bacon
    Pig himself refrains

    Week 10: Cyborg
    Synthetic females;
    function if Cyborg *:(high five);
    else if *:(demolish);

    Week 11: You are a super villain!
    Bullied brutally
    Rylex, the youngest warlock
    Now seeks his revenge

    Week 12: Chester See
    -JN- knows the truth
    What this whole week is about
    Fresh wuvs Chester See

    Week 13: Mystique
    Pigrocket, victor?!
    Why must it end in this way???
    I will punch everything

    Week 14: Monster Girls
    Skimpy-ass clothing
    Modest, for a monster girl
    Fly here, beautiful

    Week 15: Fakemon
    How's weather up there?
    Top-percentile ratata
    Got nothing on this

    Week 16:
    Opulent Swordsplay
    This sword is useless
    Oh, the other side is sharp
    Hah, now we're talking

    Week 17: All Things Mechanical
    Uncomfortable glare
    Wink its mechanical stare
    Some privacy, please?!

    Week 18: Mario Powerup
    Jump, Mario, jump!
    Die, in pursuit of a life
    Painful irony

    Week 19: Underwater
    Just try and hunt me
    Do you see any blubber?
    Glub glub, you bastards

    Week 20: Spaaaaaaaaaaace
    Whadya mean, "perspective"?
    Clearly, Earth outsizes Sun
    Blatant conspiracy

    Week 21: Dungeons
    Oh shit, snake entrance
    I ain't going in that thing
    3 spooky 5 me

    Week 22: Super Useless
    With powers unmatched
    I steadily fly skyward
    Wooosh, motherfuckers.

    Week 23: Protagonist
    Beware my fierce claws
    When you mess with my domain
    Witch doctor, or rock lobster?

    Week 24: Creepy
    N-n-nice demon teddy
    USA manufactured
    Wow, thanks Obama

    Week 25:
    Top-tier predator
    100% apex
    (Aren't Apex apes?)

    Week 26: Peculiar Plants
    Plants made of crystal
    Can ice photosynthesise?
    Seems like it would melt.

    Week 27: Monochrome
    Twilight of orange
    Each day fairer than the last
    Seen from blinding heights

    Week 28: Summer
    Serene Kame House
    Small island in a big sea
    Home to a hermit

    Week 29: Western
    Dat saloon drawing
    I would patronize that joint
    Saloon; I mean, wow

    Week 30: Sea Creatures
    Under oceans deep
    The Hydrethonayithan:
    Sable tidal sweep

    Week 31: Helmets 'n' Hats
    Shove fish into bread
    A few precise incisions...
    This goes on my head

    Week 32: Viral Videos / Animations

    Week 33: Style Preferences
    Some tribal dudeguy
    He's squatting, flexing, or both
    A majestic mane

    Week 34: Picture Perfect
    Floating tree island
    It's like, a sandbox-type game
    Or some freaky shit

    Week 35: Ghosts and Ghouls and Monsters Too
    A ghost cannot creep
    But it may glide to your side
    And long shall you weep

    Week 36: Ninjas
    Kakashi Ninja
    Now, a youthful apprentice
    Not yet a sensei

    Week 37: Video Game Demakes
    A touch to the heart
    Grisaia no Kajitsu

    Visual Novels
    Week 37: Video Game Demakes
    Sticky snowy tree
    It's a Charlie Brown Christmas
    Drawn in one minute

    Week 38: Pokémon
    Noivern strikes a pose
    Sick flying-dragon combo
    Dude, infiltrator!

    Week 38: Starbound
    Starbound just came out
    Since people are busy playing it,
    This piece of crap won

    Week 39: B|eak
    He himself, the theme
    This round's winner is dubious
    Shining silver sword

    Week 40: 32
    Limited square space
    Totem pole standing in place
    Stoic wooden face

    Week 41: Steampunk
    A ballad, my dear
    Inspired by your beauty
    Rimmed with polished brass

    Week 42: Menu Screen
    The glory of war
    The glory of the regime
    Conquers all nations

    This one is gone. :(
    Week 43: Cyberpunk
    Futuristic tech
    Cyberpunk dystopia
    A Vigilante

    Week 44: Fantasy Races & Creatures
    Long panorama
    Noble quest for a castle
    Treacherous terrain

    Week 45: Nostagia
    Blaster Master game
    The glory years of childhood
    Is this Battle Toads?

    Week 46: CUTE!!!
    The fox smiles sweetly
    What it says does not matter;
    It's adorable


    Week 47: Create the Title II
    Old theme, new talents
    Now comes with extra glitches
    Successful first year

    Week 48: Modern Retro
    The ancient joust
    Our birds know not what's at stake
    But we know full well

    Week 49: Nordic Nuance
    Rán the Sea Goddess
    Uses divine powers for
    One badass speed boat

    Week 50: Sea Life IV
    Crimson Octopus
    He wriggles the night away
    Lord Cephalopod

    Week 51: Snow Day
    Snowbound kitty cat
    Enjoys Winter's majesty
    Beautiful cold dust

    Week 52: Blossoms
    Blossom doth adorn
    Her bright flora caught my eye
    Pretty plantoid nymph

    Week 53: Space Disaster
    Cruisin' through the space
    Young padawan, that's no moon
    Shit, it is a moon

    Week 54: SCIENCE!
    Scientist rundown
    Edison versus Tesla
    Coils on coils

    Week 55: Creepy Crawly Critters!
    Spiders can be cute
    Especially this fella
    Ohai there baby \ (◕╥◕) /

    Week 56: Turtles
    The divine turtle
    Nüwa, Kurma, countless names
    Her back bears the world

    Week 57: Chaos
    Chaos denizens,
    As accurate myth predicts,
    A Dragon befits

    Week 58: Just Desserts
    Rigorous testing
    At the tunnel's end, a light
    "A sweet little lie"

    Week 59: Concerning Scales
    Weeks worth of toil
    It takes eight and a brave soul
    To bait a Dragon

    Week 60: May the Fourth be with you
    Hoth of Hoth system
    Sixth planet in Hoth's orbit
    Anything but hot

    Week 61: Gameboy Colors
    Evil sprite monster
    Gameboy's green and gray display
    Sprited spritely sprite

    Week 62: Spaceships
    I'm telling it straight
    This design is sleek and safe
    It needs the funding

    Week 63: Isometric
    Tiles and trees abound
    Spawn on a sunny coastline
    Wait, is this Minecraft?

    Week 64: Dolphins
    After all the fish
    So sad it should come to this
    So long and thank you

    Week 65: Pirates
    Quoth pirates of old:
    Yo, ho, a pirate is free
    You are a pirate

    Week 66: Baby Dragons
    Baby freshly hatched
    From its nest, recently snatched
    Kept in stables thatched

    Week 67: Evil Bunnies
    I said a hip, hop,
    A hipiie to the hippy

    Week 68: Panorama
    It's longer than tall
    scenery sprawling in view
    An atlas world wide

    Week 69: Memorial
    The horse is now dead
    Erecting the monument
    Island in the stars
    Week 70: Mollusk
    The boneless creatures
    shelled or not, this one is blue
    dragons of the sea
    Week 71: Guns, guns, guns!
    If it shoots us all
    I did not create the gun
    It is not my fault
    Week 72: Mythical Creatures

    Behold unicorn
    the mysteries it unfolds
    with its derpy tongue

    Week 73: Unorthodox Pets
    Sleeping on a rug
    but it is too small to show
    or burned in its blaze
    Week 74: Technological
    It all must be clean
    That's why the dog had to die
    Very dirty dog
    Week 75: Retro Reboot
    When playing Tetris
    sometimes it just doesn't fit
    unless we make it
    Week 76: Fish
    If you see my light
    Please come a little closer
    I absorb my mate
    Week 77: Crashside
    Drunken space drivers
    in the depths of galaxy
    often hit nothing
    Week 78: Birthday Party
    Birthday party time
    I got to eat all the cake
    I left none for you

    Week 79: Animation
    I am what I ate
    trying hard to please you all
    I then learned to knit
    Week 80: Masks
    Taking off the head
    From the gods of the forest
    Will spread great decay
    Week 81: Plants
    Chromatic flower
    I see your petals glister
    As scent for the eyes
    Week 82: Halloween-Costume
    October ending
    As we remember the dead
    and those that made them
    Week 83: Video game mock-ups
    The HUD overlay
    Enemies have crazy hair
    and why should they not
    Week 84: Horror

    This cookie monster
    Ate the Sesame Street one
    Try cookie clicker

    Week 85: Winter

    Link, effeminate?
    They mistook him for a girl
    at E3 this year.
    Week 86: Wacky Weapons

    All those who don't know
    Slow and steady wins the race
    Get slimed in the face
    Week 87: Adventure Time

    Sometimes children's shows
    will disguise their true nature
    Enjoyment for all
    Week 88: H.P. Lovecraft

    Little Cthulhu
    look at the precious baby
    that will kill us all
    Week 89: Onomatopoeia
    Busy little bee
    Only there to make honey
    and defend themselves
    Week 90: Snow
    Winter is coming
    but it does that every year
    not that big of deal
    Week 91: Random time


    Thread Manager: @MrDrMuffinPants :zzz: (Cool dude)
    Snugget gif by @yenben1
    Header and other thread title done by @Ifrix
    What is pixel art?
    Older Threads
    #1. Manager pigrocket
    #2. Manager Lord Octopus

    Colors: http://finalbossblues.com/using-and-choosing-colors/
    Dithering: http://opengameart.org/content/chapter-7-textures-and-dithering
    General List: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/pixel-art-tutorials/
    If you have questions regarding pixel art go ahead and pm me, I'll see if I can help.

    Suggestions and criticism welcome

    Last edited: Sep 7, 2015
  2. user2345562

    user2345562 Guest

    It's a snugget, not a sheep xD
  3. Don't call this a comeback!
    marioman888 and rhomboid like this.
  4. MrDrMuffinPants

    MrDrMuffinPants Void-Bound Voyager

    This is not the greatest comeback in the world, this is just a tribute
    marioman888, Kaiachi and rhomboid like this.
  5. Kaiachi

    Kaiachi Tiy's Beard

    This is just a tribute. You've gotta believe it. I wish you were there. Just a matter of opinion.
    Oh, and happy migration season! Yay for the new thread! :D (Thanks so much for making it.)
  6. suarkonin10

    suarkonin10 Void-Bound Voyager

    It's not good. It's not creative. But it is something.
  7. Fleetfeet

    Fleetfeet Tentacle Wrangler


    My chosen theme for next-next week is -luxurious-, but I think we should follow suarkonin10's lead and deal with the banner first.

    (Uh. Yeah, apparently I'm still bad at reading :D)
    marioman888 and Kaiachi like this.
  8. MrDrMuffinPants

    MrDrMuffinPants Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm fine with you using the font but cmon, so much wasted potential T_T
    marioman888 likes this.
  9. Kaiachi

    Kaiachi Tiy's Beard

    So I tried it out and then suddenly realized I can't pixel! :cry: I'll probably try again when I'm not in the middle of a request though. But to those who CAN pixel, you 're a better man than I, and good luck. I will be 'like' voting throughout however, and will most likely attempt a contribution anyway before the deadline (quality not guaranteed!) :mspaint:
    marioman888 likes this.
  10. MasterofKittens

    MasterofKittens Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You can pixel if you BELIEVE.
    marioman888 and Kaiachi like this.
  11. Kaiachi

    Kaiachi Tiy's Beard

    Thank you for the encouragement. I'll believe as hard as I possibly can(and then believe harder), and try again. :rainbowbarf:
    marioman888 and MrDrMuffinPants like this.
  12. Hell if someone like me can produce something not completely awful I'm sure you can do a lot better. Your digital art is great ^^
    marioman888 and Kaiachi like this.
  13. Kaiachi

    Kaiachi Tiy's Beard

    Thanks! :D I shall certainly work on a submission for the pixel-off today. :rofl:
    marioman888 and Fleetfeet like this.
  14. suarkonin10

    suarkonin10 Void-Bound Voyager

    Let's forget my Entry before
    marioman888 and MrDrMuffinPants like this.
  15. Ifrix

    Ifrix Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So, someone's been playing a Glitch recently, :p

    Also I assume we'll also need to update the rules/winners etc headings
  16. Kaiachi

    Kaiachi Tiy's Beard

    Oh man, that is niicccee.
    marioman888 likes this.
  17. MrDrMuffinPants

    MrDrMuffinPants Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh man, This is great. It makes me think of Witcher hardcore though.
    And honestly, we'll only change those if the winner feels the need.
    marioman888, Kaiachi and Ifrix like this.
  18. MrDrMuffinPants

    MrDrMuffinPants Void-Bound Voyager

    Just a little fyi, I'll also take gifs to decorate the thread with so if you don't want to make a banner a little gif is just as good.
    marioman888 and Kaiachi like this.
  19. SilverDarkBlade

    SilverDarkBlade Subatomic Cosmonaut

    wow this is impressive. im planning on participating later but im afraid id be no good for this week's theme
    marioman888 and Kaiachi like this.
  20. MrDrMuffinPants

    MrDrMuffinPants Void-Bound Voyager

    So, does everyone else agree that we should cut the challenge off today and then get back on an "actual" weekly schedule? Pick a winner on Sundays and start new challenges on Mondays, that way the winner has actual time to make a decision on the next theme and we get a chance to properly admire their work.
    If everyone is alright with this I'll change the rules to specify the times and @Ifrix will once again be crowned the winner, with their header replacing the current one.
    marioman888, Kaiachi and user2345562 like this.

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