22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. 120BPM

    120BPM Space Hobo

    XS Corp Mechs! We need them so bad! Then there are hoverbikes and the ocean/arctic biome I cannot wait for..
  2. Renxo

    Renxo Aquatic Astronaut

    -Date/hour Stamps in server console/log.

    -More commands for server: online, stop, save, kick, ban, say, etc.

    -A modular/expansive system for ships.(There's people gathering resources for electric systems, or like me, who likes to collect every type of unique decorative items of each race, and store them :p, and the lack of space is a pain...)

    -The racial bonus... since playing with any race it's only an aesthetic thing.

    -COPY & PASTE COORDINATES IN THE NAVIGATION SYSTEM !!! (or any kind of bookmark system to store the coords or planets with a user made description, like: xxxxxx yyyyyyy - planet with chests)

    And... I think some of the mods people ask before me are OK. +1 to them. :D
    ChoMar and Chrona like this.
  3. Zeraxen Sar'athin

    Zeraxen Sar'athin Void-Bound Voyager

    They aren't going to just throw every suggestion they get into the game. What they are asking for is people's opinions on some things they can add to the game; some of these mods (such as the ship upgrading mods) simply do things that are already planned to be added to the game at a later date anyway. Plus, since there are quite well-developed mods with specific content, they can use these suggestions as feedback on things that players would like to see in the game at some point.
    kittentamer likes this.
  4. weeksja3

    weeksja3 Aquatic Astronaut

    Any one else get big frame rate drop the last day or two mine was fine til yesterday and i restarted my computer from working on other stuff. went and restarted starbound and was really low fps. before it ran completely smooth. I have a FX-8350 and Radeon HD 7970, so system should be fine
  5. caltsar

    caltsar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Fully Customizable ship. I love this mod!
    TheFizzler and ChoMar like this.
  6. aravol

    aravol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Actually, I have an alternate suggestion - a ship picker and upgrade support in the base engine.
    Perhaps my absolute favorite set of mods are the ship mods, but activating them involves swapping the ship config files to activate one or another, while keeping all the backdrop assets together.

    So, integrate better mod support to the base engine -
    a) A single page which collects all ships available for a race out of the asset files, and thus lets you have a plethora of alternate ships installed, without having to mess with any of the filesystem.
    b) Make the ship "upgrade" system also applicable/available to mods, so migration onto a shiny new carrier becomes easier. This could also open the door for moddable upgrades "trees" wherin a mod supports one or two configurations which are earmarked as branching off of or into other possible configurations. Easiest way I see this working is temporarily having two ships so as to migrate items (which I always do via a dummy character on the same server)
    TheFizzler and Tamorr like this.
  7. Otherworlder

    Otherworlder Void-Bound Voyager

    Rise of the Hylotl
  8. Zeraxen Sar'athin

    Zeraxen Sar'athin Void-Bound Voyager

    Feed the Beast made into a Starbound version? You mean the over-complicated graphics/memory intensive part, or just the over-complicated, overwhelming part? Starbound is difficult enough to start out in already without adding yet more stuff to confuse people even more, imho. Not being a dick, just saying :3
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  9. SymGryphon

    SymGryphon Void-Bound Voyager

    -Variety is the Spice of the Universe
    -Improved Asteroid Fields (currently incompatible with Variety)
    -Wasteland Planets (seriously, why weren't there ruined post-apocalyptic planets in vanilla?!)
    -Dungeoneer Dungeons
    -Extended Saplings
    -Persistent Farmables
    -Stim Lab
    -Smelting (recycle weapons and armor)
    -Horizontal Doors
    -Avian Tail Feathers

    also, I understand the ability to expand the player's ship will be implemented in the future, but I also like the idea of being able to completely rebuild a ship and craft ship parts like fins, decorative hull segments, engines, cockpits, etc, like in this mod
    Mad Tulip's Spaceship Mod
    or even this mod, with the bigger craftable ship parts added
    Fully Customizeable Ship
  10. selestosaur

    selestosaur Aquatic Astronaut

    Armor Stands Table , I really like this mod because it give me some thing else to do with my old armour sets other than through them away.
    Dyeing Bucket , A simple clothe and armour dyeing system.
    Speaking of buckets, adding buckets and something like the liquid extractor mod would be very appreciated.
    Persistent Farmables would also be great, but I don't know if it would create a lag on older and weaker machines.
    Finally, Variety is the Spice of the Universe , it's add a lot more biomes, what's not to like about it?
    Also, I'd really like to see friendly human and hylotl settlements and that ability to get rent from npcs.
    Shadewarp and TheFizzler like this.
  11. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    The ones I would love to see are:

    Variety is the spice of the universe
    colonies mod
    dungeoneers dungeons
    Better Merchants
    horizontal doors
    collectible figurines
    placeables overhaul (mainly the chest space part)
    floran cacoon bed
    flower mod
    printable seeds
    persistent farmables

    All I can think of at the moment.

    If I was to add some races to the game I would say:

    The Drale (even though not released yet)

    And especially any of the character creation extension mods; the ones that increase the limit of race selection in character creation. If not adding a scrolling bit to the interface to make these more feasible.

    There are a whole lot more, but that is a sizable list right now, and at the moment can not remember off hand the others. Although those are the most wanted that I can remember. :D
    TheFizzler likes this.
  12. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Hah, exactly what I want, too. :D
  13. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    What, you DON'T like incredibly complicated, overwhelming BLEH?
  14. Sliferx

    Sliferx Yeah, You!

    XS Corporation Mech : http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/xs-corporation-mechs.1341/ This is a must have, awesome mech? enough said.

    Arcane Add On : This is only good to add if it gets balanced, its good for people who want to play as a mage. Again needs to be balanced first. http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/arcane-add-on.877/

    SmartPet Because pets need it.. http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/smartpet-realistic-overhaul-of-the-pet-system.578/

    Dark souls armors : Good reference? easter egg material. http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/artorias-gear-dark-souls-armors.620/
  15. Mequiadore

    Mequiadore Lucky Number 13

    Ship-upgrades should make the ship as such bigger, allowing to add a second or third deck, some customization, even hire crew (must not be of own race, much like Your Starbound Crew).
    Some of us spend more time on the ship, than on the homeworld...with warping from planet to planet.
    We use the ship even as space-flying-farm xD
    A bigger ship won't make building a home on a planet obsolete - but can enhance the experience of those upgrades we work so hard for on making the time pass while traveling :3

    Frackin' Flora
    Dyeing bucket
    Starfoundery or - a bit easier - Liquid Extractor (I'd murder for being able to make water from snow/ice - maybe even in different color. Took me close to two weeks to find a perfect home where I could merge 3 mini ponds to my personal mini-spa, digging underneath first and positioning everything.... Also, I even got 2 fishes...but they disappeared ;_; )
    Variety is the spice of the Universe
    Rise of the Hylotl
    Tamorr likes this.
  16. L3W

    L3W Ketchup Robot

    I would like to make some mod suggestions (Note: this doesn't have to be added into the game I just want to give the developers some ideas)

    Here is the short list:

    1. Avali Race Mod (It's my favorite modded race. I love the custom weapons and the lore)

    2. Rise of the Hylotl (Hyloti need more love as my favorite non-modded race)

    3. Dyeing Bucket (I would like to see more dye colors available and this does just that and more! Dyeing armor is just the tip of the iceberg. With the new variety of dyes it will allow the paint tool to be more useful.)

    Final notes: I already know Novakids are going to be added in Beta stage 3 Bio-organic. There is a reason why I didn't suggest Novakid+ since the developers already have them in mind for a future update. It might be possible to add modded races like the Avali since they are still very basic in concept and all the devs would have to do is tweak some things like they are doing with the Novakids (I love the wild west! :) ). I really think Avali can fit in the Starbound world with the their lore and them being nomadic. I think of the Avali as the opposite of the Florans (which most are hostile and will eat anything made of meat...*yikes*) The Hylotl, on the other hand, I honestly don't know what the developers have in mind other than maybe adding some aquatic worlds or something so I suggested Rise of the Hylotl to give them the idea of "hey maybe you can do something with the Hylotl soon." I am not trying to pressure them though and if they have something in mind other than the Rise of the Hylotl mod (not saying the mod is bad obviously or else why would I have suggested it?) then I can't wait to see what is in store. Btw I already know about the Hylotl items in the game code so...maybe with the new patch system they have in place we might see some Hylotl stuff soon! :)
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
    winman and Otherworlder like this.
  17. samboni

    samboni Void-Bound Voyager

    Persistent Farmables
    Armor Stands
    Placables Overhaul (Or at least the bed changes from it)

    Beyond that, it just becomes stuff that would be cool to have.
    Fully Customizable Ship
    Frackin' Flora
    Wearable Lights
    Shadewarp likes this.
  18. DezL

    DezL Void-Bound Voyager

    you should add some of the race mods in
    Shadewarp likes this.
  19. jetsetdizzy

    jetsetdizzy Big Damn Hero

    Persistent Farmables
    Ammo Overhaul
    Whatever the thing is that makes all trees drop saplings.(I want to plant my own Crystal trees and Poison trees!)
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
    TheFizzler likes this.
  20. Leather Rabbit

    Leather Rabbit Big Damn Hero

    There are a few mods I would like to see added to the game.

    -Podotheca (drumsticks)
    -Avian Tail Feathers
    (The two above mods make Avians more believable (kek), and much more aesthetically pleasing for immersion processes.)

    (These two mods add TONS of new hairstyles and color choices to the races, which also adds a lot of immerison and more options for customization.)

    And more races! I have seen a ton of races that are really cool looking and have a lot of potential; The race mods that I enjoy the most so far are the Greys (although I have not played as them yet, I enjoy the way they look) and the Bunnykin ( Which is what I play as, and you can even find Rabbit statues and more in Avian ruins, and they're certainly anthropomorphic rabbits, so why not include some variation of rabbit race in the game?)

    The Mantis Race is really interesting as well, and includes custom ship, lore, respawn animation, and even some new items. It's certainly a complete race for all extents and purposes.
    Skunkie, Shadewarp and DrunkenPirate like this.

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