This is just a little data base of sorts that I put together for Pokemon retextures. I know one has been done before but the creator had real life events that prevented further updating. Original thread. The author's names are the links to their threads. You get the download there. See a Pokemon texture that is not on the list? Just post the link and I'll update. Protanna has a little walk through on how to change from a cat to dog and vice versa in an already in progress game. Here's the link and it's a little down the main post in a tab titled, "How to switch pets". ------------------------------ Other Cey702 TheHornedWolf (NexusMods)Pokemon Gym House Flareon Zaffy2 (From NexusMods)Change the fish in the game SpiritOfHero Cey702 Pedguin, Sarahfiren, and bulbaswat SpiritOfHeroPokeBalls SpiritOfHeroSquirrel- Sentret Brown Bunny - Bidoof Butterfly - Vivillion Cey702 ninjatulioTrainer Red's, Ashes, Gold's, Hilbert's and Dawn's hats. Cey702To see all this includes go to Cey702's post IrowCursors.xnb to inculde a moonball and friendball next to the cat's, dog's, and horse's names. ------------------------------ Characters Sabishi1985 LittleNerdyOTAKU LittleNerdyOTAKU Sabishi1985Babies into Ralts and Toddlers into Kirlia LittleNerdyOTAKU Sabishi1985 Cey702Nurse Joy Cey702Blue Cey702Red Cey702Bus and Driver from European commercials IrowDuskull gibbus (From NexusMods)Smoochum ------------------------------ Animals LittleNerdyOTAKUBunaery (Adult) IrowSwirlix (Baby and Adult) MetalShadowOverlord (From NexusMods)Litten JhooperMeowth FlareonFlareon bulbaswat and XaviikinzShinx Persian XaviiknizBuizel KiakakkashSkitty VDotV (From NexusMods)Umbreon Eevee Shiny Eevee IrowGlameow NecroNileCharmander Lark The BraveMew Shiny Mew ninjatulioMareep SakuMoFarfetch'd (Brown Chicken) NinjatulioTorchic Cey702Pidove (White Chicken) Spearrow (Brown Chicken) IrowPidgey (Brown Chicken) Taillow (White Chicken) LittleNerdyOTAKUTauros (Brown Cow and Baby Brown Cow) JhooperMiltank (Brown Cow and White Cow) GSnow (From NexusMods)Machop (Baby cows) Machoke (Adult Brown and White Cows) IrowNumel (Baby Brown Cow) Miltank (Baby and Adult White Cow) Camerupt (Brown Cow) LittleNerdyOTAKUOmanyte IrowShieldon ProtannaGrowlithe bulbaswatPoochyena and Shiny Poochyena Version 2 of Poochyena and Shiny Poochyena Mightyena Ninetales Houndour Houndour + Houndoom fuse Umbreon Umbreon + Absol fuse (emphasis on Absol) Umbreon + Absol Fuse (emphasis on Umbreon) apoc500 (From NexusMods)Furret IrowVaporeon Karalius465Popplio CrimsonYTogepi LittleNerdyOTAKUDucklett LittleNerdyOTAKUTauros (Baby and Adult) Sabishi1985Gogoat (adult) Skiddo (baby) ZhuriaAltaria Ponyta Shiny Ponyta IrowMeganium Shrimpxwarrior (Nexus Mods)Dragonite LittleNerdyOTAKUSlowpoke (Baby and Adult) Cey702Tepig (Baby and Adult) IrowSwinub (Baby) Piloswine (Adult) LittleNerdyOTAKUShuppet (Baby) Banette (Adult) Cey702Fletchling (Baby and Adult) IrowNatu (Baby and Adult) ------------------------------ Monsters JhopperZubat LittleNerdyOTAKUMuk LittleNerdyOTAKUMagnemite Greg171Diglett LittleNerdyOTAKUVenomoth LittleNerdyOTAKUPoliwag LittleNerdyOTAKUGolbat LittleNerdyOTAKUGhastly LittleNerdyOTAKUVenonat LittleNerdyOTAKUAron LittleNerdyOTAKUDuskull LittleNerdyOTAKUDwebble LittleNerdyOTAKULileep LittleNerdyOTAKUSpiritomb Cey702 LittleNerdyOTAKUMisdrevous LittleNerdyOTAKULarvitar Updates 10/8 Added a House (Pokemon Gym) Added a Horse (Dragonite) Added a Dog (Togepi) Added 2 Cats (Mew and Eevee. Both have shiny forms) Added a New tab for Jas Corrected the link in the hat section (Thanks foghorn for pointing it out) Added a new tab for bat (sorry for missing it all this time in a thread that I've read a while ago) Added a bat (Zubat) Edited the top of the post where the information is by adding a link to how to change pets in middle of a game. Added a baby and toddler (Ralts and Kirlia) Added a dog (Popplio) Added a cat (Charmander) Added a new tab for Fish Added Fish Added a cat (Litten) Added a tab for Krobus Added a Krobus edit (Duskull) Added two pigs (Swinub and Piloswine) Added a rabbit (Swirlix) Added two chickens (Pidgey and Taillow) Added a void chicken (Natu) Added a cat (Glameow) Added a dinosaur (Shieldon) Added a dog (Vaporeon) Added a horse (Meganium) Added in the 'Misc" section pet name icons (pokeballs) Added three cows (Miltank, Numel, and Camerupt) Added a cow (Machoke) Added a dog (v2 of Poochyena) Added a cat (Umbreon) Added a dog (Furret) Added a Cow (Machop) Added two cats (Persian and Skitty) Added five dogs (Umbreon, Hondour, fuse of Houndour and Houndoom, and two fuses of Umbreon and Absol) Added two cats (Shinx and Buizel) Added start screen menu (Pokedew Valley) Added slims (Ditto) Added edit well in Buildings Added Rain in Misc Added Loose spirits to Misc Added bus driver to Characters Added two chickens Added summer, fall, and winter town look changes Added a dog Merged the Wild Animals tabs (squirrel, rabbit, butterfly, etc.) into one tab Added more Wild Animals Added a Pig Added Maru character change Added a new tab of general map, buildings, home edits and added many things to that Added a Void Chicken Added a tab for the Daughter and Son characters and added to those Added more game loading screen edits Added Flareon to cats Created Sheep tab - added a sheep Created Chicken tab - added some chickens Created Egg and Magikarp tab - added these Added Mightyena to dogs Added Ninetales to dogs Added more hats to hats tab
I just posted my mightyena and ninetales dog replacers on the pets/horses thread, maybe add that to the list?
Hey there! Great thread. I couldn't keep up with my thread because of college and other problems, thanks for doing this for the community! There are some other hat replacements in my thread also, I think it would be nice to put them in your thread. Keep the good job!
Awesome. I updated to include the hats. I feel you on the college thing. Problem for me is that I'm a procrastinator and this has been added to things I do to procrastinate.
Hooo other textures I never seen Thank you for listing I will try somes of them (You can add the contain of my trhead if you want):émon-éléments-portraits-characters-map-loading-butterfly.110217/ (If you just need the PNG files, pm me, and I will re-upload them)
They seem awesome but for whatever reason they don't show in my game. Do you know what I could be missing? Do I need to make a new run to have them applied?
Just thought I'd mention it here as well that I have added ninetails cry to the download for ninetails on my thread
I just finished poochyena as well as its shiny and posted them on my thread, so maybe add that to the list as well. I also finished the cry for ninetales and added that, and plan on doing the icon now as well. Sorry about the run animation for poochyena though, I tried a couple things for it and they all looked weird. The current version is the one I thought looked least weird. I will change it when either I think of a better way to do it, or someone suggests a better way to do it.
I just made a fix for the icons in the Cursors files for all my mods, so if you grabbed one of those, be sure to go redownload that portion to get the corrected version!