22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Inco

    Inco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Tiy and Molly post the same thing? Tiy is Molly, Molly is Tiy..

    RavenX, gallotoro and severedskullz like this.
  2. phion

    phion Yeah, You!

    Electric Home Defense - Power, machines, awesomeness!
    Frackin' Flora - Flowers, DNA systems, fun!
    Industrialization/ISE - Machines, awesome.

    Suggestion: Hopefully some more event-like things, hazards, and DANGEROUS biomes like Hot, Cold, Corrosive, Irradiated, Scorching, Sub-Zero, Toxic, Radioactive biomes such as the suggestions in http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/the-game-we-want.48657/
    More events!!!
  3. Arlei

    Arlei Void-Bound Voyager

    XS Corporation Mechs Mod!
    naithaan and Hawk Novablast like this.
  4. Sese

    Sese Pangalactic Porcupine


    I would create a plan first what the players should reach in each Tier, what a Tier means in this game, and then fill mod content in which supports that Tier. For example:

    Tier 1 - Survival
    alien meat_____pit trap_____on foot_____stone/wood huts___stave, rod, knife, sword,______Torch
    stone hoe______snare trap__rope, hook__mining__________archery, hunting_____________lanterns

    Tier 2 - 3 - Stone Age to Middle Ages
    Agriculture_____Herding________Mobility____ Building_________Fighting__________________Light
    well___________fence, fishing___horse-riding__sanitary_________add crossbows_____________oil lamp
    irrigation_______slaughterhouse__chariot______(toilet,washbasin)_pistols, rifles

    As energy force introduce water plants, wind plants, then add mills, anvils, paint with flowers / petals, etc.

    Tier 4 - 5 - Industrial to Interplanetar
    Introduce electricity, trains, cars, machine-guns, skyscrapers, water-pumps, coal plants, nuclear plants, then solar-plants, lightbulb, paint tool, refinery, ... and the first rockets and spaceships for NPCs.
    Should be able to build/craft things in facilities, factories in great quantities for villagers, should be able to leave the planet, and than go back for crafted / manufactured items for use or sell.

    Tier 6 - 7 - Intergalactic
    Introduce stargates, mystic vacuum and what not forces, laser pistols, Hoover bikes, mechs, sci-fi things

    Tier 8 - 10 - Godly/Magic/Supertech
    High end things

    Thank you for reading this,
    kind regards,
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
    Ciaran_D, Chiiasa, L3W and 1 other person like this.
  5. zothaq

    zothaq Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Please this has to go into normal starbound
  6. NayNayY

    NayNayY Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Viera of Ivalice Race Mod. 's pretty much the one and only i'd want to see in. ...Unlikely as that is to happen due to copyright and all that 8D

    That and maybe an official constructable starship thing.
  7. Eventar

    Eventar Void-Bound Voyager

    TooAngryZin, raz334 and FelipeChoque like this.
  8. NoiseHERO

    NoiseHERO Title Not Found

    XS corporation mechs.

    Instruments from Might Music pack!
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  9. LackeDragon

    LackeDragon Phantasmal Quasar

    Definitly Avali Race Mod
    Theguru1020 and Hawk Novablast like this.
  10. Nazja

    Nazja Pangalactic Porcupine

  11. AkuTenshiiZero

    AkuTenshiiZero Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Theguru1020 and Nazja like this.
  12. CJfoks

    CJfoks Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  13. darkwish98

    darkwish98 Void-Bound Voyager

    Variety is the spice of the univesre, persistent farmables, better inventory (10k stacks), something similar to Tiered beds, rock block.

    And on a side note i would love to see the upgradable ships.
  14. rb303

    rb303 Aquatic Astronaut

    Customizable ships (or something like that)
    NovastarX likes this.
  15. Silvestre

    Silvestre Pangalactic Porcupine

    I would love to see the Base in a Box mod added to the game's content, it's very practical, and the Medical Tank, Laser Furnace and other stuff would be an awesome addition to higher tiers in the game.
  16. Zehrok

    Zehrok Void-Bound Voyager

    Persistant Farmables, Colorbound, matulips ship mod, and any other mod that add stuff without complete overhauls. Also, please don't add any new races, and if you do, only add one. That way, when they add Novakid, the race screen will be balanced :D
  17. gorre9090

    gorre9090 Phantasmal Quasar


    Augmented Armors

    Variety Is The Spice Of The Universe

    Choggo pack


    CrazyFreaks Music Collection


    Dungeoneer Dungeons




    light drones


    star foundry



    frackin' flora
    Nef_123, HawK3yLV, Roequ and 6 others like this.
  18. jimifender

    jimifender Yeah, You!

    Since I use the vanilla client I'm not sure about the name, but costumizable or at least expandable spaceships should be a priority in my opinion :)
  19. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    v6ooo likes this.
  20. John in the 713

    John in the 713 Void-Bound Voyager

    Not in any order of urgency (however, they are all critical):

    1. Persistent Farmables
    2. Lightdrones
    3. Starscape
    4. Variety is the Spice
    5. Blast Furnace

    Although there are several out there with varying complexity, something to allow us to mod our ships. A craftable spacesuit that will let us travel to moons and asteroids at the lower levels. A mechanism to manipulate all liquids (I use Liquid Extractor). Oh, and let me craft or scan/print any type of block that I may have already encountered.

    And although I have not checked it out yet, the latest version of Your Starbound Crew sounds really, really interesting in adding a beta level quest series.
    TheFizzler and cooldudepoke like this.

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