22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. User011232

    User011232 Guest

    so what facts you were pointing out? None, since you don't know what the Devs actually want to do with the mods, since they weren't actually clear about that.

    also, having as much space as you want for you ship DOES affect your game experience, just as an example. "Okay, do I keep this stuff or should I throw it away? Do I keep that weapon for a later boss fight? Do I want to decorate my base and go for item hunting? Do I really need to upgrade my pickaxe?"
    Think about it. If people want more space, they'll go for the mods. If the really don't want that, maybe as another challenge to be more careful with what they're doing with their items, THEY LEAVE IT HOW IT IS.

    Would be a whole other thing if they just increase the space of storage items and the ship locker, though. That's a suggestion already made by many users.

    also, I'm going to stop reading your stuff, since I believe you're not getting the point here what my and other's concerns are.
  2. SaitaM

    SaitaM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Persistent farmables
    TheFizzler likes this.
  3. Kenar

    Kenar Void-Bound Voyager

    Would like to see:

    avian feathers
    extra wings
    rise of the hyotls
  4. crowby

    crowby Title Not Found

  5. prophedt

    prophedt Orbital Explorer

    1. Dungeoneer Dungeons
    2. Okea
    3. Rise Of The Hylotl

    Not a Mod but a suggestion: RPG classes but in a newer modern form. Like ... I don't know uhm a Headhunter like Boba Fett
  6. Djinnetic

    Djinnetic Void-Bound Voyager

  7. MegaRock35

    MegaRock35 Void-Bound Voyager

    Could you add in "nudity" vanity items like in the Nudity Overhaul mod? I could maybe do without the nude humans or whatever, but the invisible clothes would be good for anyone who doesn't like hats/helmets without sacrificing the armor points and all.
  8. DrunkenPirate

    DrunkenPirate Void-Bound Voyager

    What? Did you even read? I'm totally okay with small cosmetic, customization, decorative additions. If I don't like 'em, I don't put 'em in my base. And some character customization is always good. But I don't want to be forced to play some disbalanced-super-weapon-new-race-mega-gameplay-enhancement mod only because >15 people asked for it to be in game.

    EDIT: Simply, let the developers change the main part of the gameplay.
    User011232 likes this.
  9. Zeraxen Sar'athin

    Zeraxen Sar'athin Void-Bound Voyager

    And you appear to not be getting the point here when I point out that you are whining about things that don't even make sense. Making your ship upgradeable is already a goal for the devs; it doesn't affect gameplay, all it does is afford you more space to put your items. Again, don't post if you're simply going to whine about people having suggestions. Leave this thread and go to a different one if that's all you're going to do, and leave this thread to people that actually have valid suggestions on what to include.

    And again you wouldn't be forced to. If you don't like the content, don't use it. And 'disbalanced-super-weapon-new-race-mega-gameplay-enhancement' would be some stupid thing like using a save editor to make a weapon that does over two billion damage per swing. Not adding more space to your ship or making crops grow while you're not on that planet. And for the record, do not insult me or my ability to read; it simply makes you look a fool.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2014
  10. User011232

    User011232 Guest

    Yes. I'd be totally okay with that too, if it were just the cosmetic stuff, so we can decide for ourselves.

    But seriously. Including roxxor weapons is something that really bothers me. What will happen to the multiplayer balance once everyone has this and server owners basically can't decide anymore what they want to have running on their realm and stuff.

    Basically, the idea of including mods as actual content is nice. Some mods totally deserve that honor! But this is a thing the DEVELOPERS need to chose and decide carefully! Not we as users! If we want stuff the Devs don't include, fine, we can help ourselves, we still can download the mods and everything's fine.

    This needs some serious reconsideration by the Devs.
    Letting users decide about content can go horribly wrong. Most time it does.
    Kids always tend to ruin their playgrounds.

    ed: also, as for the cosmetic stuff, I'm still somewhat concerned, too... how's about that example, guys: I just LOVE the valentines day items and the "for girls only"-mod items, like really. I'm building my second princess castle right now.
    Do you really want to have those kind of items included just because me and 20 others suggested and pushed that like hell? Would YOU want to run into a nicely build princess castle with princess StarberryFloran as the planets rul0r, just because other users suggested that and the devs included all this? Would you want your planets being painted all pink just because others like it that way? I don't think so.
    This always needs some serious consideration by people who can think about what EVERYONE would be okay with. Pink items, super roxxor weapons and stuff is NOT okay for everyone. User's most times don't have a clue what's better for EVERYONE, not only what THEY want for themselves.

    I made my point clear with that I believe, so go on, suggest things YOU like for YOURSELF, not for the better of everyone who's also playing this game. I'll stop arguing and reading all this nonsense for now. Because, I'm right. You can't include stuff into a games standard content just for the reason YOU like this stuff. Think about the others, too. You're not the only person playing this game. That's why community games suck, thats why warcraft got's so messed up too: people always want as much as stuff as possible and as easily to obtain, just to please themselves, not them AND all the others who play the games too...
    This is about responsibilities and careful choices. This is really nothing the everdaynormal*-user can handle.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2014
  11. TheFizzler

    TheFizzler Aquatic Astronaut

    In my humble opinion (that consists of 135 hours of Starbound and over 400 hours of Terraria)
    AMMO Over haul Provides large variety of excellent guns and bows and gun crafting MUST HAVE

    Persistent Farming GREATLY increases the speed of crop growth MUST HAVE

    Fully Customizable Ship Extremely useful and a MUST HAVE

    Light Drones a vastly superior option over the lantern on a stick. Highly recommended

    Colonies makes gathering resources much faster and the colonists will build houses for you too Highly recommended

    All of these mods will greatly increase replay value, over-all experience, enjoyment, variety, speed-of-play, and functionality.
    Please do consider these recommendations, Developers at Chucklefish, i think you would be making a wise choice.

    Modders and Chuckle alike, You guys are a doing a great job, keep it up!!
    yours truly, The Fizzler
  12. Lokisan

    Lokisan Phantasmal Quasar

    My Wishlist:

    Dyeing Bucket (Or a way to dye Items after they are placed)
    Hoverbikes (Or other flying Vehicles, also for NPCs)
    Laser Drill Fix (for later Tiers, replace those pick axes)
    CreativeMode (Just all Items, special, bigger manipulator and god mode)
    ConstructionSquared (Or a Way for easy creation of templates for buildings/Dungeons, etc.)
    Spawnbound (Or a way to exactly define race, clothes and behavior of NPC Spawns)
    XSMech Pack (Just the Mod as it is....totally awesome)
    Wasteland Planet Mod
    Community Hairstyles
  13. DrunkenPirate

    DrunkenPirate Void-Bound Voyager

    So, you're telling me it would be okay for someone coming to my house, filling it with crap or shiny nice things or whatever (I don't say mods proposed here are bad, I just don't want them) and telling me "Ah, sad, if you don't like the house, don't use it", yes?
    User011232 likes this.
  14. L3W

    L3W Ketchup Robot

    First of all the developers can do whatever they want it's their game not yours. Yes you bought it, but that doesn't give you the right to say don't add something because you don't like it. Also the developers want to add some of these mods to the game and asked us the community what popular mods we would like to see added into Starbound
    First of all it's not "your game" it's the developers game they make for us to enjoy and play and if they want to add mods then let them. I think adding mods is a great way for the game to become better. For example, look at Minecraft alot of the features it has were mods at one point. Also I may not like some mods (very rare since alot of the mods are awesome), but if they were added I would accept them because they may give the developers and other modders some inspiration to do cooler things to the game. Finally if you don't like something don't use it. If it affects what you're used to doing then deal with it. Starbound is in beta and is bound to change for the better or worse and it's definitely better in all regards.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
    SweFox and Zeraxen Sar'athin like this.
  15. TheSilentObserver

    TheSilentObserver Big Damn Hero

    I'm not really surprised to see the hostility towards things like game-enhancement mods becoming a part of the base receiving hostility... although it does still disappoint me a little.

    The whole purpose of this conversation was so that the devs could get a feel for what mods out there are adding popular features to the game. It is my confident belief that they will not simply throw in any old mod which the people want. It's a guideline... something for them to look at and see if it warrants implementation.

    I'm telling you that this game is nowhere NEAR feature completion. We don't even currently have ALL the races actually announced for the game. Oh, by the way... one of the races was COMPLETELY DESIGNED by a member of the community. In fact, there's already a mod adding them as playable -right now-. What I'm telling you is, this game is ALREADY going to include content from the community that's good enough. Getting mad about it isn't going to change the fact that the developers are looking for GOOD content to add to the currently barebones framework of a game they have. Some of that will be their own original designs, and some of that will be borrowed... or at least INSPIRED by... contributions by the community.

    And if you don't like it, then yes... I'll tell you that you don't have to use the house. Because you don't OWN this house. You're leasing it.... and it's a TIMESHARE.
    winman, Lobo263, kittentamer and 3 others like this.
  16. USSVagrant

    USSVagrant Poptop Tamer

    Fully customizable ships.
    FelipeChoque and TheFizzler like this.
  17. cityboy22

    cityboy22 Master Chief

    None where added
  18. Zeraxen Sar'athin

    Zeraxen Sar'athin Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't think I need to add any more to this. Thank you for this.
    Lobo263 and kittentamer like this.
  19. kittentamer

    kittentamer Existential Complex

    FelipeChoque likes this.
  20. Neonova

    Neonova Big Damn Hero

    Well, Extended Songbook, Fuels Plus and Smelting Mod are a good choice :D
    v6ooo likes this.

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