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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Atmosfear

    Atmosfear Void-Bound Voyager

    I would accept this as a $1million Stretch Goal. It's like pokemon breeding, but for mad scientists. Grow the creatures in a lab on your ship instead of walking around with eggs. And who knows what hybrid you'll end up with...
  2. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    Right. We can already have them and can mod content without needing to code it to some degree. If modding is as easy as Tiy said, that means we could do this ourselves.
    JKX likes this.
  3. dhxmg

    dhxmg Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would personally feel really bad bringing a pet with me from a catastrophy and have it with me as I struggle to survive.
  4. Baconkid

    Baconkid Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Just adding to the point: I would be fine with utility pets as a stretch goal, as long as they are not race-exclusive, as I could see that easily becoming very repetitive.
  5. KirasiN

    KirasiN Existential Complex

    How about instead of the pet system, you expand on the creature capturing system? Ever played jade cocoon? In that game you could capture monsters, merge them to create news ones that inherit the looks of the parents and their abilities. It's hard to explain. Watch this video:

    So basically, you could capture some monsters and merge them together. The generator would then pick some random parts from each monster and create a new one, same thing for their abilities (attack patterns, flying diving and so on).

    First of all, that would add much more depth to creature capturing than just "catch and make it fight for you".
    You could create something of your own, something you worked hard to achieve. Something that you can fight other players with in a pet arena mode! Lots of potential, I really hope the devs go with something like this.

    What do you guys think? I would much rather have this than a cute little pet running around me while I fight and explore. It would be a nice break from all the exploring/building/fighting, you could just go to base, see how your pets are doing and combine/train some, then take your trusty creations with you on your adventures!
  6. IrradiatedFish

    IrradiatedFish Master Chief

    While I trust the dev team to make the right decision, because I know you folks are an intelligent bunch, I just want to point something out that has been troubling me; added functionality to the pets could be a terrible idea for early-game balance if implemented in the wrong way. If they are added, I think they should stay as a purely cosmetic/vanity/novelty. Note that this is really only an issue for *starting* pets, not pets in general. Pets in general are cool. I'll outline my problem with *starting* pets though below.

    Part of the problem stems from people who don't want to start out with a pet. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be as simple as giving people an option to have a pet or not, and leaving it at that. If pets had functionality, players who had one would be given a leg-up over players who chose not to have one.

    Personally, while I am a huge pet person, I simply voted 'nay' because when I started reading the posts about people wanting certain functionality added to them, I realized all the implications that it would present to the balance of starting play. I don't like the idea of starting the game with one because certainly in an exploration based game in particular, giving a player too much at the beginning is never a good thing. I want to earn my pet, not start with one!

    However, this isn't to say "RAWR! FUNCTIONALITY BAD!"; This would not be a problem if functionality was something that could be obtained much later in the game. Perhaps they start off as purely cosmetic, then maybe you can craft accessories for them that grant passive abilities (crafting accessories is just an idea; functionality could be obtained from any method really, as long as it's not too early in relation to how useful the functionality is).

    In general I feel that as long as *starting* pets don't give a player an advantage it should be fine. Anyway, I really wanted to go into more detail, but I have to leave for an exam in ten minutes!!! :eek:
  7. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    Wow, Jade Cocoon... My childhood says yes please.
    Ghoul159 and KirasiN like this.
  8. Flevalt

    Flevalt Pangalactic Porcupine


    I like the idea of pets acting as passive helpers as well, the pets are doing a good job that way in many MMO's out there already. But if they are passive helpers, then I'd still prefer to catch them rather than to have them from the start nevertheless. It'd take part of the adventuring and the intuitive moments away where you find a cool monster and go "That's the one! I'll catch this guy!".
  9. I dont like the idea of starter pets. I saw someone mention monster breeding? That sounds awesome.
    Flemm and Silverforte like this.
  10. GreenStuff

    GreenStuff Aquatic Astronaut

    They are working on this game because they think it is an awesome idea and they love it as their creativity's child. In this state an inspired idea doesn't seem like a chore - you just want to materialize the idea.
    What we are doing in this forum is not ordering a pizza with extra everything. We are brainstorming with the developers. Maybe something will stick to them and get them inspired. Maybe not. But if they do fall in love with an idea - it will not necessarily be the easiest one to execute, but it will be THE idea, the one that just seems to fit right in the game and make perfect sense.
    Chainsawer69 likes this.
  11. Buckstabu

    Buckstabu Orbital Explorer

    Now, I'm all for this idea. But i surely want this to be OPTIONAL. BEcause I would love to have a fluffy companion. but maybe not on ALL of my characters. So if this is a choice, then I would love it.
  12. Noxxionm

    Noxxionm Master Chief

    If they are optional, yes.
  13. Flevalt

    Flevalt Pangalactic Porcupine

    That sounds very similar to how Dragon Quest: Monsters works. I like DQM a lot too.
  14. MaxInfinite

    MaxInfinite Space Hobo

    I like the idea of pets, but as others have said, it needs to be an optional feature
  15. That's actually a very very good point. Thanks. :)
    Chaines, genobee, Ghoul159 and 4 others like this.
  16. hrobot

    hrobot Void-Bound Voyager

    Can't wait to see what the fish people's pets look like. GIMME PET.
  17. GreenStuff

    GreenStuff Aquatic Astronaut

    Yeah, it would not bother me to have a starter pet, but it would be more like ''meh..''. But catching them sounds like a lot of fun. So I had to vote no on the ''STARTER pets'' and support all of the ideas that suggested ideas similar to this.
  18. Waz

    Waz Aquatic Astronaut

    Yes, that's really all I meant by my half-serious "a firm release date" as a stretch goal: that all more money should go towards is things that get the first release out. They've already made very generous statements about post-release content development, which can cover any other dream feature in this thread.
    mollygos likes this.
  19. HappyHusband

    HappyHusband Void-Bound Voyager

    wants to
    :love:wsem luсhi dobra
    blind sniper likes this.
  20. Baconkid

    Baconkid Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Suddenly pets seem like a good idea.
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