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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. JKX

    JKX Void-Bound Voyager

    can't you already tame wild creatures?
    why would we need pets

    yes I didn't read the whole thread
  2. Keadin

    Keadin Big Damn Hero

    The devs were thinking of starter pets, but saw the reaction to that idea and decided to ask the community for feedback, rather than just slap on a feature people might not even like. That's why this poll is even a thing.

    And by doing that they've been given a few ideas to work the pets into the game in a way that would received more positively.
  3. thedukey

    thedukey Void-Bound Voyager

    Very cool idea :)
  4. Endzone

    Endzone Master Chief

    I just don't want pets to be such an important thing in the game, to the point that people will grind and grind to get their pets stronger. then breed to get a stronger pet, then grind and grind and breed with the stronger pet you used to get this pet to get and even STRONGER pet and...

    Well, you see where i'm going :p I don't want it to get to be like pokemon EV training :chrono:
    Saxor likes this.
  5. TFGoose

    TFGoose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wow, such a lively topic! I think pets would be nifty regardless of what stretch goal figure is attached to them. Though I have other ideas, you guys are so feature-packed right now that asking for too much more than that may delay development, and neither the devs nor the community want that. :)

    Also, being vastly more successful than you were prepared to be is not a horrible problem to have. ;)
  6. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    Those would be nice features. If pets are already in the game and more complex than this, can we think outside the box about the next goal? Can it be something like passenger seats in vehicles, airships, elevators, greater development of water management items, some sort of micromanagement pet system? The possibilities on par with the two previous goals are limitless in theory. I love the idea that there will be fossils buried somewhere under planets that can be put together and brought back to life or used as display for what was. I can't wait to see what Molly says after the dev team talks about this.
  7. Zombiefilmfan

    Zombiefilmfan Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't mind pets at all. I think they are cute, and as long as they are not just visual fluff, and have more of a purpose, then I am all for pets.

    for an example, If a pet goes and points towards a possible location of a loot chest (though it could be random, or a not superbly accurate locator, which could ruin the fun).

    Anyways, I am on the fence for this. I do not think it justifies a stretch goal, but a mini goal, perhaps.
  8. thedukey

    thedukey Void-Bound Voyager

    Very true. Sadly the part about this is you get hype about something "new". When people see this, they immediately vote yes, rather than thinking of it as what it is, a very easy thing to add. they could probably do this already without much work on the game? I don't know, I'm just basing things off what I read in the AMA, just feels like its too easy for them. They've done a great job already, would like to see another creative idea come out of the works, instead of a vanity type of thing. I think most people voted yes without giving it much thought. ;(
  9. GreenStuff

    GreenStuff Aquatic Astronaut

    Pure awesomeness!
    It is really amazing to have this deep, personal attatchemnt to your pet, the feeling that you worked hard and now your pet has evolved.
    And the breeding of different pets is a really cool idea. Similar ideas have been implemented in other games with great success. It could be very addictive.
    I do however like the idea of having passive boost pets as well. The ones that that would glow or eats mushrooms, plants on the planet and spit out a random potion from time to time, etc..

    I do not know what posts mentioned this, but is it true that you will be able to tame up to 3 monsters and make them fight for you? Will this effect be permanent or of a short duration? And when the monster dies - do you have to acquire a new one or you can get the same one from your space ship by cloning?
    Flodos and Flevalt like this.
  10. rube203

    rube203 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I voted down, not because I don't like the idea of pets but rather that I don't like the idea of starting with one. I think it'd be great to 'rescue' on via plot, exploring, or buying from a "pet slaver". I want to grow attached to it and I think this will make it work better from what I know of the story already.
    Flevalt and Flemm like this.
  11. Pygmalion

    Pygmalion Void-Bound Voyager

    For the pet thing, you'll be able to have permanent pet slaves that respawn in the spaceship if they die
  12. JKX

    JKX Void-Bound Voyager

    and you can already tame wild creatures, right?
  13. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Pets will be permanent, and will only need reviving at your spaceship to become battleworthy again. We will be getting pets btw, either way this swings. Its just mentiuoning starter pets. But yes I am seeing quite the similarity between ideas here and a certain game out there with a similar concept...
  14. Baconkid

    Baconkid Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Don't you think a better way to do this would be to come up with some other possible goal and then put it up for vote? It really feels like the poll is just here for shows.
  15. JKX

    JKX Void-Bound Voyager

    and even if people think this would be cool a goal like this would be very very minor and there would be so many other things worthy the 1M goal

    just slap a 10M goal and put the release date and beta access as the reward
  16. Tower07

    Tower07 Void-Bound Voyager

    Pets seem cool, but how will they work in junction with monster taming?
    Can you have a pet and a tamed monster?
    Are pets actually tamed monsters?
  17. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff


    What better way than to ask the community? They've linked Twitter and Facebook here, so a lot of exposure to the playerbase is given. This is a good way to get their finger on the pulse of the community - straight up asking us before doing it.
  18. Keadin

    Keadin Big Damn Hero

    If 95% of people said yes, then they possibly would've gone with it. But a large portion doesn't like it. And they expected that, as Molly already said in the first post, so I'm pretty sure they turned it into a poll / thread to see if we, the community, could come up with something better. And I daresay we have!
    Silverforte likes this.
  19. Anemoi

    Anemoi Void-Bound Voyager

    If I may;

    First of all we don't know really what the pets do aside from "They're non-combat" and "Every race gets different ones"

    Personally, knowing that, it doesn't seem to exciting for me. I mean, look at the last two goals: a new race and fossils that can be bred to new dinosaurs. FREAKIN AWESOME. This one is more of:

    "Own a bunny"

    "You mean like an evil killer bunny?"

    "NO, just a bunny"
    Silverforte likes this.
  20. JKX

    JKX Void-Bound Voyager

    then you would not need pets, right?
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