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Outdated The Snow Pirates B-0.5.5

A new race, complete with their own unique weapons, armour, cinematics, backstory etc.!

  1. Black--snow
    Please Note: This mod is in Beta, not all features have been finished and there may the odd bug here and there.

    About The Snow Pirates
    The Snow Pirates are a group of humans who were forced out by the rest of humanity due to their experimentation with genetic manipulation on themselves with ancient alien technology. Various religious and medical organizations saw these modifications as a detriment to their morals and beliefs; Believing that humans should not attempt to use alien ancient technology to alter “What humans were meant to be".

    Twenty years after the first human became aware of the ancient technology that all Snow Pirates now receive at birth the Religious and Medical factions of Earth attempted to rally the population to fight the Snow Pirate “Virus”, though they did not realise the extent of the Snow Pirate’s influence. The Snow Pirates had a firm hold politically and culturally in many areas such as: Australia, Canada, Germany and Italy, and in those areas the support for them was high - high enough for the surrounding areas to slowly join the Snow Pirates empire.

    The war was progressing well for the Snow Pirates; they gained control of almost 75% of Earth through either defection from people who had seen how pointless it was to fight against such advance soldiers, or to cultural domination – people agreeing with the Snow Pirates idealistic and goals. After many years of fighting earthquakes began to happen more often than they used to. During this time the Snow Pirates changed a large portion of its agenda from conquest to finding the cause to this increase. After little more than a year of investigation they discovered a large life form growing beneath the surface of the Earth. Many attempts were made to stop its growth and eradicate the life form but none were enough to do anything more than enrage the creature. After it was deemed impossible to stop the life form, the Snow Pirates began a mass evacuation of the planet. In just under a year every Snow Pirate on earth had left save a token few volunteers to stay behind in secret and observe the Factions and growth of the life form. The Factions seeing this as a victory began rebuilding and renamed the new government The United Systems as they began to expand into space in search of other planets with resources to help the reconstruction forming the U.S.C.M. as its military.

    2 years after the mass evacuation by the Snow Pirates the earth started to crack and crumbling, the U.S.C.M. did their best to find out what was happening to Earth, but due to their still strained manpower and disruptions by the Snow Pirate Spies they were unsuccessful. Several months afterwards parts of the Earth broke off, exposing the large dormant creature to the light of the world. The giant creature awoke and wreaked havoc across the world, destroying all The U.S.C.M had tried to build. Some soldiers and citizens were evacuated to nearby planets, starting new villages and restoring the power of the human race and other taken to already established colonies.

    The Snow Pirate spies escaped on their ships to the new Snow Pirate home world (a large mineral rich ice planet) practically undetected, but the Civilian reports of strange extra space craft raised suspicion within the U.S.C.M. The U.S.C.M. sent a scout after the Snow Pirates, who then discovered their new home world undetected by the Snow Pirates and sent word to the Human fleet. Convinced the Snow Pirates were behind the destruction of Earth the U.S.C.M. then sent the entirety of its remaining fleet to destroy the new home world of the Snow Pirates. Little did they know the Snow Pirates had amassed a fleet in the dormant time between the wars. They were caught off guard when the U.S.C.M. Fleet arrived to attack and suffered losses to their planet’s infrastructure including their industrial sector – practically destroying their supply lines. The Snow Pirates then launched a counter-offensive, destroying hundreds of cruisers in the process and holding the two factions in a stalemate.

    After suffering the damage the U.S.C.M. fleet caused the Snow Pirates knew the stalemate would create large problems for them. They were unable to repair the Industrial sector due to the loss of their FTL Mineral transport facility and thus were unable to end the stalemate. So to attempt to solve this problem the Snow Pirates released a small number of shuttles carrying soldiers to colonize new planets and destroy the U.S.C.M. fleet from behind while simultaneously shutting down their supply lines.

    You are one of these soldiers.

    Current Features of the mod:
    - New Race!
    - Two Test weapons free to use at your leisure (May be removed)
    - Unique back story (As seen above, not currently implemented)
    - Cheap recipes to test items! (Soon to be changed)

    Planned Features of the mod:
    - Unique weapon set (5 / Many More)
    - Unique armours
    - Unique Techs (Possibly just techs for all races, but still)
    - Unique Dialogue
    - Unique ship designs and other art assets (Ship is currently in progress! :D )

    - Etc.

    Screen Shots:


    Change log:

    B-0.5.5 (CURRENT)
        - Update to Furious Koala!
        - Fixed crash on character select!
        - Added partially complete Gatling Cannon!
        - Fixed compatibility with other mods! (I hope... Again...)
        - Fixed first time running crash! (I hope)
        - Fixed Crash on Race Select!
        - Added Shield Generator!
        - Added Crafting Station (Particle Constructor)!
        - Moved crafting recipes to Particle Constructor!
        - Plasma Cannon now uses more energy!
        - Updated to be compatible to newest update!
        - Player.Config now merges! (Yet to do it with other files)
        - Fixed file structure, you can now install the mod properly!
        - Added Pistols!
        - Added Assault Rifle!
        - Fixed energy requirements!
        - Updated to new version!
        - Fixed Charge-up weapon damage.
        - Added Tier 1 Shotgun in place of the Tier 1 Hammer. ( :D )
        - Changed Plasma Cannon to be a "Charge up Rocket Launcher"
        - Fixed Codexs
        - Release!
    - Black--Snow : Coding + Art

    - Flavored Pickle : Art (Specifically the race sprites and the giant skull logo)
    - The guys at ##Starbound-Modding : For being awesome!
    - WillPill32 : Re-formatting the lore
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.

Recent Reviews

  1. Vampiz
    Version: B-0.5.4
    Love this mod, can't wait for it to be updated so I can play it again! <3
    1. Black--snow
      Author's Response
      I was trying to find something meaningful to add to it, but I can't be bothered for the moment. lol

      I'll put up the updated version. :)
  2. Meepers
    Version: B-0.5.4
    This mod is awesome! also, love your story, you deserve a 600 / 10
    1. Black--snow
  3. Nikitamuch
    Version: B-0.5.4
  4. polartt
    Version: B-0.5.1
    Awesome new race, Cant wait for updates!
    1. Black--snow
      Author's Response
      Thanks! :D
  5. Ahmi
    Version: B-0.3
    Love it can't wait to see it fleshed out more bro
    1. Black--snow
      Author's Response
      Thanks. :D

      Right now I'm having a hard time updating it to the new format... They changed the way energy is calculated for guns. D:
  6. Syndicate
    Version: B-0.2
    Great, I love it. But i want it on muiltplayer as well >.<
    1. Black--snow
      Author's Response
      The Multiplayer server owner has to install the mod for it to work, otherwise none of the people can use it. It's the same for most other mods out there too. :/