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Outdated The Snow Pirates B-0.5.5

A new race, complete with their own unique weapons, armour, cinematics, backstory etc.!

  1. A crafting table, finally. (Oh, and shield generators :3 )

    I've been away on holidays for a while but I'm finally back, and with a new update sporting some cool new "Shizz Nizzle". ;)

    I've added a Shield Generator Object crafted at the Particle Constructor that emits a 10x10 (or 10 diameter, I have to check the shape) field that uses your energy to protect you.

    I've also added the Particle Constructor Crafting table that crafts all the Snow Pirate items, including the guns. It's crafted with 15 Iron Bars and 5 Copper Bars. (NOTE: All current items are currently crafted in the station but they still only use 1 Wood.)

    Here's a little peak at the Shield Generator!

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