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Outdated The Snow Pirates B-0.5.5

A new race, complete with their own unique weapons, armour, cinematics, backstory etc.!

  1. Vampiz
    Version: B-0.5.4
    Love this mod, can't wait for it to be updated so I can play it again! <3
    1. Black--snow
      Author's Response
      I was trying to find something meaningful to add to it, but I can't be bothered for the moment. lol

      I'll put up the updated version. :)
  2. Meepers
    Version: B-0.5.4
    This mod is awesome! also, love your story, you deserve a 600 / 10
    1. Black--snow
  3. Nikitamuch
    Version: B-0.5.4
  4. polartt
    Version: B-0.5.1
    Awesome new race, Cant wait for updates!
    1. Black--snow
      Author's Response
      Thanks! :D
  5. Ahmi
    Version: B-0.3
    Love it can't wait to see it fleshed out more bro
    1. Black--snow
      Author's Response
      Thanks. :D

      Right now I'm having a hard time updating it to the new format... They changed the way energy is calculated for guns. D:
  6. Syndicate
    Version: B-0.2
    Great, I love it. But i want it on muiltplayer as well >.<
    1. Black--snow
      Author's Response
      The Multiplayer server owner has to install the mod for it to work, otherwise none of the people can use it. It's the same for most other mods out there too. :/