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Outdated Hunting+ Incarnate V4.3

Many new features to a sort of 'forgotten' feature, hunting

  1. Wooden Hunting Knife + Fixes

    • Added Wooden Hunting Knife (Just because if you wanna start your melee out with hunting instead of regular)
    • Fixed (Hopefully) Biostudy
    • Fixed (Hopefully) Molten Hunting Knife (Still not done making the mission knives, I have Atomworks and Crystalworks to do first)
    How updates will work: Not-Very-Essential updates will add 0.1 on to the current version, usually these aren't really needed but might contain fixes or 1 or 2 new things. If the version goes up by 1.0, that means I added some kind of larger update.
    misterwho, StarScribe and crazygreggy like this.
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