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Outdated Better Food Descriptions 1.2 (Upbeat Giraffe)

Adds a basic description of the bonus effects to the original description of each food item.

  1. enigma576
    I got tired of wondering what food did, so I decided to edit 210 food items so that their description lists the bonuses that the food gives.

    I hope you all find it as useful as I do.

    Example of description for feather food:
    "A traditional Avian ceremonial food eaten at celebrations. (120 Heal, 30 Max Health, Runboost 125%, Jumpboost 125%)"


    (I've been informed that there is another mod that is similar to this one. Unfortunately the other mod removes the original description, whereas my mod adds to it. My mod also make the description simple.)

    If you are looking for a detailed breakdown of how long effects last and how long the well fed cooldown is, check out the other mod here.

    The other mod's description of feather food: "Heals 120 over 60 seconds. 30 HP boost for 135 seconds. 25% speed boost for 30 seconds. 25% jump boost for 60 seconds. 270 second cooldown.")

    If you want to original description with a basic description of what the food does, use my mod. If you don't care about the original description and want a more detailed description of what each food does, including cooldowns, use the other mod.
    Kientero likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. TinchoX
    Version: 1.2 (Upbeat Giraffe)
    Gave it a more RPG feeling back in the day, should be updated to support 1.0 ;)
  2. Ayamabuki
    Version: 1.2 (Upbeat Giraffe)
  3. jay_rab
    Version: 1.2 (Upbeat Giraffe)
    Very good work, mod maker also listed another good mod depending on personal preference A++
  4. Echochu
    Version: 1.2 (Upbeat Giraffe)
    Thanks so much!
  5. AskalCanrith
    Version: 1.2 (Upbeat Giraffe)
    Great work. Thanks
  6. Varadon
    Version: 1.2 (Upbeat Giraffe)
    Du bist der/die Größte. <3
  7. Breakout
    Version: 1.0 (Upbeat Giraffe)
    Thank you so much!
  8. OneWhoJumpsOverSheep
    Version: 1.0 (Upbeat Giraffe)
    This must have taken forever! Excellent work!
  9. Altered_Nova
    Version: 1.0 (Upbeat Giraffe)
    It's a great mod, thank you. I only wish I could have the best of both mods, the original flavor text and the detailed descriptions. But several food items such as Corn Peckers already have text running off the bottom of the description box with just the short effect details added. Is it maybe possible to use a smaller font to fit it all in there?

    Also, you might want to put a space between the original food descriptions and the effect descriptions you added. Having a parenthesis immediately after the period looks kind of bad.

    One last request, can you made the stimpacks say what they do as well?
    1. enigma576
      Author's Response
      I've added stimpacks with the latest update. I don't know of a way to change the font size, so basically your choices are use mine with original description or use the other mod for a full in depth breakdown, but lose the description. Edit: Added space before the "(".
  10. Baleur
    Version: 1.0 (Upbeat Giraffe)
    Thank you!!
    Its already ridiculous enough that the game doesnt feature ANY way what so ever to even see what status effects your character currently has (what DOES an icon showing a heart and a unicorn pierced by a flaming rainbow actually mean? only the devs know).

    Maybe in a future patch they will invent tooltips, so mods such as this wont be neccessary. Until then, thank you for doing their job for them. 5/5