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Outdated Mega Pickaxe 2015-02-19

Broken Pickaxe that cuts everything in one swing.

  1. enigma576
    I mainly made this for building a farm. I find making farms to be a pain, so I wanted a cheat pickaxe to make that easier.

    I colored the pickaxe red and gave it 100 damage (diamond is 3.5), so now I can clear stuff really fast.

    Mainly for building a farm or if you are at end game and want a stupid item. If you get this at the beginning of the game, you will ruin the fun of your game.

    Have fun.
    XxNekoxX and Kakhi like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Ulsf
    Version: 2015-02-19
    You can't craft it, they disables solarium star.
  2. LLQPM
    Version: 2015-02-19
    Oh my GOODNESS did I need this thing! You can run and mine, fly and mine, fall and mine, jump and mine, and it goes through everything like butter!! And that's important for the construction I'm doing!
  3. bobsbrain
    Version: 2015-02-19
    it's great for building or if you're pissed off and just wanna break stuff
  4. RunBacca
    Version: 2015-02-19
    Its amazing for endgame purposes,especially when you want to build a really big house :D 10/10