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Outdated Stacked Pickaxes 2015-02-13

Allows you to buy 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, and 100x versions of mining tools.

  1. enigma576
    Now that pickaxes and drills are consumables with no recharges, it's ridiculous that they can't stack. It's also not possible to simply edit the stack variable on the item. (The item will still be destroyed)

    I created 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, and 100x versions of all of the pickaxes and drills.

    I wanted these to be balanced for normal play, so they do the same damage as normal. They simply cost x times as much and have x times as much durability.

    These will help to prevent you from having to carry 5 diamond pickaxes with you all the time because they run out all of the time.
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    Pickstar and myomi13 like this.