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Archer's Synthesizers - 14 New Instruments (and counting) 0.6

This mod adds 14 quality synthetic instruments, updated for Upbeat Giraffe (READ THREAD!)

  1. News update

    More a news update and a bump than anything else, no new content yet!

    I added a showcase video to the thread so people can now properly hear how each of the instruments sound before trying the mod. :)

    Furthermore, since mod version checking was turned off with the most recent Starbound version, it will no longer be necessary to update the mod each time the game updates.

    I will soon replace the loot table thing (that is bound to cause issues at some point) by a dungeon with a custom NPC (or an object like the frog merchant) that sells these instruments, it would generate along with all other stuff in the game then, I'll probably not make it too rare since the items will have a certain pixel cost too : P

    That being said, the cheat will always be available and will never stop working, unless CF decides to overhaul the whole recipe system.

    I'm planning to add large batches of instruments in the future when I'm less busy with college, but I yet have to see how practical this is going to be, I don't want a single 200MB mod after all, so I might split it up at some point, perhaps with a certain theme to it (bass pack, lead pack, etc).

    Well, that's all for now : D
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