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Archer's Synthesizers - 14 New Instruments (and counting) 0.6

This mod adds 14 quality synthetic instruments, updated for Upbeat Giraffe (READ THREAD!)

  1. Added 3 new instruments, please redownload mod + cheat (if you downloaded the cheat previously).

    The three new instruments got added to the main thread, you can see their sprites and hear a sample overthere :)

    I also added 2 new testing songs that I composed mainly for the basses, 2 variants of each of them (low octave and high octave).

    Please note that if you used the cheat before, you have to redownload it now from the same link, I updated it.

    For the sake of speed, here are both links (mod+cheat):

    Read the thread for further instructions and more info.
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