22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Kauboj

    Kauboj Orbital Explorer

  2. EVborn

    EVborn Orbital Explorer

    Okea, NovaKid+, Spacebound
  3. TheNarrator

    TheNarrator Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Rainbow Dash's list is very good. I believe that it would be best to mainly add mods to the core game that increase the core mechanic and would thus be used by many people. Colorbound, Dyeing bucket, ways to carry or create water, acid and stuff. Yeah. that stuff.
    v6ooo, naithaan and Reeddick like this.
  4. Claith

    Claith Big Damn Hero

    Obviously I want my Gems mod to be included into the base game.

    Will likely need some more work before then.
    NovastarX likes this.
  5. Reeddick

    Reeddick Void-Bound Voyager

    Gotta agree with this list. Only other mod I'd add to it is Ammo Overhaul MMN.
    v6ooo, naithaan and TheFizzler like this.
  6. Maxbullet52

    Maxbullet52 Void-Bound Voyager

    I play Starbound a lot and enjoy each update.
    So far i love everything i see since i used to play
    this game is all my favorites wrapped into one!

    Please add the following to this game!

    - A separate place for Character Temp and Hunger that doesn't mingle with the items interactions pop-up list

    - Move the items interactions list off to the far right with no background, or remove it and add icons over the character showing what they picked up with a +1, or something less invasive to the center of the screen

    - Ability to see which direction and distance a Party Member is

    - Add the ability to add notes to each planet that was visited

    - Add some "implants" or "upgrades" to the characters like
    the ability to tell the time of day on all planets visited
    the ability to use temporary night vision by using full energy 3 times in a row "charge" or consume ores
    Maybe add to XS-Crop Mechs or RotH

    - Allow items to be placed upside down in lower gravity areas Horizontal

    - Make a craftable item that allows the player to "dock" their ship in the atmosphere of planets like the gunships
    possibly drop an anchor while aboard and thrust left or right around the planets when not-anchored maybe add
    to Editing Ships Mod

    - I like where THIS is going!
    Also i LOVE all of CJFoks's Suggestions
    -Electric Home Defense
    -Energy Devices
    -Energy Device
    -Energy/Light Bridges
    -Keeping it Sci-fi : Mining Rebalanced
    -Magnetbound (is already in Starfoundry but i want magnets)

    Also it would be nice if there was some kind of unifying energy system, so all mods that produce and store some king of energy could use it and work together..

    Please remove the Animal sound effects and create some of your own, i am let down by the horse and sheep and other animal noises i hear on Starbound. These are already familiar noises and its the ones that i don't recognize that strike fear into my mining session or have me take pity on a domestic creature.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  7. Proydoha

    Proydoha Phantasmal Quasar

    Armor stands? Anyone?
  8. Funfek

    Funfek Master Chief

  9. Shimizu

    Shimizu Orbital Explorer

  10. Rowdy Art

    Rowdy Art Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is just my list of mods i think would be great for the game, including mods that my 250+ hours of gameplay would find very enjoyable to have in the full game.

    Frackin' Flora - By sayter
    Starscape - By Ganondude
    Stim Lab - By Boogy
    Dyeing Bucket - By MrMagical
    Improved Asteroid Fields - By hints
    OKEA Kiosk - By Boogy
    Persistent Farmables - By JTE
    Starfoundry - By Starfoundry
    Ammo Overhaul (MMN) - By Wurmheart
    Armor Stands - By Shadewarp
    Rebalanced Containers - By Shadow WolfTJC

    These are the mods I can come up with at the moment that I find would vastly improve the game as it stands now.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2014
  11. Nordseite

    Nordseite Void-Bound Voyager

    Avali race Mod <3

    and Nr.2

    Avali race Mod <3 :D
  12. xbonedragonx

    xbonedragonx Astral Cartographer


    Since I have not seen it on here yet, I think i speak for most of us when I recommend the Tiered Matter Manipulators Mod. It does a good job of continuing the starting tool, is not game breaking, and more importantly, it fits with the more futuristic theme of Starbound. I do have one favor to ask though, can you make the picks and tools have a 4x4 hit box? It is maddening to try and mine out areas underground in a straight path with only 3 x 3 or 2 x 2 (if vanilla and using matter manipulator). Not game breaking, just a mere frustration, since i love to build underground areas.

    Also, could you improve on the storage system somewhat? Make the larger storage items have more storage, chests the most, things like that, i literally hunt the galaxy for laboratory lockers because of how efficient they are for storage to space.

  13. dbalmar

    dbalmar Void-Bound Voyager

  14. Moonbeam

    Moonbeam Void-Bound Voyager

    Ponybound. Felin Mod. Make it done.
  15. Frigglish

    Frigglish Space Penguin Leader

    Working multiplayer servers.
    Less memory leaks.
    Alpha sector available through the starmap.

    Yeah, I think integrating someone else's free programming work should come a lot later than "releasing real FIXES, not hot-corruptions".
    Dunto, zugz and Blue Hair like this.
  16. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    kittentamer likes this.
  17. coldReactive

    coldReactive Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Alpha sector should be re-enabled in hotfix 5.

    Sad that you don't have persistent farmables.
    TheFizzler likes this.
  18. Frigglish

    Frigglish Space Penguin Leader

    I've seen some recent ongoing problems with it, and I KNOW it broke servers that worked before it was shoved out the door.
  19. Mrawawaw

    Mrawawaw Void-Bound Voyager

    Starfoundry & Frackin' Flora
  20. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    Persistent Farmables create too many problems for me, i got feedback that it can crash even servers or destroy crops without notice. Also noticeable lag added. If youre playing singleplayer it works well.

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