22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. tboy21

    tboy21 Void-Bound Voyager

    1. Survivalist
    2. Industrilization
    3. creative mod
  2. trager

    trager Intergalactic Tourist

    I also vote for Persistent Farmables. Also Better Mining. I really like the idea of the Rock Scanner but it's way to dark on the Mac.
  3. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Its good to see you - starting to post here, as opposed to asking only on Reddit
    A welcome change. Though the glitch ship could have been added also



    As for mods - the only complete one seems to be OKEA - the rest are nice and all but they don't feel like they are base game material. Or they are extremely abusive hence destroying balance
  4. L3W

    L3W Ketchup Robot

    Adding modded races won't "ruin" the lore...Chucklefish is going to add a modded race called the Novakid in Beta Stage 3 Bio-organic update and they are fitting their lore into the game. Also it won't take them extra money to implement races and their lore into Starbound. They may tweak things to fit into their game, but most of the work is already done for them when they implement these types of mods, yet you're worried about something they have plenty of time to implement if they want to. It won't ruin the lore either since Starbound's universe is vast and only 6 going on 7 (Novakid) races inhabit it. That just shows their lore is incomplete. I mean even the intro scenes for the races aren't made yet except the human one which isn't activated at the moment. Also I think a few modded races could fit into to the game. Once again look at the Novakid's who are going to be based of the Wild Western theme.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2014
  5. Thomas25181

    Thomas25181 Void-Bound Voyager

    Colonies Mod, Yourstarboundcrew mod, Fight for universe: Per Aspera Ad Astra mod, Garden Bot mod
  6. iamzid

    iamzid Void-Bound Voyager

    +50 points to the dev that has to read through all of this crap.
    RyuujinZERO likes this.
  7. Wavegiver

    Wavegiver Space Spelunker

    My top two would have to be;
    Starfoundry, because who doesn't love building geothermal power plants and Frackin Flora, because science rules. Both are extremely well made and would make fantastic additions to the game.
  8. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Many custom races have proper lore fleshed out and integration into existing canon. There is even a race-mod-mod that further integrates interactions between race mods, to create a coherent set of extended lore and interactions.
  9. jokerinblack

    jokerinblack Space Spelunker

    Another mod that would be awesome to add is one to move lave or water around. I prefer the Liquid Extractor mod but any mod that allows you to move around liquids would be great. The one other thing I think would be great would be the ability to set oil on fire. I'm actually not sure if it is oil but assume the liquid that doesn't affect you negatively and is a purplish color and I often see suspended above water is oil :rofl:.
  10. WorldAura

    WorldAura Tentacle Wrangler

  11. Amadeuss

    Amadeuss Space Spelunker

    Would love to see:

    Creative mode
    More songs
    Build-able ships
    Variety is spice (additional biomes mod)
  12. WorldAura

    WorldAura Tentacle Wrangler

  13. Digerati

    Digerati Void-Bound Voyager

    Novakid+ (or when you release Novakid on your own, be sure it can migrate existing users of the mod into your version of the race)
    Persistent Farmables
    Madtulip's Spaceship Mod
    Pilch's Science Station (base in a box)
  14. Tremendo Dude

    Tremendo Dude Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm all for many of the mods suggested here, such as Colorbound, Starfoundry, the Okea Kiosk (or some variant), the dyeing bucket, and (eventually and hopefully) the Avali race. I also would find something like the Interesting Starter Swords mod in the base game, as I always found it odd that there is no way to repair or upgrade the broken starter weapons.
  15. Digerati

    Digerati Void-Bound Voyager

    Interesting Starter Swords - That's a good idea. Nice mod.
  16. Faughn

    Faughn Title Not Found

  17. Duroth

    Duroth Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Dyeing bucket, most definitely. The dyeing basics were implemented in vanilla a long time ago, and that mod simply finishes what should have been a part of the base game since day 1. Besides, it works like a charm and should take no time at all to add.

    Starfoundry, since it offers completely new game mechanics that would add immense value to Starbound's endgame. What's a space explorer to do when he grows tired of exploring? Build a freaking fully automatic factory, that's what.

    Frackin' Flora sounds amazing as well. Because again, new game mechanics. We need new and interesting game mechanics more than we need new items.

    Electric Home Defense has a lot of the stuff Starfoundry has. Why would we need 2 different mods? Combine them, make them compatible, and throw them in the base game, Chucklefish!

    Starbound Colonies Mod. Yup. New game mechanics. I want more of that. Much more.

    Garden Bot. Automated gardening. New mechanics!

    Also, item frames, or some item display mechanic. Because all I've got now is a half-assed workaround.
  18. Bejamin

    Bejamin Void-Bound Voyager

    Persistent farmables, modules in a box, advanced medkits, energy bridges, higher hunting and hunting+, masks & blindfolds, nobattlemusic (or perhaps a more linear transition), Sabboth_lighting. I'm sure a lot of them ones are already planned on going in, like, the lighting one seems to be what the trailer videos showed. Thanks, y'all, keep on keepin' on! Such Starbound, much wow! :D Sorry for not postin' links, I just wrote most of them as they were in my mods folder. :p
  19. Little-blade

    Little-blade Void-Bound Voyager

    Avali please!
  20. AngelEye74

    AngelEye74 Intergalactic Tourist

    I think "Variety is the Spice of the Universe"
    And the "Starscape" MOD

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