Variety is the spice of the Universe is a mod which is designed to add well, variety to your universe. It adds new weather types, new biomes, more biome music, all that fun stuff.
Warning: This mod is incompatible with a lot of the mods due to the nature of it's changes.
There is also a compatibility patch for the Starscape mod. You can find it under the "Compatibility Patches" spoiler.Description Directory
And finally: If the Nexus is down, there are mirrors below. And no, you do not need to pay for an account on the Nexus.
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---Important Information
-----Mod Compatibility List
-----Mod Compatibility Patches
---Questions & Answers
---The Features
-----The Biomes
---Reporting Issues
Check the "Biomes" section to view them all, but be warned of spoilers!
Viewing the biomes before you can see them might ruin the exploration element.
In vanilla, certain biomes are restricted to later sectors for no apparent reason.
Instead, restrictions in this mod are based upon how exotic a biome is.
You can now find volcanic biomes in the Alpha sector, for example.
But you won't see some of my mods more exotic biomes, like the Living biome, in the Alpha sector.
Also in vanilla, the distance between a planet and it's star doesn't matter. You can find snow biomes next to a star.
This mod also changes that, too.
Sick of hearing happy music in a lava filled world? No longer!
The unused exploration songs have been made used, and songs which don't fit in a biome have been removed.
Biomes with more songs: Desert, Snow, Tundra, Arctic, Snow Forest, Ocean
Biomes with specific songs: Magma, Volcanic, Frostfire, Tarball, Tentacles, Living, Deep Ocean
You can find over ten new weather types with this mod in the current version.
- Sandstorms and strong sandstorms
- Blizzards
- Diamond dust
- Crystal dust
- Ash
- Volcanic eruption
- Tar rain, drizzle and storms
- Tentacle juice rain, drizzle and storms
- Acid drizzle and storms
- Sulfuric eruption
- Ash/Snow mix
- Eruption/Ice cube storm mix
Crystal Pixels is another mod of mine. Combine pixels and crystals at the pixel compressor to reduce the pixel loss when refined!
Yet another mod that I've made. Glowsticks last a lot longer then flares and come in many colors.
They can be crafted with dyes and glass.
This mod that I've made makes stones drop their respective stone types.
You can smelt them into cobblestone at a furnace.
Description Directory
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---Important Information
-----Mod Compatibility List
-----Mod Compatibility Patches
---Questions & Answers
---The Features
-----The Biomes
---Reporting Issues
Version Number:
Starbound Version: Enraged Koala - Update 6
Known Mod (In)Compatibility List:
Light Blue: Fully compatible without a patch
Green: Compatible if a compatibility patch is installed
Lime: Soft-Incompatible. My mod will overwrite that mod causing certain features of that mod to not work.
Yellow: Soft-Incompatible. Doesn't crash, but the mod won't work with my mod.
Orange: Unstable and crashes often when used together.
Red: Not compatible, crash at startup, do not use together
Pink: Redundant as my mod already does what it does
This mod modifies celestial.config and liquids.config. Any mod which modifies these files will be incompatible unless both files are manually merged.
- Ocean Worlds
- Ocean Planets
- Barren Worlds Fix
- Exploration Enhanced | Cause: Hundreds of biome variations cause obvious issues
- New Horizon | Cause: Hundreds of biome variations cause obvious issues
- Terranades | Cause: Liquid ID clashing
- Survivalist | Cause: Lots of assorted issues
- Liquid Air Mod | Cause: Liquid ID clashing
- Ice Crystal Caves and Trees | Cause: Modifies worldgen.config w/o using __merge
- PBR Mod | Cause: Liquid ID clashing
- Oxygenated Perflurocarbon Pump | Cause: Liquid ID clashing
- Underground Chocolate Biome | Cause: Liquid ID clashing/Doesn't merge worldgen.config
- Gems | Issue: Modifies oredistributions.config w/o using __merge
- ZMisc | Cause: celestial.config
- Underground Chocolate Biome | Cause: celestial.config
- Weather+ | Issue: Mod is overwrote by my mod, can't be fixed w/o patch
- Weather Plus | Issue: Mod is overwrote by my mod, can't be fixed w/o patch
- Snoozle's Weather | Issue: Mod is overwrote by my mod, can't be fixed w/o patch
- Improved Asteroid Fields | Issue: Mod is overwrote by my mod, can't be fixed w/o patch
- Industrialization(ISE) | Issue: New ores do not spawn in Crystal/Rainbow biomes
- Starbooze | Issue: Hops and Cinnamon do not spawn
- Starscape | Cause: celestial.config | Patch: Here
- Wasteland Planets | Cause: celestial.config | Patch: Outdated
- Liquids Extractor | Cause: Liquid ID clashing | Patch: Here
- Frackin' Flora | Issue: Biome-related features(i.e blocks) don't generate | Patch: Here
- AnTiVegetation
- Extended Saplings
- Dungeoneer Dungeons
- Spacebound
If you're having a crash, make sure no mods you have installed other then mine are modifying celestial.config or liquids.config.
If you know how to merge files, feel free to do so. I'm also open to do compatibility patches if my mod and another mod areincompatible.
Starscape Compatibility Patch
Patch Download: Download for...
Required Starbound Version: Enraging Koala
Required Starscape Version: 1.2.1 | Download
Required Variety is the spice of the Universe Version: | Download
Patch Installation:
- Go to ../Steam/steamapps/common/Starbound/mods
- Download & Install Starscape Version 1.2.1, download above
- Download & Install Variety is the spice of the Universe Version, download above
- ^ Follow the above pre-installation! ^
- Go to ../Steam/steamapps/common/Starbound/mods
- Extract all files found in the .zip into the mods directory. When asked, overwrite all files!
- See if it works!
RecommendedStarscape + Wasteland Planets Compatibility Patch
I highly recommend that you use this patch.
Please follow the installation instruction exactly. That means do NOT use any automatic mod installers, and overwrite all files when prompted. Do not do this out of order. None of that.
Any mistake anywhere along the way could easily cause a crash.
Patch Download: Download for...
Required Starbound Version: Furious Koala
Required Starscape Version: 1.2.0 | Download
Required Wasteland Planets Version: 1.2.0 | Download
Required Variety is the spice of the Universe Version: | Download
Patch Installation:
- Go to ../Steam/steamapps/common/Starbound/mods
- Download & Install Starscape Version 1.2.0, download above
- Download & Install Wasteland Planets Version 1.2.0, download above
- Download & Install Variety is the spice of the Universe Version, download above
Wasteland Planets Compatibility Patch
- ^ Follow the above pre-installation! ^
- Go to ../Steam/steamapps/common/Starbound/mods
- Extract all files found in the .zip into the mods directory. When asked, overwrite all files!
- See if it works!
Use this if you don't want Starscape, but I don't see why you wouldn't.
Patch Download: Download for...
Required Starbound Version: Furious Koala
Required Wasteland Planets Version: 1.2.0 | Download
Required Variety is the spice of the Universe Version: | Download
Patch Installation:
- Go to ../Steam/steamapps/common/Starbound/mods
- Download & Install Wasteland Planets Version 1.2.0, download above
- Download & Install Variety is the spice of the Universe Version, download above
- ^ Follow the above pre-installation! ^
- Go to ../Steam/steamapps/common/Starbound/mods
- Extract all files found in the .zip into the mods directory. When asked, overwrite all files!
- Go to ../Steam/steamapps/common/Starbound/universe
- (Optional)Backup the /universe folder if you ever wish to uninstall the patch
- Delete all the files in the /universe folder or the folder itself
- See if it works!
Last Resort Mirror
Please don't use this unless Nexus is down if you wish to support the mods growth.
There shouldn't be any advertisement walls or obstructive ads on the Nexus,.
To prevent registering to the Nexus, go to the "Mirrors" tab on the Nexus. That'll provide a mirror which doesn't require an account.
Still having issues with the download? Well, then go ahead and use this alternate download. I'll stop begging now. Sorry!
Dropbox Mirrors
Release Download
Description Directory
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---Important Information
-----Mod Compatibility List
-----Mod Compatibility Patches
---Questions & Answers
---The Features
-----The Biomes
---Reporting Issues
Question: I'm crashing? Help!?
Answer: Provide the starbound.log file and report the error in the discussion topic. See the "Reporting Issues" section for more.
If you don't provide the starbound.log file, I may not be able to fix your issue.
It's important.
Question: Nearby planets aren't changed!
Answer: Starbound uses a new universe chunks system. You'll have to leave that "chunk" of the universe for the changes to take effect.
Question: Does this mod work for multiplayer?
Answer: Yes, but other players need it installed.
Question: If I install this on my multiplayer server, will other players need it?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Where are all the moons?
Answer: They have been renamed to "Lunar Barren Desert"
Question: Where are all the XXXXXX?
Answer: This mod adds over 50 new biomes, so I'm not surprised you're having issues finding a specific biome. Have patience and you'll be rewarded.
Question: Why are there so many airless lunar biomes?
Answer: I think that habitable planets shouldn't be so common. It destroys the immersion way too much for me.
Question: What happens when I uninstall the mod?
Answer: All nearby planets will break, even if they're unexplored. Any items related to my mod will turn into a Perfectly Generic Item.
-------Sub-Question: Can I do anything about that?
-------Sub-Answer: Well, the game can't load non-existent assets. You could just click the "Random" button to go to another spot in the universe that hasn't been touched by the mod and start anew with just your character and it's items.
Question: If I go to coordinates that were obtained by someone without the mod, will the planet be the same?
Answer: No.
Question: Your Starbound Crew?
Answer: Works normally as of Your Starbound Crew V3.1. Edit: Issues are still being reported that you can't visit planets from Your Starbound Crew installed.
Description Directory
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---Important Information
-----Mod Compatibility List
-----Mod Compatibility Patches
---Questions & Answers
---The Features
-----The Biomes
---Reporting Issues
Check the "Biomes" section to view them all, but be warned of spoilers!
Viewing the biomes before you can see them might ruin the exploration element.
Proceed with caution.
- Swamplands
- Umbra
- Mountainous
- Frostfire
- Tarball
- Living
- Heck
- Wasteland
- Crystal Forest
- Umbra
- Charred Forest
- Twilight
- Boreal Forest
- Spooky Forest
- Metallic Moon
- Rainbow Woods
- Mushroom Forest
- Crystal Moon
- Tropics
- Intense Volcanic
- Snowy Forest
- Cloudlands
- Cove
- Snowy Mountains
- Flower Field
- Volcanic Forest
- Arctic(Vanilla, re-enabled)
- Barren(Vanilla, re-enabled)
- Ocean(Vanilla, re-enabled)
- Volcanic Moon
- Frozen Moon
- Toxic Moon
- Rock Moon
The Frostfire
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
Cold but hot, icy yet covered with lava. Mining here is high risk, high reward as crystals grow in the caverns below. Even with lava can get cold on the surface, it will even snow instead of rain.
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet without Dungeons/Villages
A murky, wet biome. Exactly how you'd expect a swamp to look like.
Living Planet
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
Just as the name says, it's a living planet. Only found at Sector X.(Will be at more sectors when Chucklefish creates them!)
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
A boring, desolate biome. Not much more to it.
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
A giant planet of tar, slime, sewage and bones. Mostly tar, though. Only found past the Delta sector.
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
A biome where mountains peak high into the sky. Trees are rare and the biome is very rocky.
Crystal Forest
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
A forest of crystals, loosely based upon some Starbound concept art. Only found past the Beta sector. =Outdated Image=
The Umbra
Type: Lightless Planet
There is no natural light in this biome. And the blocks are made of darkness.
Good luck.
Charred Forest
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
A very, very hot biome. Poor forest.
Boreal Forest
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
Don't touch the needles!
The Twilight
Type: Twilight Terrestrial Planet
Twilight in the day, pitch black at night.
Spooky Forest
Type: Permanight Terrestrial Planet
Eternal night, no music and overall typical horror forest stuff awaits you here.
The Heck
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
No, I didn't name it! Chucklefish did. Blame them! I just made it a planetary biome and not just an underground biome.
Metallic Moon
Type: Permanight Moon
Eternal night... Cold... No atmosphere... Lava... Yeah. It's dangerous. Only found at Sector X.
Crystal Moon
Type: Moon
Covered in crystals, this moon biome is great incase you want them. Only found past the Delta sector. You cannot breathe on this planet.
Rainbow Woods
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
Oooh, pretty!
Mushroom Forest
Type: Permanight Terrestrial Planet
It's always night in this biome for an unknown reason, but it's littered in glowing mushrooms.
Type: Dungeonless Terrestrial Planet
Inspired by Dire Dire Docks & Jolly Roger Bay from Super Mario 64, this biome shares a similar atmosphere.
Snowy Icelands
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
The perfect place to get ice crystals. Ice spikes are everywhere, making it slightly hard to traverse.
Flower Field
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
A planet covered in flowers, both giant, small and modestly sized.
Volcanic Forest
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
A uncommon forest biome variation.
Volcanic - Sulphuric
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
A different look to the typical volcanic biomes you see everywhere.
Snow Forest
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
It's like a snow biome, but with the amount of flora a forest would have. More dirty then the snow biome.
Mountainous - Snowy
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet
A snowy variant of the mountainous biome.
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet without Dungeons/Villages
Wide open waters and islands. It's also very deep. Waters are infinite here.
This biome is slightly buggy, which is probably one of the primary reasons it was disabled by Chucklefish. That doesn't stop it from being a great biome to build on, though!
Issues from vanilla:
Broken underground parallax | Status: Unpatchable with current parallax system
Lack of Hylotl settlements | Status: Not implemented into vanilla files, generation broken
Type: Normal Terrestrial Planet without Dungeons/Villages
A cold, frozen ocean. The water is freezing cold... don't stay in it for long at all.
Issues from vanilla:
Broken underground parallax | Status: Unpatchable with current parallax system
Tar Modifier
Results in planets covered in tar. Applies to the following biomes:
- Mountainous
- Grasslands
- Forest
- Jungle
- Savannah
- Arid
Acid Modifier
Results in planets covered in acid, slime and sewage. Also gives an increased rate for acid rain. Applies to the following biomes:
- Mountainous
- Grasslands
- Forest
- Jungle
- Savannah
- Arid
Description Directory
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---Important Information
-----Mod Compatibility List
-----Mod Compatibility Patches
---Questions & Answers
---The Features
-----The Biomes
---Reporting Issues
Step 1: Obtaining the mod
Step 1.5: Locating the Starbound folder
- Download the mod. If the primary download does not work, use the mirrors.
- Choose which version of the mod that you want to download.
- Open the .zip file that you downloaded.
If you already know where Starbound is on your computer, then you can skip this step.
Starbound can be found at \steam\steamapps\common\starbound.
If you do not know where the Steam folder is on your computer...
Step 2: Installing the mod
- Go to your Steam library and right click on Starbound.
- Click properties in the drop-down box.
- A window should pop up. Click the local files tab.
- Click the "Browse local files" button.
Description Directory
- Make sure the zip file you downloaded for the mod is open.
- Make sure you're at the Starbound folder.
- Drag the "A-DracY-VitsoU" folder inside the .zip into Starbound's mods folder.
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---Important Information
-----Mod Compatibility List
-----Mod Compatibility Patches
---Questions & Answers
---The Features
-----The Biomes
---Reporting Issues
Having issues? Installation, crashes or general bugs? Go to the forum thread instead of leaving a review!
You can still leave a review to report an issue, but also note that there can only be one reply to a review, so it's best to put issues on the forum thread anyway. Also note that leaving a bad review will also affect my mods overall rating until you re-review the mod.
When reporting the issue, please provide context to what caused the crash and provide the full Starbound log. You can find the log file here: \Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\starbound.log
Upload the full log file to a site like
Also say what version of the mod you've downloaded, what mods you're using and if you're using any compatibility patches.
Description Directory
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---Important Information
-----Mod Compatibility List
-----Mod Compatibility Patches
---Questions & Answers
---The Features
-----The Biomes
---Reporting Issues
This mod also includes an entirely new sector designed for builders. The flatlands biome has 7 different variations, each based upon a different biome.
The required unlocking chip can be crafted for 5 iron bars and 450 pixels. It's called the "Starmap Upgrade MKf"
Description Directory
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---Important Information
-----Mod Compatibility List
-----Mod Compatibility Patches
---Questions & Answers
---The Features
-----The Biomes
---Reporting Issues
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
Welcome to the official Starbound Mod repository, Guest! Not sure how to install your mods? Check out the installation guide or check out the modding help thread for more guides.Dismiss Notice
Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Variety is the spice of the Universe for Enraged Koala
Over 50+ new biomes, 10+ new weather types, new music & more
Recent Updates
- Release | The Update with no Name #1 Mar 4, 2014
- Release | And it was a dark and stormy night... Feb 28, 2014
- Release | Hotfix #4 | Starscape Patch Hotfix #3 Feb 20, 2014