Finally: a recent 420 mod! Grow your very own pot field! Now you can grow, harvest, and roll your own joints, which give a decent healing perk, as well as tripling your hunger rate (curse you, munchies!). It also may make you feel a little lazy... so a Coffee or something with a speed boost is recommended.
Modpack use is limited to requests at the moment purely because this is still being worked on- once it has the planned content and reaches 1.0 and I'm proud of it (and has completely original/vanilla asset-flips), I'll let y'all use it in whatever pack, no permission needed. Probably. But all that's just for bundling it in a modpack- feel free to actually play it however.
Welcome. My current needs are: a tester to actually play the mod, and give input on balance so I can prepare for a food update, potentially. Brownies sound like a good start... Stay safe, stay strong, and toke on~
The mod is currently in its growing stages, and may have a few small bugs (see: Known Issues).
Synthesis Table: Used to make most of the things in the mod... unless it's by hand or elsewhere.
Grinding Tray: From here you can grind bud, fill hand grinders with bud, and roll joints.
Grinder: Grinds bud, but doesn't give Hash. Much faster than the Hand Grinder due to only having one step. (Rolling Tray has this in crafting format, but the Grinder does it even when the menu's closed, iirc)
Hand Grinder: Used to grind weed by hand, filled by hand and manually used to receive ground bud of the strain you put in, plus a little bit of Hash.
Medical Dispensary: Sells snacks, drinks, new Hemp+ items, and medicine- also a Poptop egg. Craftable by hand with Iron, Hempcrete, and Fibreglass.
Dank Poptop "Pottop" & egg: New monster, the "Pottop"! Possibly found in forests, we'll need eyes and confirmation images to prove they're out there. Otherwise, you can buy some that've been stuffed back into eggs at the Dispensary. They'll take a second to realize they've been placed on the ground- but don't worry, that shell is strong! It'll take a while for them to break free, and they'll be angry when they do. Take care when releasing them manually. (Hint: they drop their joint! But, they have a lot of health...)
Industrial Hemp: A plant that drops Hemp Fibre. And that's it.
Cannabis Clones: A plethora of plants that grow and drop items like any other plant.
Cannabis Buds: Harvested from their respected plants, and ground into their respective Ground Bud
Ground Buds: Used for rolling into Joints with a Rolling Paper
Hemp Fibre: Used to craft Hemp Cloth, Rolling Paper, and more
Hemp Cloth: Used to make the Stoner set
Rolling Papers: (see: Ground Buds)
Barebones buff/debuffs: Got "The Munchies" working, triples hunger rate, will tweak to cancel/nullify but not remove "Well-Fed" after v1.0
Cellulose: Used for crafting blocks
Fibreglass: Made with cellulose, where all the other building blocks are made
Hempcrete: Made with cellulose and cobblestone, where all the other building blocks are made
Hemp Scarf: It's a scarf, but you decided to pull it up a little 'cause it's cold.
Hemp Hoodie: A sleeveless hoodie, but with arm-warmers... so a sleeved sleeveless hoodie.
Hemp Jeans: Nice, they come pre-worn! Too bad about the shoes, though...
Blue Dream, Blackberry Kush, Pineapple Kush, Generic Sativa & Generic Indica, Blueberry Yum-Yum, Girlscout Cookies, Alaskan Thunderf***Update Titles and types: Updates follow the following format:
v<Big Update version>.<feature addition>.<bugfix/unimportant update>
Meaning that v0.10.2 is the Unfinished version on it's tenth feature addition and second minor update/bugfix.
Item Packs just add more items, usually fully implementing them, or at least adding them to the Medical Dispensary.
(Minor) updates aren't required as they change so little, and are skippable until the next 0.xx.0 release.
v0.1 - v1.0: adding all the items from the Hemp mod, as well as many tweaks and ideas as they come.
v1.0: This is when the mod is "complete", meaning it has all the features I originally intended on adding and implementing.
v1.1 - v2.0: Retexturing all items with original sprites, tweaking/remaking stats.
v2.0: By then there'll be all-original assets, a ton of weed, perks for each strain and type. Basically "done and finished", but will continue messing with.
Future updates:
In-game changelog and plans book
Portable rolling tray
Merchant that sells pre-made consumables and a pawn shop that buys at 50% (as opposed to other places at 20-30%)
Strains that are recommended by the community
"Dew" liquid that is basically green Healing Water, but restores energy?
"Greening Out"?
Passing out from too many edibles?
Known Issues:
None. Hooray!
Ideas welcome, if you can state it in a way that helps me figure out how to actually implement it, and any bugfixing help is appreciated!~
Thanks to:
777dan777 (various help- forums)
jeff (grinder pic- Discord)
My cat
The owners of both Cannabis MOD and HempCraft have been offline for over a year and the mods are outdated (I am still waiting for a reply to my permission inquisitions, I will remove it immediately upon denial, or if moderation decides I should not have resurrected these two mods as my own), and I'm working to rebuild it with a few tweaks and a complete rewrite. Eventually (v2.0) all the assets will have been rewritten and replaced, so that none of the original owner's assets are used and the mod is completely original. I am currently using their assets as placeholders and as a kickstart to the mod production, as well as a learning tool. The faster I can learn, the faster I can make and use my own assets!
Please post issues in the Discussions, and personal reviews in the Reviews, thank you!
It would be gr8
If you would r8
I thank you m8
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Hemp+ v0.14.2
Wanna grow your own weed farm? Now you can!
Recent Updates
- Dank Poptop drops their joint. May 19, 2021
- Stiff Joints May 14, 2021
- Dank Poptop (aka "Pottop"), friendly floran dispensary worker. May 13, 2021