Zombie Survival Mode

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Alvin Flummox, May 23, 2012.

  1. Farathil

    Farathil Spaceman Spiff

    My lord you put a lot of time into this, it looks glorious!:D I would hope these guys actually take a look at it, or someone buddies up with you and uses it for a mod. (If that's possible :unsure:)
    Alvin Flummox likes this.
  2. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    Haha thanks a lot :) We'll have to see! I'd love a little mod but neither my spriting nor my coding would know where to start with it!
  3. Phantomhearts

    Phantomhearts Phantasmal Quasar

    And thus the mod/suggestion rises again!
  4. GeorgeManea

    GeorgeManea Star Wrangler

    I wouldn't be too surprised if the devs already put this in. All the zombies / alien / bests amassing to attack after you killed many of their species or survived an attack and gathered friends :D
  5. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    Those damn zombies just won't stay dead! ;)
    brandonlk and Jimlad 42 like this.
  6. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    This sounds like a mod you should make! normaly i would say there are too many games with zombies already, but this sounds fun, shouldnt be part of the core game, but surely it should be a mod.
  7. Killmuripx

    Killmuripx Void-Bound Voyager

  8. Gentleraptor

    Gentleraptor Pangalactic Porcupine

    Sounds neat. Now I'm not really a fan of things destroying my buildings (Creepers, go to hell...), but I can definately see the need for it.
    Alvin Flummox likes this.
  9. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    Yeah I agree. It can be so annoying, especially when you've built something nice and then it gets blown to smithereens. I thought it suited this more though seeing as otherwise you could just hide inside and not have to kill any zombies at all! And its more about building a functional base than a pretty one haha.
  10. Gentleraptor

    Gentleraptor Pangalactic Porcupine

    Perhaps they could only break things like doors and such? In this mode, there could always be a rule that you can't completely wall yourself in with blocks.

    It's better than just having to replace your walls all the time, imho.
  11. Jimlad 42

    Jimlad 42 Supernova

    Well, in this mode, are you planing on building something nice? when there's a zombie invasion going on?! My plan is build the most functional building possible, and ignore pretty if they can brake it. I'll go as far as OCD makes me, and that's it. let me put it another way, "Let's see, Build a base that works, or build a huge Mario statue that is the most pretty thing I have ever made... Hmmm... Mario."
  12. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    The problem is I find it's usually way too easy to just make it so that doors are completely inaccessible, and therefore completely circumvent the fact that zombies can break them down. At least if they can break most blocks eventually it keeps you on your toes. It wouldn't be like they'd smash through 4ft of concrete instantly or anything; it would take a more 'sensible' amount of time, but just enough that you have to make sure you're constantly paying attention, and balances resources between killing zombies, and defending your base.
  13. Gentleraptor

    Gentleraptor Pangalactic Porcupine

    Climbing zombies would make doors a lot more accessible. Really though, with burrowing zombies and half of the zombies suggested being able to break blocks, it feels... pointless.

    You'd basically have to watch every direction at the same time. What I would like is bases that got like one or two entrance that has to be zombie-accessible and then you build other stuff like generators, mechs and so on inside.

    There could always be a system that forbids you to place stuff in a way so that zombies cannot get to you which is specific to this mode only. (Sort of like some Tower Defense games/maps prevent you from blocking all the paths).

    In conclusion, I think breaking blocks, no matter the speed, is a cheap way of doing it. Flying zombies, zombies that expel poison gas and the likes are all fine. But at some point in this mode you would get overrun. And having that happen just because you couldn't kill all of the zombies outside of your fortress (Remember, you'd have to go out of your base to kill them) and they opened like 5 walls at once just feels cheap.
  14. AlphaMongoose

    AlphaMongoose Ketchup Robot

    A well done suggestion, but it does't really fit in with the game's theme. Would make a sexy mod though. :lolwut:
  15. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    Yeah I definitely get what you're saying. I definitely wouldn't want you to feel completely overwhelmed, even if you were properly prepared. That's why you'd be able to construct turrets and other base defenses, and have other survivors work to defend the base too though. It wouldn't just be you trying to solo 360 degrees all the time, that would just drive people insane. It would also work it's way up in difficulty, not instantly start with every type of zombie storming you're castle, so you'd hopefully be able to build up as you get more supplies, and deal with each new zombie type as they come at you. I think saying half the types of zombies break blocks is a bit of an overstatement though, there's only 3 so far!

    I was also thinking of it more as a mode where you try again and again to get a little bit further each time, as you improve and work out better strategies. I didn't want players to be able to storm all the way through the first time, even if they're used to playing Starbound. I think breaking blocks would create opportunities for much more complex strategies to come into play, and add more suspense and danger than simply just breaking down doors.

    EDIT: Might work on rewording some bits to make it a bit more obvious though! :)
    Gentleraptor likes this.
  16. Gentleraptor

    Gentleraptor Pangalactic Porcupine

    I do see where you're getting it, but it can still be done without breaking blocks. After all, the one strategy against block breakers will be to find a setup that does not allow the zombies to break blocks. (making a lava layer before your walls, for instance). It would limit the variety of ways people build their fortress.

    Also, multiplayer should not be forced. Difficulty should be scaled upwards if you do try and play it in MP.
  17. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    I like this idea. The more variety of zombies and shit, the better!
  18. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    Hit the nail on the head. That's what I was going for. Have I explained it like an idiot? Wouldn't be surprised, so much text!....

    True, but to me that still feels advantageous to just every zombie will come through the one door that you've put into your base. Just wack a load of turrets around that and you're hanky dorey. At least you are having to plan for those zombies that might come from other directions, and have to bother setting up that spike pit or those mines. It would also help to draw your focus away from just becoming 'oh a big wall of zombies, lets start killing them in no particular order', to hopefully 'oh crap I need to kill that one first otherwise I could end up with a hole in my base and shit hitting the fan'. I still feel it would add depth to strategy, and not take it away, but that could just be me. It just feels way too easy in block games to just plonk down blocks effectively render every enemy useless, with no way for them to really prevent it.

    On a side note I wasn't really thinking that you could have lava as a weapon, as it wouldn't really be that 'realistic' if that makes sense in a loose sort of way.
    Gentleraptor likes this.
  19. Gentleraptor

    Gentleraptor Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well, yes, but you still got to keep in mind that you would have to venture out of the base to kill the zombies banging down the wall. Or at least, go onto battlements that might not be entirely safe.

    Well yes, but people will come up with strategies like these if you let them. It's better to force zombie-accessible bases (Perhaps modular in nature, as in, you plonk down the pathways and rooms as a whole) than force a specific style of play, because people will find a way around it.

    You could always beat down the advantage by just having more and stronger zombies. Or zombies that force you to relocate temporarily. The Spitter from L4D2 comes to mind.

    Instead of breaking the walls, there should be an incentive to have multiple openings instead. Like, battlements being useful. Or making a mineshaft downward with a lift on it, that lets burrowers through.
  20. Farathil

    Farathil Spaceman Spiff

    I was reading over this again, and I was thinking about the pre-generated structures (dungeons) etc. I wonder how hard it would be for modders to make pre made towns, buildings, and structures to spawn with chests and things in it to scavenge for food for food and material. Maybe even set up base inside one of the houses.

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