Zombie Survival Mode

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Alvin Flummox, May 23, 2012.

  1. Snoop the space beagle

    Snoop the space beagle Space Penguin Leader

    That's not a bad mod idea but judging on your post it would require something like half the work they already put in Starbound to make something entirely different. I'd rather see them release more global content than devote time to a mode which could be a game in itself.
  2. XRiZUX

    XRiZUX Spaceman Spiff

    Well that's a good point... But if they altered the already made code and stuff it wouldn't take too much work. Just seperate the code to be a seperate mode for the game. And who knows, maybe the devs will have time after release and the big updates where they are bored and find it a good time to work on some extra stuff, this could be one of them.

    Either way, hopefully it becomes a mod, that would be nice too. :DD
  3. Snoop the space beagle

    Snoop the space beagle Space Penguin Leader

    That's the kind of thing they could actually work on and sell separately, that would make more sense than making it a DLC (I hate DLCs anyway, I'd rather pay for a new game). Not that I would mind if it came free of charge.
  4. TheMurumasa

    TheMurumasa Existential Complex

    Its Nights first Starbound Suggestion video so feedback would be nice :)
    Farbius likes this.
  5. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    I want this. HEY, THIS WOULD BE A GOOD COUPLING WITH THAT HOLODECK IDEA SOMEONE SUGGESTED. This way you could just launch this "scenario" from your Ship deck. And, if all else fails? Well, Starbound is aiming for mod support, so.... Well I have a very good feeling this'll find it's way in game one way or another. You got my vote though!
  6. Phantomhearts

    Phantomhearts Phantasmal Quasar

    this would be fun especially if it was a single planet in the galaxy that you could return to :D :zombie:
  7. DuckLord

    DuckLord Void-Bound Voyager

    Are you going to make the game?
  8. Farbius

    Farbius Title Not Found

    Some (Fail) sprites I made for help you... (I have used some of your spites as base):zombie:
    Screamer (Based on Base Zombie sprite)​
    Rhino (Based on Charger sprite)​
    Your idea is Amazing!:up::cool:
    Sorry for bad English, I'm Italian:)

    Attached Files:

  9. SpaceCap'n

    SpaceCap'n Zero Gravity Genie

    I wasn't going to read through every page to see if there's a similar response, but this would be so much better off as it's own game, not a part of Starbound. It doesn't even seem like the same game anymore.
  10. Phantomhearts

    Phantomhearts Phantasmal Quasar

    its like a whole new game :p
  11. logan5557

    logan5557 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    sounds cool, but i don't really see how it would work out. maybe if it were to add a quest and put a specific planet up.
  12. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    Why am I so surprised that a zombie thread rose from the grave.
  13. Phantomhearts

    Phantomhearts Phantasmal Quasar

    because that would be the ironic thing to do
    Auraknight likes this.
  14. Mittgfu

    Mittgfu Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't like the idea.
    But you deserve a like!
  15. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    Yes, we need to have a zerg survival... if only I could mod... great now I have to learn C++
  16. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    Zergs are too mainstream.
    Auraknight likes this.
  17. Phantomhearts

    Phantomhearts Phantasmal Quasar

    you do know that there can be only 1 hipster in reality right?
  18. Saal

    Saal Spaceman Spiff

    You do know that I don't care? :D
  19. Stay on topic, pretty please. <3
  20. Headphoner

    Headphoner Cosmic Narwhal

    When i saw bleeding and weather, i thought Day Z, when i saw the boomers and chargers, i thought left 4 dead 2, when i saw the clingers, i thought half life or aliens. You had some inspiration for most of these ideas, didn't you? :p
    Farbius and Polar Bear like this.

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