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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Alerio Viator

    Alerio Viator Master Chief

    Yes! Absolutely, do it. Especially since each race will have their own selection. I'm all for differences.
  2. Dawgenstien

    Dawgenstien Subatomic Cosmonaut

    What huge mark are you referring to? Mollygos made it clear that it doesn't have to for $1,000,000.
    PumpkinAppearifier likes this.
  3. Magusdood

    Magusdood Star Wrangler

    Because that is not typically how this funding works, nor might it be desirable from a game perspective. Regardless, they have already promised lots of post-release content and this stuff is specifically for release. The Devs have said so many times.
  4. It doesn't need to be something Massive.

    DEVs already impressed EVERY SINGLE fan of this game, with simple, little but AWESOME things. ;)
  5. WhiteZero

    WhiteZero Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The pets are adorable and all, but I feel like we should have something more substantial for the $1M mark.
    Bacon likes this.
  6. fadohacolu

    fadohacolu Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think it's a cool idea, but I really like the splicing ideas going around. But splicing and starter pets don't have to be mutually exclusive, people!

    I will also add that, while neat, I'm not sure if it would be worthy of the 1 million dollar goal.
  7. Yadomie

    Yadomie Void-Bound Voyager

    Do it... Do it..... Right FUCKING NOW!... I love you :3
  8. Magusdood

    Magusdood Star Wrangler

    So basicly, you just don't happen to like THIS idea and would not object to say, a weapon pallet-swap system?
  9. Indeed it did. But I know this Team is HUGELY talented, they are much than capable to Impress Every Single Fan of this game, then, I'm all for something that will impress the fans, this were already confirmed (for post-launch once) and leaked time ago. ;)
  10. NickName

    NickName Cosmic Narwhal

    It has not to be a 1M mark. It could be higher or less
    Dawgenstien likes this.
  11. Livonia

    Livonia Void-Bound Voyager

    Pets in games are pretty meh in most games i've played, they are lack luster objects that simply "follow" you around. If pets could be more than just something to look at and instead be a feature sure, they could be good.

    I want to be able to hit a hotkey for my pet to attack and ingame your character says in a speach bubble "Sinck'em boy!" or a defend/passive hotkey to more tailor their behaviour. Sounds, controls, speach bubble, customisation and many more are things that should go into making a pet system. Another thing I would really like to see would be training/behaviour that you instill into your pet, think Black and White. Being able to teach my pet to go find wood then bark, or go search/fetch me something i've trained him to do. Rewarding him makes him do things more and punishing him to make him do things less. There's soo much that a pet system can bring and add to a game, but only if it is done right. Anything less is just a tacked on follower for no real reason and no gameplay benefit.

    My vote had to be no in light of the fact that it was a non-combat pet and would pretty much be a follower. I just don't care for something I can't "play" with.

    Other ideas for strech goals or just fun stuff in general...
    - Mechs, exosuits, hovercraft/bike/skateboards, mounts, flying mounts, mount equiptment. (just think Dino Riders)
    - Parachutes, gliders, jetpacks, grappling hook, rope, hand claws for climbing.
    - Space suit and exterior spaceship goodies.
    - Space hulks/astroids/moons/stations with nasties on them aimed more as pve dungoens instead of places to build/mine/explore.
    - Pirate treasure maps...

    I'm sure some of these are already ingame or planned but it's food for though. Look forward to seeing what is decided for the next goal.
  12. I would ask first what is a weapon pallet-swap system? eh!
  13. Henkco

    Henkco Space Hobo

    Unsure, but can be fun.

    Depends on how many choices we have. Color, species, and so on. As far as I'm concerned I don't mind. People like the idea so implementing them sounds like a yes. But if you have pets in the game, it would be nice to have the option of having it stored somewhere. A special pet basket or other items that would make for a good pet's home. It's just that I don't constantly feel like being followed around. It's fun, but to me it will probably lose its appeal soon after having it follow me around all day.

    Having said this, I will probably get addicted to having a pet in the game and never want to part ways with it.

    Furthermore, if there are pets... I demand penguins. They are popular for a reason - they are heroes. :)
  14. Baconkid

    Baconkid Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Fund it.
  15. Magusdood

    Magusdood Star Wrangler

    Basically if you have a red and gold sword you could make it blue and silver or green and bronze instead or something like that.
  16. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    im sure many guys think so. And a lot of people just didnt read properly and thought its about normal pets so they just see Pets and think oooooooooohohohohohoh YES!!!
    NickName likes this.
  17. Baglady74

    Baglady74 Void-Bound Voyager

    I'd kinda prefer the Parfelians for the 1mil stretch goal, but like so many others have said, pets would be cool as a smaller milestone.
  18. WhiteZero

    WhiteZero Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    We've been going in $250k increments so far, what makes you think this would be any different?

    Anyway, if the pets are totally cosmetic, my original opinion stands. But if they do something, like give a buff or whatever, that'd be cool.
  19. Magusdood

    Magusdood Star Wrangler

    Now that is a good suggestion!
    PureWillkuer likes this.
  20. You mean the possibility to change the color of weapons, armor, etc?
    darethen likes this.
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