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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. NickName

    NickName Cosmic Narwhal

    Monster breeding would be cool.
    KirasiN likes this.
  2. Magusdood

    Magusdood Star Wrangler

    Optional pets sound good to me. Not every feature that comes out has to be one that everybody uses.
    And for those who were talking about the 1M mark being too big for it, it's a bit of an arbitrary reason to not include them.
  3. Deflage

    Deflage Orbital Explorer

    I love the idea of having a starter pet, as long as there's an option for people that don't want one to not start out with one.
    Flemm likes this.
  4. NO! Some Vanity Cute thing that follow us around only is not Worthy of the Huge Mark Starbound will Reach, it's not comparable to the 2 goals New Race and Fossils system they announced!
    PureWillkuer, BellaRose and KirasiN like this.
  5. NickName

    NickName Cosmic Narwhal

    66.5% For Yes
    33.6% For no
    How is that possible?
    PumpkinAppearifier likes this.
  6. vae

    vae Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm all for it if :
    1) It's optional (I don't want to be followed 24/7)
    2) It has some kind of use (anything, really, could be only extra inventory space)

    Breeding / trapping would be REALLY nice, but maybe a bit complicated to add so far in the game. I'm confident you guys will manage to do someting cool with this feature, though :)
  7. Iroza

    Iroza Phantasmal Quasar

    I think those could fit Hylotl (name for race can change) category as they are water/fish kind. I took look the character generator, alas there were no squid like face for Hylotl race :cry:
  8. Pets are nice, but I prefer something a bit more gamey.

    How about:
    Another Fan-Race
    New monster type
    Random unexplainable events
    Wrecked space station dungeon
    Placable traps
    New boss(s)
    New staff member to add more content and get out game faster.
  9. I Voted No, I can repeat what I said:
    Some Vanity Cute thing that only follow us around only is not Worthy of the Huge Mark Starbound will Reach.
  10. NickName

    NickName Cosmic Narwhal

    I voted Yes but if I could i would now rate No.
    should have thought more before I voted
    PureWillkuer and Bacon like this.
  11. lduffy

    lduffy Orbital Explorer

    Combat or non-combat, starter pets are a good idea but if there's already a way to catch monsters with or without starter I got a much better idea!

    For the love of everything that is holy, extend the pet system if you already got one! Not with starter pets! With pets being upgradable!
    Without starter pets people aren't forced to take a pet with them and can still catch monsters if they find a monster they feel is catch-worthy.
    Add to the pet system the feature to be able to upgrade pets through evolution forms, upgradable stats, changable attributes or being able to add ailments(like making a pet get poisonous on touch) or make it possible to fusion monsters(into stronger or simply different ones) or being able to breed for monsters that fit the players ideal.

    There are so many wonderful ways to make the catching, training and growth of a pet exciting for the players.

    Look at this:
    You caught both these and they're both considered Rank 1 Monster by the system
    [​IMG] +[​IMG]
    Now you fusion or breed two rank 1 monster and the generator spits this out
    = [​IMG]
    While the looks remain the way you want them, generated out of elements from both monsters that you chose,
    this is now a rank 2 monster and has therefore one random stat increased by 1. You would then need another rank 2 monster to be able to make one of rank 3.
    Players could now catch and combine monsters to their heart's content up to a max. rank of 10 or 20 for a total of 10 or 20 extra stats and still combine their pet to get the perfect look for it.

    Just imagine how much time people would spend to hunt and breed/fusion for the perfect monsters they want.
  12. Magusdood

    Magusdood Star Wrangler

    But they've already said that they can't put in something massive because it would take too much time to program and delay the game. Pets make a nice alternative.
    And by the way just saying no isn't an argument, nor is making value judgements like saying one feature is incomparable. I couldn't care less for fossils, but pets are right up my ally.
  13. Critwrench

    Critwrench Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There are also pets IN-GAME already.
  14. darethen

    darethen Big Damn Hero

    all of these sound nice!! i want the fishing!
  15. kieranrees

    kieranrees Space Hobo

    I'm not sure if this has been said yet, but what about a card game? I guess kinda like Triple Triad in Final Fantasy.
    Darthkitten and darethen like this.
  16. Magusdood

    Magusdood Star Wrangler

    There is another system in place and it is not the same, otherwise it wouldn't be a goal.
  17. darethen

    darethen Big Damn Hero

    would be fun too!!
    Magusdood likes this.
  18. Amaror

    Amaror Void-Bound Voyager

    Well why don't they justmake goals to add stuff AFTER the release as a patch.
  19. Baconkid

    Baconkid Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It's seems really similar, though. I would rather have Penguin Mode, for example, than a redundant system.
  20. NoLife

    NoLife Orbital Explorer

    i would like a pet with some modification to choose. hehe :iswydt:
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