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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. DrLeonSisk

    DrLeonSisk Subatomic Cosmonaut

    melodyburst likes this.
  2. ExelicaTriggerheart

    ExelicaTriggerheart Astral Cartographer

    I give up. I just do. You guys are clearly so much more talented then the developers, because you have soooo many better ideas, and without you guys this game would be crappy because the developers certainly have no talent! Derp derp
  3. The7thLegion

    The7thLegion Void-Bound Voyager

    From what I know about Starbound the option is already there to get/tame pets at some stage during the game. I'm going to assume that pets you find in-game are eventually going to be better than any starter pets that are made.

    So in my opinion this starter pet idea seems somewhat redundant because you are going to replace it quite quickly/eventually.

    Sticking with the whole pet idea. Would it be to hard (time consuming) to implement a passive pet buff system. Where, depending on the pet you have with you, you get a positive buff (aura type thing). If the same monster (that you tame) always has a random buff you could continue to hunt them to find one that has the buff you want, while still looking the same.
    Monster X you tame has buff X.
    but Monster X also could have buff Y.
    So it's always random. (Encouraging you to get more pets, or hunt the same pet for the exact buff you want).

    Buffs like:
    +10% Movement speed
    +10% Health
    20+ Armour
    etc etc

    Even randomize the buff values, so you never really know what to expect and you can always improve your pet if your willing to spend the time.
    dfirehawkc likes this.
  4. Sabre

    Sabre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    In that same view these stretch goals are being offered as prizes to be won through thousands of dollars in pre-orders. It encourages people to pre-order and to convince their friends to pre-order as well. It's the same principle as the new method of pre-orders on Steam, where you get certain rewards depending on the total number of pre-orders made.
    It is a thinly veiled reward system if anything.
    Your point that these stretch goals are merely Day 0 DLC funded by the pre-orders is true.
    My point is that it is wrong that the best item is offered first, and subsequent goals decrease in quality as pre-orders go up. Again, Novakids, then Fossils, now COMPLETELY useless pets? You don't see an issue with this?
  5. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    They were most likely not. And that's a terrible assumption made from you. Space stations aren't a stretch goals, abandonded space stations aren't a stretch goal, they're already in the game, if not, ready for the game.
  6. DrLeonSisk

    DrLeonSisk Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Exactly Zeon, it's a wonderful idea that could add tons of atmosphere.
    Zeon likes this.
  7. Lyrael

    Lyrael Sandwich Man

    I just wanted to ask... what is with you guys and this crippling level of self-doubt? >_> I can accept you not thinking you'd make 750k in a few days time, but to honestly think you'd not even hit six-digit numbers is downright silly. You guys have done amazing work and have accrued some seriously devoted followers. Have a little more confidence in yourselves!

    I'm down with pretty much anything stretch-goal wise - fun bonus stuff is fun bonus stuff, no matter how you slice it - but I do think pets would be a pretty awesome idea. Never hurts to have a little companionship in single player outings (a pet wolf in Minecraft, for example, can make that world feel surprisingly less lonely).
  8. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As awesome as some of these suggestions are (and there's many awesome ones suggested throughout the thread), I'm thinking people need to somewhat lower their expectations on the stretch-goals.

    Mallygos posted this already:
    This leaves me to believe that anything implemented from this point forward is going to be a simplistic/easy to implement feature. While I myself would love a Broken Planet Biome or blueprints for structures I design, I can't feasibly expect that as a stretch-goal at this point.

    The current idea the Devs were tossing around are starter pets. If the Devs could give us something more awesome without it delaying the game, don't you think they would? What we need are ideas that are on the same level as starter pets. I hate to say it, but pretty much everything I've read sounds way more complex than what we can expect to receive.

    So, I'm definitely sticking with my 'yes' vote on starter pets. Also, we need to think of suggestions for the devs that aren't insanely complex, regardless how awesome the idea may be. (however, continue posting those complex ideas, they'll need ideas for post release content).
    GreatEvilBetty and diaspao like this.
  9. Reysol

    Reysol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The Novakids were planned already for after release but since they reached the stretch goal they plan to make them available at launch. Fossils? No idea... I find it funny that people are mad that a vanity pet is useless and no one has complained that fossils are useless as well... Fossils are a collection...
  10. xtkbilly

    xtkbilly Orbital Explorer

    Instead of starter pets (which are pretty much vanity to what already exists), what about other things along that route? Seems like the devs don't want to have another stretch goal so soon that will add another major feature.

    Modifying pets? If you like the way a certain pet looks, but he doesn't have the buffs you want, how about adding them? Genetical modifications to pets seem possible.
    Modifying weapons? Similar idea, add and remove certain parts of a gun. May be more work though.

    I'm out of ideas right now. I'll edit if I can come up with more.
  11. melodyburst

    melodyburst Big Damn Hero

    Not just Deadspace, it could also feel like Space Hulk, if you are into Warhammer 40K and such.
    Zeon likes this.
  12. DrLeonSisk

    DrLeonSisk Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You're the only one saying that. Seriously, who went to the restroom in your cornflakes?
    Bethor, Kitty Box, Godzilla03 and 4 others like this.
  13. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    I know right ! I do hope they see it ! The idea is just way to good.
  14. Deltron3O3O

    Deltron3O3O Master Chief

    i believe stretch goals should progressively get better each tier

    if pets was a part of the stretch goals it should of been before Novakids and Fossils. maybe at $100k or $250k
  15. Bitmicro

    Bitmicro Orbital Explorer

    Can the robots have like an eye robot? Like the enclave ones from Fallout 3 and New Vegas?
    Also, a mini T-rex for someone?????? (please)
  16. Phyrex

    Phyrex Parsec Taste Tester

    i feel like this whole thread has completly devolved.
    this whole thing now reeks of entitlements.

    People, remember that stretch goals are something totally unplanned for that the devs wanted to do to thank us for giving them so much. read the initial post by molly, they were afraid they wouldnt even hit 50k ! were at 750k !
    please guys, stay reasonable and remember those are gifts they are kindly giving us for the tremendous support. It was a totally volounteer thing too ! nobody was forced to pre-order ! we were just all eager to help chucklefish the only way we could !
    Lets wisen up and realise at this point, they dont even have to do another stretch goal, a brand new race and a new mechanics are already a lot.

    Also, read. Molly said the next stretch goal (if any) didint had to be 1 million.

    To all the chucklefish devs, from your fan who kept theire heads cool, thanks you :up: !
  17. mandolin bee

    mandolin bee Orbital Explorer

    Love it. Something fluffy and ultra cute, please. Really happy your preorders went over well, too. I ordered 4, and only regret that I couldn't afford to do more.
  18. melodyburst

    melodyburst Big Damn Hero

    Let me tell you about stepping in someone's cornflakes.
    It's a weird way to eat cornflakes.

    (Also I agree with Stretchgoals getting better. Novakids sound awesome but fossils... ehhh... I've got Animal Crossing for that. We need an 8th race so my OCD won't hate the character creation screen)
  19. My thoughts exactly. Everyone please. Calm down.
  20. dfirehawkc

    dfirehawkc Void-Bound Voyager

    Once again......lets explain this. They stated that they did not expect to receive this much support from doing pre-releases. Their first "stretch" goal was just that.....a stretch. But because they are making such a great game, they are receiving great support. Every idea after that original "stretch" goal was them trying to implement something that would still be cool but not have to delay release by adding extra code.....so cut them some slack and appreciate the fact that they are trying to add extra things. They don't have to keep adding stretch goals.....they can just leave it alone if they want.
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