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Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Alucard I, Dec 21, 2014.

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  1. yams4lunch

    yams4lunch Aquatic Astronaut

    Windows 7 64-bit
    OpenGL 64-bit
    Upbeat Giraffe
    Level 3 Bug (Crash)

    I was shift-clicking some lootable items in the Erichus crystal mission, when my game crashed. The message said something about and Inventory exception, and about being unable to delete a stack when locked. It did say the exact specifics before, but the window closed by itself.
  2. Raztaman

    Raztaman Aquatic Astronaut

    • Windows 8.1 64-bit
    • Upbeat Giraffe
    • 02/02/15
    • Level 3 bug
    After character creation of a light green male novakid, circle-cross brand, cowboy stance personality, white short sleeves, black pants brown boots, (hard to specify "hair" but seems spikiest and slightly back), attempting to start game resulted in crash causing char creation to not be saved upon reopening the game regardless of having finished character. Was attempting to start on normal difficulty. EDIT: Almost happened a second time but game successfully loaded somehow after Alt-Tabbing.

    • Windows 8.1 64-bit
    • Upbeat Giraffe
    • 02/02/15
    • Level 0 bug
    Male Novakid sprite in character creation, some pixels on right hand side of model would be out of place vertically when choosing light green "skin" colour.
    • Windows 8.1 64-bit
    • Upbeat Giraffe
    • 02/02/15
    • Level 0 bug
    Male Novakid sprite in character creation, some pixels on right hand side of model would be out of place vertically when choosing purple no sleeved shirt.
  3. Skizelli

    Skizelli Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    • Upbeat Giraffe - Update 2, Protocol: 666
    • 03 Feb 2015
    • Client-side
    • 2
    • Storage containers (chests, shiplocker) can have multiple instances of the same window when pressing the Interact key more than once. I assume the intended function for all windows is to have them close when the Interact key is pressed a second time. In relation to this, open chests also display a closed chest icon on the first window that is opened, while additional instances of that window show an open chest icon (pictured below).

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  4. nshelekhov

    nshelekhov Space Hobo

    I will update this post if anything will change instead of making new one.
    • Client version 'Beta v. Upbeat Giraffe - Update 2' Protocol: 666
    • 03 Feb 2015, client and server fully updated just a one minute ago
    • Client-Side
    • 3 - Client crashing
    • I am hosting 64bit server and play with my friend. On random planet, right after you beam to it, my client crashes, my friend's client doesn't crash. My OS is OS X. As far as I found online it is crossplatform bug. It is 100% OS X bug. Traceback starts with " Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (IOException) Failed to read full buffer in readFull, eof reached.". It happens not at desert planet, but on mushroom planet. Server sees just normal client quit: nfo: UniverseServer: Client 'Libra Driver' <1> (ipaddress:port) disconnected. If i create new character - it will crash right on that planet too (steps to reproduce: add friend to party, beam to his ship, then down to the planet). I can't paste pastebin links, here is full traceback of error from starbound.log (sorry for big post).
    upd. Starbound updated again, updated client+server 3 Feb 14:20 GMT +03. Same thing happens.
    upd2. I also should mention that game can crash in that exactly second you beamed down to planet, or you can wait for 1 minute or more, walk around, pick up mushrooms and them - bang, client crashed.
    upd3. It is definetly OS X bug! My friend installed starbound on macbook and it crashed immediatly on that planet!
    1. [04:18:18.362] Error: Exception caught in client main-loop: (IOException) Failed to read full buffer in readFull, eof reached.
    2. 0 starbound 0x00000001061a55c3 _ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2ENSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEE + 227
    3. 1 starbound 0x00000001061a66c7 _ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2EPKc + 55
    4. 2 starbound 0x00000001060d9cf6 _ZN4Star8IODevice8readFullEPcm + 86
    5. 3 starbound 0x00000001060d3f88 _ZN4Star10DataStream8readVlqIERx + 56
    6. 4 starbound 0x00000001060d41c1 _ZN4Star10DataStream8readVlqIEv + 17
    7. 5 starbound 0x0000000106128310 _ZN4Star13NetStepStates9readFieldEmRNS_10DataStreamEd + 240
    8. 6 starbound 0x000000010612812e _ZN4Star13NetStepStates12readFullFromERNS_10DataStreamEmd + 94
    9. 7 starbound 0x000000010612864e _ZN4Star13NetStepStates8readFullERKNS_9ByteArrayEd + 94
    10. 8 starbound 0x0000000105a705a9 _ZN4Star7MonsterC1ERKNS_14MonsterVariantERKNS_9ByteArrayE + 345
    11. 9 starbound 0x0000000105a8ba4b _ZNK4Star15MonsterDatabase14netLoadMonsterERKNS_9ByteArrayE + 283
    12. 10 starbound 0x00000001059c383c _ZNK4Star13EntityFactory13netLoadEntityENS_10EntityTypeERKNS_9ByteArrayE + 140
    13. 11 starbound 0x0000000105e43c05 _ZN4Star11WorldClient20handleIncomingPacketERKNSt3__110shared_ptrINS_6PacketEEE + 437
    14. 12 starbound 0x0000000105dd9473 _ZN4Star14UniverseClient12handlePacketERKNSt3__110shared_ptrINS_6PacketEEE + 1491
    15. 13 starbound 0x0000000105dd98c5 _ZN4Star14UniverseClient6updateEv + 293
    16. 14 starbound 0x000000010564d6f1 _ZN4Star17ClientApplication13updateRunningEv + 1473
    17. 15 starbound 0x000000010564c862 _ZN4Star17ClientApplication6updateEv + 290
    18. 16 starbound 0x000000010565f791 _ZN4Star19StarApplicationBase3runEv + 465
    19. 17 starbound 0x000000010565c7f6 SDL_main + 4550
    20. 18 starbound 0x0000000105788c29 -[SDLMain applicationDidFinishLaunching:] + 73
    21. 19 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff84e6acdc __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 12
    22. 20 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff84d5c244 _CFXNotificationPost + 3140
    23. 21 Foundation 0x00007fff90f0bc31 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:eek:bject:userInfo:] + 66
    24. 22 AppKit 0x00007fff852139ab -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 291
    25. 23 AppKit 0x00007fff85213716 -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] + 191
    26. 24 AppKit 0x00007fff85210536 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] + 574
    27. 25 AppKit 0x00007fff8520ff75 -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] + 244
    28. 26 Foundation 0x00007fff90f2b1e8 -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 290
    29. 27 Foundation 0x00007fff90f2b059 _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler + 102
    30. 28 AE 0x00007fff8a10699c _Z20aeDispatchAppleEventPK6AEDescPS_jPh + 531
    31. 29 AE 0x00007fff8a106719 _ZL25dispatchEventAndSendReplyPK6AEDescPS_ + 31
    32. 30 AE 0x00007fff8a106623 aeProcessAppleEvent + 295
    33. 31 HIToolbox 0x00007fff88a54a2e AEProcessAppleEvent + 56
    34. 32 AppKit 0x00007fff8520c626 _DPSNextEvent + 2665
    35. 33 AppKit 0x00007fff8520b730 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 194
    36. 34 AppKit 0x00007fff851ff593 -[NSApplication run] + 594
    37. 35 starbound 0x00000001057890ad CustomApplicationMain + 381
    38. 36 starbound 0x0000000105788f19 main + 313
    39. 37 starbound 0x00000001056497e4 start + 52
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  5. Revolver Ocelawt

    Revolver Ocelawt Aquatic Astronaut

    • Upbeat Giraffe
    • 2/2/2015
    • 1
    • extremely minor
    • Wooden Support will only face one way
    • Just making some aesthetic changes to a building

  6. SuburbanSB

    SuburbanSB Void-Bound Voyager

    • Upbeat Giraffe - Update 2 Protocol: 666
    • 2/2/2015
    • Crafting
    • 2
    • Unable to craft Dyes (Not 100% sure if I am missing something on how to make Dye) I assume it is the Red petals + glass. However that is not working. (or do I have to find a dye in the world first?)
    • I went to craft the Kennel for the "Hylotl's Best Friend" quest, and I discovered I could not make any of the dyes.
    If I am not making the dyes correctly PM me, and I will update this post.
    Added onto the above issue, I also found an bug with the "Hylotl's Best Friend" Quest.
    • Upbeat Giraffe - Update 2 Protocol: 666
    • 2/2/2015
    • Crafting/quest
    • 2
    • Unable to craft Kennel due to not having the appropriate recipe, despite quest saying I was given it. I do not think the kennel is reliant on being able to craft dyes or not. So even if I could craft dyes, I couldn't craft the kennel. ---- I did have a full inventory at the time of accepting the quest (if I recall correctly), however I didn't drop a recipe. I even went back to check if I had.
    • After accepting the "Hylotl's Best Friend" quest, I discovered I do not have the recipe to craft a kennel

    I reiterate, If I am doing something wrong or this is not a bug PM, and I will update this post.
    I also came across this post (see no. 4 of bugs) and a number of other posts which supports my bug. (I know these are unstable build posts, but they still support this bug nether the less)

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  7. Articunno

    Articunno Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Version: Upbeat Giraffe
    Date: 2015/01/18 - Present
    Bug Classification: Minor - Moderate (Depends on opinion)
    Fullscreen is broken past 1680x1050
    Whilst trying to resize the fullscreen window to 1920x1080, the game in fact oversized, and cut off a majority of the outer area of the screen, decreased to 1600x1200, which put the game into windowed and miniturized it, then went down to 1680x1050 before actually going into a normal full screen with everything visible. (If it helps, OS is Win8.1)
  8. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I


    There's probably a memory leak somewhere. It's definitely not a bug as we see now, but still quite of a problem. Go talk to devs in the IRC, maybe they know what to do.
    Have you played this mission on a server with this character before? This might be the reason it happened to you.
    I didn't know you could animate them :O

    That's a technology bug, since it's bound to targeted blink technology. Sorry for your character loss.
    Sounds like you just turned on /admin, aka god-mode. Did you do that intentionally and forgot about it?
    Does it still happen to you? Devs posted some bugfixes, probably something that should've helped you too. Test your game again if it runs normally and report again.

    Good to know you fixed this!
    More info pls.
    oh macbooks, why u so hard to work with
    You need to make 2 posts for you to be able to post links. I guess now you can actually do that.
    They fixed that. The items you listed now won't have a pixel cost, 'cause they can't be scanned. They must be crafted, all of 'em.

    Never happened to me. Anyone else had this bug?
    Aren't they like, different? Test this bug on a new character.
    That's really weird. Somehow you can't play normally on the server, and people who visit your ship or world can't either? Do you guys have the same versions of the game? Just askin'. Go ask devs in the IRC. Maybe they know something. I'll add this bug to 'Unknown" tab
    Now what could it be?

    What caused the reset? Any ideas?
    Did it happen to you again?
    Forgot to mention: I'm not a dev, so "your hotfixes" sounds weird here, lol
    nshelekhov likes this.
  9. JN273

    JN273 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi I just wanted to say something regarding the bug with the pixels not matching the games' pixels. I noticed that Revolver Ocelawt have the same issue. He might not have mentioned it but I can see it clearly on his characters face.
    Here's another image to clarify:
    starbound face distort 2.png

    HACHE2MORT Void-Bound Voyager

    Upbeat Giraffe
    Important bug

    Impossibility to begin the game at creating character screen and selection character screen.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  11. JNFischer30

    JNFischer30 Big Damn Hero

    Window 7 Upbeat Giraffe
    Game breaker (but no crashing)
    Incomplete Dungeon
    I was on an Arid planet when this happened. Unable to complete the dungeon or access the last 2 chests.

    Apex Dugneon Unfinished Bug.jpg [DOUBLEPOST=1422967406][/DOUBLEPOST]Windows 7 64 Bit
    Upbeat Giraffe
    Game Crash
    Feb 3, 2015
    I accidentally double clicked the "Go" button with my coordinates set for the gate when I got this message.
    Coordinates Crash.jpg
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  12. Dimensional13

    Dimensional13 Big Damn Hero

    I've got a bug I think! Spawned NPCs from npc spawners don't wear clothes!

    Like, human npcs i spawned just kept rocking their undies. And there was nothing I could do... uhm...?
  13. JNFischer30

    JNFischer30 Big Damn Hero

    Windows 7 64 Bit
    Upbeat Giraffe
    Feb 3, 2015
    Graphical bug

    Hilarious, my body sticks out of the morph ball. I'm in the "Mysterious Party" event and playing as a human.
    Morphball Bug.jpg
  14. eksynn

    eksynn Giant Laser Beams

    i'd like to volunteer, if you're still taking volunteers =x

    and i may have one for you - it's an old nightly bug. but yes, i'm playing stable now.
    you basically crash when taking something from a container (in this case as an example, i don't remember what i took, but i did hold shift while clicking. and it was at a Glitch castle in an Alien radioactive biome.)
    it doesn't always crash. maybe once every 10~15 times or more...

    windows 7, desktop, the system is 64 bit but i was running the 32 bit directly, without the launcher, since it doesn't seem to do anything.

    there was an error... but i forgot to write it down
    >.< sorry -- i'll edit this part with it once i manage to make it happen again.
    the log's error (everything before that was fine):

    what else do you need to know?
  15. Eorlunder

    Eorlunder Space Hobo

    Hi I have Win Xp
    I can launch my game but when I created or chosen a prsonnage my game crash for no reason ...
    if you could try to take a look please;)
  16. degih

    degih Void-Bound Voyager

    Upbeat Giraffe
    03 February 2015
    - single player
    - game crashed
    - save is broken

    I was plaing with my Novakid, I was on a moon, used that new blink tech with "F" hotkey, when my screen turned black. Game crashed. I had Stack Overflow and Runtime Exception errors...
    That errors crashed Starbound and steam.
    Can't play with that Novakid anymore, other characters are good.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  17. JNFischer30

    JNFischer30 Big Damn Hero

    I had the same thing happen. You can use the 3d printer to get the kennel.
  18. CrimsonGiraffe

    CrimsonGiraffe Phantasmal Quasar

    Upbeat Giraffe
    • Weapons/Armour
    • There's a visible seam/gap in the sprites for Pulse Rifles now. Every single one I've found has it, in about the same spot.
    • [​IMG]
    • It's been like this for days, probably since the initial Stable update.
  19. Drunksteak

    Drunksteak Space Hobo

    Found a little bug.
    I play as a novakid and just got my blink tech.
    After blinking a bit around in my ship/train, i found out that i can blink out of the ship by standing in the cockpit and blinking forward.
    May takes 2-3 tries, but it "worked" 4/4 times... only way i could go back was by beaming down to the planet and back up.
  20. Cutiesaurs

    Cutiesaurs Aquatic Astronaut

    There seems to be a problem with the launcher
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