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Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Alucard I, Dec 21, 2014.

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  1. JNFischer30

    JNFischer30 Big Damn Hero

    Other clothing items stack, why should hats be any different? I have a stack of 5 all seeing capes.

    Actually, I just checked my inventory and only items which you wear on your back will stack. At any rate, being able to stack cloths would help keep things organized.
  2. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest


    -Client side bug
    This bug no longer occurs in Upbeat Giraffe, as the new parallax transition system has fixed the problem.

    -Client side bug
    This bug no longer occurs with the removal of the tentacle biome, although it may reemerge if they are added again.

    -Client side bug
    This bug no longer occurs.

    -Client side bug
    This no longer occurs with the new implementation of planet hazards and the removal of the old temperature system.

    -Client side bug
    This bug no longer occurs, hitting a plant will play a noise similar to the rustling of leaves, not a jar breaking.

    -Client side bug
    This bug no longer occurs with the removal of the old temerature system.

    -Client side bug
    This bug is fixed, as the feature has been implemented.
  3. WillWill56

    WillWill56 Aquatic Astronaut

    Finally worked out it was the 32-bit/64-bit incompatibility bug I was experiencing, posting to confirm it still exists. Perhaps more information will help diagnose this bug?
    • Upbeat Giraffe U: 2, P: 666
    • Client: Win8 x64 with 32-bit client, Server: Linux x64 with 64-bit server
    • Server-side bug causes client-side crash
    • 3 (Client crashes with no error message, server keeps running)
    • Was running the 32-bit Starbound client and was experiencing strange crashes when the server attempted to spawn monsters off-screen on certain planets (I had just traveled to a radioactive planet). See pastebin com B22Z9CUt for client log.
    • Switching to the experimental 64-bit Starbound client fixed the problem.
  4. MagellanOfBass

    MagellanOfBass Intergalactic Tourist

    Hi, I do hope someone from the developing team reads this.

    A few things that should be fixed from the latest stable version (Upbeat Giraffe):

    - The Lore when you start a new character (we all had to do that with the new update - right?). It still says that the ship ran out of fuel and things like that. Needs to be corrected to say that the ship is also broken, also to reflect recent changes in controls, combat, threats, etc. For instance they mention "freezing to death" and "birds being deadly", neither of which are true anymore.

    - We need a guide!!! The previous game had a (very basic) guide on how to play, which was pretty much in the Codex. There have been changes to gameplay, and these need to be reflected... I'm talking about game controls etc.

    - Character creation screen: we can change the underwear colour (for a human) but not see it. The same happens with the Novakid's bellybutton. Therefore we have no idea what it looks like underneath. This is basic, come on guys. Also, it's an old bug, but I was expecting it to be fixed to by now.

    - I remember that it was impossible to re-grow grass in the previous version. Is this still so??? I need to grow grass. Would very much like to, as the dirt looks ugly without grass on top.

    - RADIATION is not affecting me. I recently got the protective Nano suit, however I DID NOT equip it. I am still wearing the Oxygen suit. I am walking around an ALIEN planet (threat: "risky", with high levels of radiation and no breathable atmosphere). Nothing is happening. I am completely safe and sound.

    Thanks for the update Chucklefish, now please kindly fix these things...

    And keep up the good work!
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
  5. JNFischer30

    JNFischer30 Big Damn Hero

    Windows 7, 64 bit
    Mild bug
    Feb 7, 2015

    The "old chest" Item has a 3d print value of 125 but cannot be scanned.

    Mild Graphical Bug and Block Bug
    When a door is placed underwater the water does not go all the way to the door. When the door is opened and shut, it makes the water level fluctuate. I'm pretty sure it's making water disappear somehow.

    The bug is just to the left of the mouse cursor

    Door and Water glitch.jpg
  6. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Void-Bound Voyager

    I got my first crash after the update started and i got pretty far. I had just unlocked durasteel and was minning for some titanium when i was in an underground icy bone biome and i found a bone chest. It had a Mysterious Alien Skull in it and an assault rifle (which is not totaly bad). I put the hat on in cosmetics and then quit while wearing it and full durasteel armor. Upon re-logging i crashed and have not been able to get on. I tried logging using the 64xBit Experimantal (open GL) version but it said this as well. (Below) Error starbound.PNG
  7. level1imp

    level1imp Master Chief

    OS: Windows 8.1 x64
    • Client: Upbeat Giraffe U2 P666
    • Bug classification: 2
    Bug: Interact with ships teleporter more than once will cause multiple option windows to appear (the number corresponding to the number of times you interact).
    Teleport to planet or home world and the previous option windows remain.
    Choose to teleport again will cause the player to be stuck during teleportation.
    The game does not crash, so you are able to save&quit to the menu screen and log back in to continue.


    Note: Since the windows can not be moved, like the chest inventory windows, they stack atop one another making everything seem okay (other than the transparency decreasing with each consecutive window), until you teleport.
  8. Andr0o

    Andr0o Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is fixed by not rushing so damn much. What's actually happening here is that you're taking the item and closing the container during a lag spike and the game hasn't taken the item out of the container yet, so it thinks you're trying to access a closed container and crashes.[DOUBLEPOST=1423353525][/DOUBLEPOST]
    This bug is caused by lag, you close a container before the game processes the change in location of the item and it crashes. The best way to avoid it is to keep the container open as long as the game needs to process it.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
  9. Doomsire

    Doomsire Void-Bound Voyager

    Upbeat giraffe
    Windows 8.1 x64
    February 7 2015

    Using grapple on a surface and then using Human mech removes the grapple, but once you leave the mech the grapple re-appears in the spot that it was originally attached to. Seems to go away if the path is obstructed (e.g around a corner).
  10. Emrys Thomas

    Emrys Thomas Void-Bound Voyager

    A few minor bugs to report:
    Stable Upbeat Giraffe
    First off, it appears that some gear appears outside of beds when sleeping. See images (2015-02-07_00001,2015-02-06_00004). Not sure if this is meant to be like this or not, but I noted it as odd. This occurred with butterfly wings as well as floran hunting suit (forget the technical term)

    Second, once I was fighting a giant bird. It was diving as usual to try and kill me. However, at one point it collided with the ground in an attempt to hit me. It then was stuck in the dirt, unable to take flight or fight me. It was easy to finish the bird after that. Again, not sure if that should be normal, but it seemed a bit glitchy. See image (2015-02-06_00003).
    Building off of this, it seems that NPCs have been having trouble being aggressive. I have had a few instances where I had staring contests with hostile NPCs, and even when hit, they did not budge at all. Seemed way too easy. This occurred with the purple clothed vigilantes as well as bandits.

    Third, I found that sometimes chests get stuck open. This does not affect whether it is able to be opened again, just visually in error. See image (2014-02-04_00001)

    Fourth. It appears that if it is raining, it sometimes manages to rain inside, but only when you cannot see the roof that is actually blocking the rain from coming in. Unfortunately I cannot include the image because it is having an error when I try to upload it. I will try to provide one later.

    Attached Files:

  11. roflburger2010

    roflburger2010 Void-Bound Voyager

    I was using the OpenGL version of the game.
    • Upbeat Giraffe
    • Client Side
    • 0
    • When you're 50 or more blocks underground the game doesn't update correctly. It seems to update the world every 5-8 seconds.
    • I was underground on a Moderate Difficulty Arid Planet when I tried placing torches but nothing appears. I held down the mouse key and spammed the wall with torches but they didn't actually appear on the wall until 7 seconds after I did so. Same thing goes with breaking blocks and mobs they don't move or get destroyed until a couple seconds after I use them. Time seems to be paused, but it's clear that things are still going on in the background.

    I know this isn't my computer because it only happened on this arid planet underground. Everywhere else in the game I was getting 60 FPS and no lag what so ever.

    Here's a video to help you understand a lot better than I could explain it.

    Skip to 2:00 to see the bug.

    Last edited: Feb 8, 2015
  12. Brawny216

    Brawny216 Space Hobo

    • Upbeat Giraffe
    • 2-7-2015
    • Unknown-Occurs in Single player
    • 3.5 - Does not crash game but prevents switching planets
    • When jumping from one planet to another, fuel is consumed and jumping animation starts, but is stuck in an endless loop and cannot land. Does not crash game but prevents any chance of further gameplay.
    • I was finishing up on one planet in my second star system and was getting ready to switch to the adjacent planet. I got stuck in the jump animation, but could move around my ship with no problem. After a couple minutes of this I saved and quit to try to restart where i loaded up on the starting planet in the first system. Ran into the same error when I tried to jump again. I tested this on the basic version, OpenGL and OpenGL 64 bit and made no difference.
  13. FalconFury

    FalconFury Void-Bound Voyager

    Here you go there is a bug for ya for double clicking or hurrying up the game.

    Attached Files:

    • WTF.jpg
      File size:
      70.8 KB
  14. Zauber Paracelsus

    Zauber Paracelsus Pangalactic Porcupine

    Found a world that crashes Starbound upon attempting to visit it. Or rather, it seems to crash a thread while the game client continues going. Only way to escape is to sign out and then reload. And of course, the fuel spent is wasted.

    Epsilon Malkut 802 II
    X: 80904641
    Y: 502676128
    Biome: Forest

    Info: UniverseServer: Creating world 80904641:502676128:97669621:5
    Error: UniverseServer: error during pooled world create: (OutOfRangeException) last() called on empty list
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2ESs+0x75) [0x10e36e5]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC1EPKc+0x25) [0x10e3ab5]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star11WorldLayout8addLayerEmiNS0_12RegionParamsENS_5MaybeIS1_EENS_6VectorIjLm2EEES5_+0xe7a) [0x1007b4a]
    ./starbound() [0x10081f1]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star11WorldLayout22buildTerrestrialLayoutERKNS_26TerrestrialWorldParametersEm+0x123) [0x100ed93]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star13WorldTemplateC2ERKNS_19CelestialCoordinateERKSt10shared_ptrINS_17CelestialDatabaseEE+0x238) [0xd94c48]
    ./starbound() [0xccb4f2]
    ./starbound() [0xccbb84]
    ./starbound(_ZZN4Star10WorkerPool11addProducerISt10shared_ptrINS_17WorldServerThreadEEEENS_17WorkerPoolPromiseIT_EESt8functionIFS6_vEEENKUlvE_clEv+0x2a) [0xcd834a]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star10WorkerPool12WorkerThread3runEv+0xf5) [0x10dd7b5]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star10ThreadImpl9runThreadEPv+0x1a) [0x10eb82a]
    /usr/lib/libpthread.so.0(+0x7314) [0x7f660cc22314]
    /usr/lib/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7f660c45724d]
    Error: UniverseServer: error during worker pooled job: (InvalidMaybeAccessException) InvalidMaybeAccessException
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2ESs+0x75) [0x10e36e5]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC1EPKc+0x25) [0x10e3ab5]
    ./starbound() [0x7a24aa]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star17WorkerPoolPromiseISt10shared_ptrINS_17WorldServerThreadEEE3getEv+0x63) [0xcd7e73]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star14UniverseServer20createCelestialWorldERKNS_19CelestialCoordinateE+0x2a7) [0xccf487]
    ./starbound() [0xcd080a]
    ./starbound() [0x10dd11c]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star10WorkerPool12WorkerThread3runEv+0xf5) [0x10dd7b5]
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star10ThreadImpl9runThreadEPv+0x1a) [0x10eb82a]
    /usr/lib/libpthread.so.0(+0x7314) [0x7f660cc22314]
    /usr/lib/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7f660c45724d]
    Info: Renderer destroyed
    Info: UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
    Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
    Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Redmane' <1> (Fifo <0x3d4f770>) disconnected
    Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: (FifoClosedException) Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: (FifoClosedException) Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    Info: Renderer initialized
    Info: Renderer destroyed
    Info: Application quitting!
    Info: Client shutdown gracefully
    Info: Shutting down Star::Root
    The issue still occurs in both vanilla and modded games.
  15. sanguium

    sanguium Void-Bound Voyager

    Windows 7 x64
    • Upbeat giraffe
    • Happens with the regular client, opengl and x64 opengl clients.
    • Block and ore
    • 2
    • Pile of eyes blocks, get random/glitchy textures or no textures at all when painted with the paint tool. Happens both when placed in background and foreground. The texture change from time to time, for example when maximizing and restoring the game window. (Toy blocks placed for color reference.)

  16. baconpancakes9

    baconpancakes9 Yeah, You!

    this is true in the stable update as well. it has nothing at all to do with the planet you are on or what biome you are in. i was playing windows vista on a laptop, 32 bit. id assume this is a universal bug for all systems. some people mentioned this is caused when you do it at the same time of a lag spike. i was battling a mob at the time so i think this story is confirmed
  17. Annohorium

    Annohorium Aquatic Astronaut

  18. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I

    Updated the list!

    I've tried a lot, but couldn't replicate this.
    Does this happen with any item you take or leave? I've never had a problem like yours.
    And I'd really love you to help us if you want!
    Well, most people crash on doing this, you managed to stay alive. Good job. I already added this bug.
    Awesome, very helpful information, 999/10, best bug ever, 420 blaze it
    Can you see the beams? Do they move?
    Ooooo, it's rare to see someone care about mob attacks. Added!
    Same problem I see. Well, they did match for me. Is your computer okay?
    So what's the bug? Memory leaks? Unoptimised universe generation? It sounds really serious, but I have no idea what to put in the list! It's not even a bug, it's an optimisation problem, but I think we can find a place for it here.
    Does it happen when you jump to desert planets? It's been reported to happen so with these types of planets.
    Just tested this. It seems you really cannot interact with anything but SAIL, but it only happens while the map is downloading. If you wait a bit (about 2 seconds for me), everything automatically goes back to normal and you can interact with everything.
    How did you notice this? Wow.
    ...use? Is this item even usable? Did it fix after you reinstalled the game?
    Does everything else die when you remove water completely?
    There is an eccentric system near your coordinates. No systems at exact location you posted.
    I thought we had a codex about controls? No? Maybe I'm missing something.
    Do you think it might have been this hat that caused the bug?
    Here we go, awesome explanation.
    This is definitely a huge lag, but there must be something what causes it. Perhaps, wrong generation somewhere, I don't know. Mind giving me the coordinates?
    Do you go to the desert planet? Or something else?
    I'll try to test this one soon.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
    roflburger2010 and Andr0o like this.
  19. Seth Phoenix

    Seth Phoenix Big Damn Hero

    I can't actually play the game. Whenever I make a character and try to start, it just crashes. On top of that, my mods don't work. I have a mod for Final Fantasy hair styles and outfits and they won't show up as options in character creation anymore.
  20. Andr0o

    Andr0o Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Are you using mods with the unstable release? If so... just... don't.
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