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Floran reproduction. It's official.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Breather, Jul 1, 2013.

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  1. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    This was a little image created by fetalstar a while back when the fans weren't sure how the new Plant race reproduced.

    Unofficial Sprite:
    By yours truly :P

    A little while later, a thread was put up by the user Ariexe about "how should florans mate?" with a poll. The top vote is clearly butt rubbing.

    And now... 2 1/2 months later.

    It's official.


  2. Kish

    Kish Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Haha I love it.
    Squiddy, OneOnlyDan, Gredd18 and 3 others like this.
  3. Malvolio Portius

    Malvolio Portius Pangalactic Porcupine

    And pass the eye bleach please...

    I have only one question for this now. WHY? I mean really? Should they NOT do that in public?
    Squiddy and 13SithDeceiver13 like this.
  4. Passarbye

    Passarbye Phantasmal Quasar

    they are savages, what do you expect them to do in public? :rolleyes:
    Bierbart, Squiddy, LastDay and 2 others like this.
  5. Miyuki

    Miyuki Sandwich Man

    Only goes to show that Florans aren't exactly concerned by petty social expectations, norms or privacy. If you've ever had pollen allergy issues, you're essentially allergic to plant jizz, but I don't see anyone berating flowers and trees for their public expression of reproductive practices... In any other context, had it been humans doing it in a techno rave, there wouldn't be too many raised eyebrows, but as soon as um.. the act of pollination is added to the equation, everyone loses their minds. Meh, narrow-minded meatbags! Go figure!

    Oh my, I would rather consider myself as an... open-minded individual who isn't stuck with artificial social norms, and unlike your prejudiced and biased comment would have us believe, we're... how shall I put it.. creative in our ways. Then again, I am an outcast of our kind for exactly those reasons.
    dspiels, TurqN, 321retnuh and 9 others like this.
  6. Malvolio Portius

    Malvolio Portius Pangalactic Porcupine

    Eat people maybe? I don't know I think I expected too much from them for a moment. Now that the moment has passed I am not shocked anymore.
  7. Hat

    Hat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is what they do when Seymour isn't looking.

    Squiddy, Heartstrings, Jebi and 3 others like this.
  8. NFossil

    NFossil Phantasmal Quasar

    They have flowers on their head. Shouldn't they be rubbing those?
  9. Miyuki

    Miyuki Sandwich Man

    Oh no... you've got it all wrong; we eat corpses, meat that is, like all good omnivores do, you see. Uhh, I wouldn't go as far as guaranteeing that all the corpses we acquire would have deceased of non-Floran, non-plasma-bolt-through-vital-organs sort of reasons, but I hope you get the point. It would be a waste to just bury or... burn perfectly good nutritious organic matter.
    Tarod, Zet0r, Monitor344 and 2 others like this.
  10. PureWillkuer

    PureWillkuer Starship Captain

    Thats great :rofl:
  11. Malvolio Portius

    Malvolio Portius Pangalactic Porcupine

    Never said they couldn't eat a corpse in public... wait this a trap to get me lower my guard. Not going to happen Floran, my vital organs will remain where they are.
    Squiddy and Monitor344 like this.
  12. Sowaka

    Sowaka Phantasmal Quasar

    Has anyone described this as "butt sex" yet? :mwahaha:
    Squiddy, DeadlyLuvdisc and Arcstone like this.
  13. Hat

    Hat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  14. aljam

    aljam Cosmic Narwhal

    T-too lewd!
  15. Miyuki

    Miyuki Sandwich Man

    That's fine, the poison I slipped into your drink while you were too busy quoting... wait a second, this is not my vial of poison, but of Hylotl mating pheromones. You may blame me if a horny Hylotl or a dozen finds you unusually attractive for a few days.
    *slips off mumbling something about Hylotl and sushi*
    Ignify, Squiddy and Monitor344 like this.
  16. Epicroyal

    Epicroyal Cosmic Narwhal

    Please receive your confidential set of metal underwear to protect yourself from Florans. Thank you, from the Universal Underwear Division of Sheep.
  17. Malvolio Portius

    Malvolio Portius Pangalactic Porcupine

    You did WHAT to my wine?
    Well then, off to vomit and get a detox or stomach pump.
    Squiddy likes this.
  18. Raybrandt

    Raybrandt Jackpot!

    So we can all confirm that salad butts are the best butts, yes?

    Why would you do that? :<
  19. Miyuki

    Miyuki Sandwich Man

    Technically yes, but in actuality, that would be futile as they no longer serve the reproductive functions they once used to. Those functions have moved into an internal organ analogue. Little is known about when or why that happened, but I'd suspect there to have been evolutionary pressures from having far too many top-level predatory Florans being born due to exposed organs and rapid reproductive cycles. Hey... that might explain our cannibalistic tendencies: to limit population growth!

    Anyhow, think of the "flowers" as the plumes of a peacock, or perhaps... more like naturally curly hair versus straight hair and all the different hair and fur colors. As you can see, the petals come in various arrangements and colors and they merely represent our lineage in so far as hereditary external features go for a creature of any species. Then again, I am an assassin and a space-plane pilot, not a biologist, so perhaps you could ask Rho.
  20. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    Unofficial Sprite:
    Ignify, jmlop0, Squiddy and 8 others like this.
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