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Meet the Florans

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Ghostar, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. I actually thought the blue and red flowers indicated subspecies in the floran species, with the blue ones utilizing the strenght in numbers type of breeding (produce a lot of offspring only a few of which survive) and the red ones only spawning a few of them but trying to ensure they grow into adulthood.
    Ho hum!
    Axe Garian and blind sniper like this.
  2. Cypress_z

    Cypress_z Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I absolutely adore this race. Between them and the Apex, this is looking like a fantastically fun array of races.
  3. Alexblex

    Alexblex Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Man can these race get any better. This is amazing. Cant wait for the others.
  4. Kalico

    Kalico Guest

    I love the way you guys have expanded on the background and history of all of the playable races thus far. Even if it is just for flavor, I think it really adds to the feel and personality of the game, and to each race.

    Really glad that you could come on and answer all of the questions we have as well :D
    Axe Garian likes this.
  5. JPandaGamer

    JPandaGamer Industrial Terraformer

    I really like their design. They should be enjoyable to play on in RP servers :DD
  6. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    Your days are numbered, Florans! "Chum the Waters" will put an end to your deceptive traps!
  7. Stargazer

    Stargazer Existential Complex

    But I like Florans...:(
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  8. Valkoor Moonblood

    Valkoor Moonblood Existential Complex

    I personally won't be playing as one (Ill prob just go human) but it's freaking awesome to see more races. I'm excited to see how they all interact with each other.
  9. fetalstar

    fetalstar 404 Artist Not Found Developer


    I'm not even sorry.
  10. Nightmares. :ssssssssss:
    Galactic Avatar and Kitty Box like this.
  11. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    God bless you.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  12. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    I fucking love you do much for posting this,
    This is why I love the starbound team do much.
  13. Bismuth

    Bismuth Cosmic Narwhal

    Oh no...
    What have we created
  14. Kesk

    Kesk Phantasmal Quasar

    Wha- Why...?
  15. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    If you get the reference, have all of my likes.
  16. Mr. Electric Ocean

    Mr. Electric Ocean Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm a fan of this race.

    The butt rubbing gif is gold!
    MDoubleM likes this.
  17. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    those two butt-rubbers look entirely too pleased with themselves.
    they know we are giggling at them.
    they enjoy it.
    look at those guilty faces!
    ErekoseDM and Axe Garian like this.
  18. Kesk

    Kesk Phantasmal Quasar

    I think we now know the devs are even more insanely awesome... or awesomely insane?
    MDoubleM likes this.
  19. -Captain, we have detected the first instance of... /gulp/ Floran porn in this system! What shall we do?
    -Record it in my logbook for... later viewing.
    Ignify, Avris, MDoubleM and 2 others like this.
  20. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    I was about to go to sleep.Not anymore.
    Axe Garian likes this.

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