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Anyone got good coordinates they would like to share?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Day56, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. Inconspicuous

    Inconspicuous Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A decent way to the left of the village.
  2. saito82

    saito82 Void-Bound Voyager

    Anyone find another Alpha Sector gun merchant other than the one previously mentioned since this update....by the time I got there the birds had massacred everyone on the ship and since guns don't drop only thing left was crappy weapons...(I loathe these birds)
  3. AdelaisAer

    AdelaisAer Industrial Terraformer

    Anyone found any good Lv. 1 to 10 planets with Jungle or Ocean biomes? Or do you have to go to BETA and up to find those? :(
  4. Dread Pirate Roberts

    Dread Pirate Roberts Zero Gravity Genie

    Anyone got some high Cerulium content plant coords?

    Aegissalt wasn't so bad but I'm high and dry with Cerulium.
  5. Hellfyre

    Hellfyre Aquatic Astronaut

    was to the left not sure if you counter trolled me for my mistake in my human mech post :B
  6. Ordane

    Ordane Master Chief

    I must have walked all the way around then... :lod:
    Wikrin and Hellfyre like this.
  7. Creston91

    Creston91 Tentacle Wrangler

    x 88959604 y -85207402 Alpha Nekor Minoris III, its an ok planet for resources and a town to the left. I found it on google.
  8. santaclause

    santaclause Intergalactic Tourist

    hate to break it to ya man, but with how simple it is to dupe shit atm, there's not much point. you can take 1 coal and turn it into like 10000 coal in like 10 minutes.
  9. Juber

    Juber Seal Broken

    Oops yeah, its Called Alpha Hoyle 955 VI a, a level 1 moon.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  10. MrBurg

    MrBurg Master Chief

    Does anyone have coordinates for a Matter Block spawner?
    Or a planet with a lot of coal?
    Or a cape?

    There are so many things I want D:
  11. panderp19

    panderp19 Orbital Explorer

    Found a nice planet in my home system. It's the Alpha Omniculpa 97 system, planet I c (the only arid level 1 planet). To the left of spawn there is a tomb, but I haven't yet explored it. So far there has been a decent amount of coal on the surface. x = 32154521 y = -71568368
  12. Wikrin

    Wikrin Void-Bound Voyager

    So, I found something interesting: Six Apex labs, one planet. WTF, Apex Noveria.
    If you can't see the picture for some reason, that's (87594111, -26519044) in the Gamma sector. It's the big, snowy one.

    The little planet next to it, with the Home icon? It has a tech, in a chest just underground (visible cave), a little to the left of the spawn point. I got Morphball from it. :) It also has a prison further to the left, and some mushroom blocks if you dig far enough down from the spawn point.
  13. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    They reduced the number of planet levels from 100 to 10. Thus, all planets in Alpha are threat 1, all planets in beta are threat 2, etc.
  14. santaclause

    santaclause Intergalactic Tourist

    i'm looking for an electric guitar, a lead guitar, or preferably an overdrive guitar, anybody got any coords for em?
  15. Hellfyre

    Hellfyre Aquatic Astronaut

    any more info ive run around the planet and ive found a harmonica and a microphone but no ocarina
  16. Boozfob

    Boozfob Star Wrangler

    Hm, then i dont know, i found an ocarina and a harmonica
  17. Hellfyre

    Hellfyre Aquatic Astronaut

    any landmarks near the chest with the ocarina i can remember a glitch house an airship toxic biome
  18. Boozfob

    Boozfob Star Wrangler

    I dont remember exactly, are you sure the chests are the same, because i didnt find any microphone :3
  19. Hellfyre

    Hellfyre Aquatic Astronaut

    microphone was onboard the pirate ship that loot is randomized i think however instruments arent neither are surface tech chests
    for example if you find a tech chest on the surface it will 100% be the same tech for anyone else who uses the seed as opposed to just being a 'tech chest' with a random chance of that tiers tech spawning in it

    instruments are much the same
  20. Boozfob

    Boozfob Star Wrangler

    Hmm ok then i dunno, i just ran around the planet :p
    However i will type down cords and remember where exactly the chest is if i find another one :)
    Hellfyre likes this.
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