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Anyone got good coordinates they would like to share?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Day56, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. Wilxz

    Wilxz Space Hobo

    x-19707045 y-33535344
    Alpha 68 Her 3819 Ia
    four apex reasearch stations. If anyone really likes all the lab decorations, thats the place to go to
  2. Ordane

    Ordane Master Chief

    Butterfly boost in chest to the left.
    X Glynaith 518 VI c
    X: 89434999 Y:-44116054
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  3. Baku Vicen

    Baku Vicen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    X Sector
    x: 50896965 y: 88973785
    X Iota-1 Sco 7478 II
    A chest in spawn surface with Perfectly generic item
    Polar ! likes this.
  4. gummby8

    gummby8 Void-Bound Voyager

    Am I missing something? I am on the exact planet mentioned here, no update has happened since this post was made, I walk till nightfall in both directions and never see a chest.

    It seems like this happens on every planet someone mentions. Cities are usually where people say they are but chests never exist and yet people confirm they exist. what gives?

    And why cant I use wood as fuel anymore :(
  5. NovaCain

    NovaCain Void-Bound Voyager

    Care to remind us the name of that gun merchant planet?
  6. Souji

    Souji Void-Bound Voyager

    x 52741070 y 6276193
    Alpha Alpha For Minoris II.
    Threat level 1, the desert planet.
    Two techs found pretty close to each other (I got Energy dashes from the both of them, but oh well).
    Just a few screens left, past the Glitch wizard house there's an Apex lab.
    You can just go down towards to jump and one chest with tech is just below you, you can dig straight down to it.
    Go down the platforms to the left of it and another chest with tech is just below in the hollow area.
  7. darksinjid

    darksinjid Space Hobo

    i couldnt find c on lV
  8. Xacris

    Xacris Pangalactic Porcupine

    Alpha Umbraxion 1207 II, it's a desert. You'll see an anchor in the ground a little ways left of spawn. Build up and you'll find the air ship. The guns, as of last I checked, are around 720 pixels

    EDIT: There are a lot of planets in that system, the two of which I've been to so far have both been very good to me. I plan on exploring the rest, since it's easier to travel in system than to a different one

    Alpha Umbraxion 1207 I e is a desert planet with a U.S.M.C. penal colony just to the left of spawn. Got a ton of pixels from killing all of the prisoners. Also, right at the spawn was a chest with 5 platinum bars
    Alpha Umbraxion 1207 I c is a forest planet that also has a U.S.M.C. penal colony
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  9. John Titor

    John Titor Intergalactic Tourist

    If you find out, could you let me know? I love my ushanka, but after reset, i could not find it again.
  10. EmGeHo

    EmGeHo Cosmic Narwhal

    I guess I expected a bigger difference, considering the rareness.
  11. MFWlolwut

    MFWlolwut Intergalactic Tourist

    looking for a planet with alot of matter on it
  12. locustgate

    locustgate Big Damn Hero

    Anyone know any cords I can find aegisalt, I've found tons of rubieum and ceriuleum but no aeg.
  13. Dagorran

    Dagorran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I looked around, It's actually VI that has it.
  14. Rye Katcher

    Rye Katcher Void-Bound Voyager

    Don't have any specific cords on me atm, but you basically need a level 5-6 threat planets, it doesn't spawn much at the higher ones.
  15. santaclause

    santaclause Intergalactic Tourist

    it's actually not that rare, as soon as i hit beta sector, uranium was everywhere underground, currently endgame in x sector, uranium, plutonium, and solarium are everywhere, even on the surface.
  16. locustgate

    locustgate Big Damn Hero


    X87032927 Y95248028
    X Geras Majoris I (can't remember which one)

    Found a grenade launcher that fires grenades that move along the ground seeking out creatures.
  17. Ordane

    Ordane Master Chief

    Whoops! Sorry I'll fix that.
  18. EmGeHo

    EmGeHo Cosmic Narwhal

    Just my luck then
  19. Boozfob

    Boozfob Star Wrangler

    LVL 10 gun merchant! (to the left on this planet:)
    ApSciLiara likes this.
  20. Juber

    Juber Seal Broken

    As of "Frustrated Koala" I've found an amazing Glitch castle, not far from where you beam in. It's just to the left a little ways. Planet is a level 1 moon. Alpha Hoyle 955 VI a. X 7707516 Y 875368. This place is huuuuuge!
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
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