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Outdated Neko's Clothing Mod 1.00 Actual

Neko's latex and leather clothing mod (Now an Actual Version Number!)


    Long time since I've uploaded an update, but I'm sure some of you guys are going to like this.

    If you ever wanted your girls to look haughty and dominating in latex, this is the update you've been looking for :D


    - Long time since last release, Skipped a few sub-versions since they where done personally and
    never released.

    - Changed the recipes for latex clothing to require a bit of Rubber Glue and latex.
    - Added glue made from coal and rubber sheets. Rubber sheets are still made from plant fiber.

    - ADDED : Latex Noble Dress, Latex Commanders Uniform (Jacket, Pants and Skirt), and a Latex Officer
    *Now if only we had a military cap!*


    1. fetishclothing_alpha3.5.png
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