Modding Discussion Migrating XNB mods to Content Patcher packs

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Mar 5, 2018.

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  1. coldazrael

    coldazrael Existential Complex

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    Plume_QoQ, szii and lylo like this.
  2. AquilegiaStardew

    AquilegiaStardew Void-Bound Voyager

  3. AquilegiaStardew

    AquilegiaStardew Void-Bound Voyager

    [CP] Ace's Evelyn (original here), [CP] Leah New Hair (original here), [CP] Nostalgia Abigail (original here), and [CP] Vanilla Child Recolors (original here).

    The OCs of these mods are allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

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      Medicell likes this.
    • coldazrael

      coldazrael Existential Complex

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      Last edited: Oct 4, 2018
    • Ches713

      Ches713 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

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    • Chill-T

      Chill-T Phantasmal Quasar

      Sounds good. :D All those wasted days of downloading Sims mods on Naver seemed to have payed off a little. I'm actually interested on a particular rextexture ( but I think I can take care of it on my end. If I run into any problems I'll keep this thread in mind. ^^

      Very off topic, but— *cough* (You're a fan of the Shin Megami Tensei franchise, I see?) *cough*
      • Kuriiyo

        Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

        Those hats look gorgeous, I would be totally interested in using them if you share. :)

        (And yes. Very much so. Mostly persona 3 and 5, but I did play 4.)
        • coldazrael

          coldazrael Existential Complex

          Variant Anime Portraits >> Only bachelors and bachelorettes (Emily and Shane excluded)
          Config for characters :
          Abigail, Sam, Sebastian = default, variant, disabled
          Harvey = defaut, clean, goatee, disabled
          Maru = default, short, redhead, redheadshort, disabled
          (The rest) = enabled, disabled

          Villagers Anime Portrait >> All Bachelors, All Bachelorettes, All human NPCs (Bouncer and Gil excluded) Note : Missing and misplaced portraits are fixed in the unofficial CP version.
          Config for characters :
          Abigail, Emily, Sam, Sebastian = default, variant, disabled
          Harvey = defaut, clean, beard, disabled
          Maru = default, short, disabled
          Shane = default, clean, disabled
          (The rest) = enabled, disabled

          LumpySpace's Anime Villagers >> All non-marriageable Townspeople, Emily, Shane, Bouncer, Mr Qi, Sandy, Governor, Dwarf, Grandpa
          Config for all characters = enabled, disabled

          Tips to use all the mods without conflict :
          Make sure only 1 character is enabled in different mods ( Example : If Leah is enabled in Variant Anime Portraits mod, then Leah must be disabled in Villagers Anime Portraits mod, vise versa )

          another anime portrait mod recommendation :
          Ohodavi's SDV Anime Mod - Unofficial CP Version (Misplaced expressions are fixed in the unofficial CP Version)
          Chaba's Portraits - Unofficial CP Version
          Elliott Girl Version - Unofficial CP Version
          ̶L̶e̶w̶i̶s̶ ̶T̶r̶u̶m̶p̶ Gus to Wendy - Unofficial CP Version

          Update :
          [CP] Villagers Anime Portrait - Emily's misplaced portrait fixed
          [CP] Villagers Anime Portrait - Added compatibility for alternate Emily
          [CP] Villagers Anime Portrait - Changed Configschema for Emily ( default, variant, disabled )
          [CP] Villagers Anime Portrait - Missing code of Pierre's portrait fixed
          [CP] LumpySpace's Anime Villagers - Missing code of Pierre's portrait fixed

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            Last edited: Jan 15, 2019
          • coldazrael

            coldazrael Existential Complex

          • Kuriiyo

            Kuriiyo Cosmic Narwhal

            I felt like having a chocobo to ride around on in my game, so... This happened.

            Conversion of Rideable Chocobo to CP. Original: here

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            • Raspberry Lemonade

              Raspberry Lemonade Void-Bound Voyager

              Hey, could someone do a CP version of Jamie's Balanced Greenhouse? The post linked in the CP wiki seems to have been deleted and I'd like to use it!
              • coldazrael

                coldazrael Existential Complex

              • Raspberry Lemonade

                Raspberry Lemonade Void-Bound Voyager

              • coldazrael

                coldazrael Existential Complex

                No problem :D , and I had the wiki link fixed just few mins ago.
                • Ches713

                  Ches713 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Two conversions!

                  Jersey Cow by magimatica
                  Elle's Verata (Goat Replacement) by junimods
                  yeah I just recently saw that actually existed lol, I added my conversions! Thanks!
                  • hellbentheretic

                    hellbentheretic Void-Bound Voyager

                  • coldazrael

                    coldazrael Existential Complex


                    Important config values :
                    FullReplace (Replaces all building in same colour) = Christmas, Fall, Spring, Summer, Tan-Navy, Spring_houseflowerbox, Vanilla, disabled
                    --- Those configs below will work only if FullReplace is disabled
                    [Specific Building except houses]Replace : Christmas, Fall, Spring, Summer, Tan-Navy, Vanilla
                    FarmhouseReplace = Christmas, Fall, Spring, Summer, Tan-Navy, Spring_houseflowerbox, Vanilla
                    GreenhouseReplace = defaultmod, Vanilla

                    Important config values :
                    Eyes = normal, red
                    BlackWool = true, false

                    Important config values :
                    Replace = WinterTable, FestiveTable, MahoganyTable, ModernTable

                    Only enablemod config that contains true or false

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                    • Ensifera

                      Ensifera Aquatic Astronaut

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                      igoutta, Medicell and never..mind like this.
                    • coldazrael

                      coldazrael Existential Complex

                    • coldazrael

                      coldazrael Existential Complex

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