Modding Discussion Migrating XNB mods to Content Patcher packs

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Mar 5, 2018.

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  1. paradigmnomad

    paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've already converted this (on the first page) but if people see this and wonder what the difference is there isn't any really, either download should work fine with 1.3.
    I should update the wiki tonight.
    • ayahimew

      ayahimew Void-Bound Voyager

      Ah sorry! I was basing my information via the wiki myself q.q Sorry for not realising!
      • hatmouse

        hatmouse Phantasmal Quasar

        Conversion of eemie's Seasonal Victorians (original here) to Content Patcher instead of Seasonal Immersion.

        The flowers are included (there is a config to turn them off if you want), but not the rest of eemie's craftables, as those are now available in their own content pack.

        @eemie , if you upload these to your Nexus page, you can just change the version in the manifest to 2.1.0 without the -unofficial part. (I wasn't sure what to put, so I just based it on your SI version!)

        (Edit, oh, and take the "unofficial" off the "unofficial conversion" description :p )

        Added Eemie's Dutch Farm Buildings. Same deal, just remove the -unofficial stuff from the version in the manifest to make official. Includes a config to choose between winery and slime hutch.

          Attached Files:

          Last edited: May 3, 2018
        • Shalassa

          Shalassa Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Hej folks,

          I am currently tinkering with removing most of my xnbLoader-mods with CP mods after updating Smapi and would like to convert the BusStop/Backwoods Tweak (mainly for mys.
          However, they need a certain .xnb which isn't originally in the content folder of the game. Is there any method to add them with CP or do I still have to move the .xnb manually?

          Also converted the Blue Iridium mod (without the Slime Hutch though) by willow (to be found here)
          It was my first ever mod, please shout if there is something I missed or did wrong.

          The OC of the mod is allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

          (edit: Reuploaded as I missed out the statue and meteorite)

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            Last edited: May 3, 2018
            mingyo, Medicell and crashlapine like this.
          • ayahimew

            ayahimew Void-Bound Voyager

            Finished up a set of dialogue mods for Elliott! Please let me know if anything is wrong. Note with Alistair's, his original file had FromFile so I took the liberty to switch it over to EditData for compatibility's sake.

            The OCs of the mods are allowed to take these files and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

            Sabreene's [CP] Elliott - Dialogue Expansion (Doki Compatible)
            Sabreene's [CP] Elliott - Marriage Dialogue Expansion
            Alistairweekend's [CP] Doki Doki Dialogue - Elliott version

            Edit: Clarification

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              Last edited: May 3, 2018
              Brookey88, seedwads, Medicell and 3 others like this.
            • Umeneko

              Umeneko Void-Bound Voyager

              Can we have a list format for these? Like edit first post with a list of all these? Would be very handy
              • hatmouse

                hatmouse Phantasmal Quasar

                See here. (Could we get the link in the OP updated?)
                • D.Grey

                  D.Grey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  CP version of Jodi and Vincent - Sprites and Portraits Remastered Mod (Original Here)
                  CP version of Blonde Vincent and Brunette Jas Mod. It's a bit old but i have fix it for personal use some time ago. (Original Here)
                  CP version of Tool Icon Replacement Mod (Original Here)

                  The OCs of the mods are allowed to take these files and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

                    Attached Files:

                    Last edited: May 4, 2018
                    aijvelle likes this.
                  • ChiiBee

                    ChiiBee Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    CP versions of the 15x15 Greenhouses (Original)
                    CP version of Ali's Foraging Farm Map (Original)
                    CP version of Spouse Rooms Redesigned (Original) ((because I can't stand Shane's default room sobs))

                    If the original creators see this, and would like to officially upload these themselves, feel free! On the flipside, if you would rather I remove these files, feel free to message me asking me to do so.

                      Attached Files:

                    • Shalassa

                      Shalassa Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      15x15 Balanced Greenhouse by Jamie (original here)
                      Flowery Fences Recoloured by MixedBabe (original here)

                      OC as usual are allowed to upload them, drop a PM in case of removal.

                        Attached Files:

                        Last edited: May 7, 2018
                        rezeug87, lpvinyl21, Neala23 and 5 others like this.
                      • ShneekeyTheLost

                        ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

                        I have produced a video which demonstrates the difference between XNB mods, Content Patcher, why Content Patcher is better, and an overview of boilerplate code and showing off some of what CP can do.
                        • hatmouse

                          hatmouse Phantasmal Quasar

                          Seasonal Custom Farm Buildings by @Billy0815 and Seasonal Foresty Farm Buildings by @miizuki1512 , from Seasonal Immersion versions.

                          First has a config to use outhouse vs well (defaults to outhouse) and whether or not to use the craftables and paths. I'm kind of semi-automating these with a script and some copy-pasta and do just basic testing, so let me know if there are any errors :p

                          (Authors, to upload to your Nexus pages, just change the version in the manifest from "1.1.0-unofficial.1-mouse" to "1.1.0" !)

                          (Edit just to say that I know technically the SI versions aren't XNB mods anymore, but it's not yet updated for beta and the craftables still replace the whole file when used :) As much as I loved SI for a long time, it's simple to do with CP now!)

                            Attached Files:

                            Last edited: May 3, 2018
                            Snowfaeria, Bepsi, Kyttynjirr and 3 others like this.
                          • D.Grey

                            D.Grey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                            CP version of Character Portrait Overhauls Mod (Original Here).
                            CP version of Refined Bachelors Portraits Mod (Original Here). I took character files from the same author Here and Here.
                            CP version of Carpenter Family Portrait Overhaul Mod. (Original Here).

                            The OCs of the mods are allowed to take these files and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

                              Attached Files:

                              Last edited: May 4, 2018
                            • Ailsaek

                              Ailsaek Phantasmal Quasar

                              What is libdigiplus? Seems content patcher can't find it:

                              [ContentPatcher] Ignored Ragdoll Cat Replacements for Content Patcher > entry #2 (Load Animals/cat): error reading info. Technical details:

                              StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Exceptions.SContentLoadException: Failed loading content asset '/Users/ailsaek/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Contents/MacOS/Mods/[CP] Ragdoll Cats Replacements/assets/blue-mitted.png': couldn't find libgdiplus, which is needed to load mod images. Make sure Mono is installed and you're running the game through the normal launcher.

                              at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentPack.LoadAsset[T] (System.String key) <0x16deb31e0 + 0x0005a> in <filename unknown>:0

                              at ContentPatcher.Framework.AssetLoader.PreloadIfNeeded (IContentPack contentPack, System.String key) <0x16deb2640 + 0x00122> in <filename unknown>:0

                              at ContentPatcher.ModEntry.TryPrepareLocalAsset (IContentPack pack, System.String path, Pathoschild.Stardew.Common.Utilities.InvariantDictionary`1 config, ContentPatcher.Framework.Conditions.ConditionDictionary conditions, System.String& error, ContentPatcher.Framework.Conditions.TokenString& tokenedPath, Boolean checkOnly) <0x16deb0d50 + 0x0039e> in <filename unknown>:0

                              at ContentPatcher.ModEntry.LoadPatch (IContentPack pack, ContentPatcher.Framework.ConfigModels.PatchConfig entry, Pathoschild.Stardew.Common.Utilities.InvariantDictionary`1 config, System.Action`1 logSkip) <0x16deab400 + 0x00d88> in <filename unknown>:0
                              • cedarlings

                                cedarlings Void-Bound Voyager

                                i've tried installing the dutch farm buildings but to no avail? it seems to be missing a config.json file in it and maybe im just a dumb dumb who doesnt know where to find it if there is one?

                                "[ContentPatcher] Error loading content pack 'Dutch Farm Buildings'. Technical details:
                                Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Can't parse JSON file at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\[CP] EemiesDutchBuildings\content.json. This doesn't seem to be valid JSON.
                                Technical details: After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: {. Path 'Changes[8]', line 56, position 2.
                                at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Serialisation.JsonHelper.ReadJsonFile[TModel](String fullPath) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\Serialisation\JsonHelper.cs:line 82
                                at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentPack.ReadJsonFile[TModel](String path) in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\ContentPack.cs:line 57
                                at ContentPatcher.ModEntry.LoadContentPacks() in C:\source\_Stardew\Mods.Pathoschild\ContentPatcher\ModEntry.cs:line 169"

                                ALSO, and unrelated to my former query. i'm not sure if this is the place to ask, but i've been looking everywhere and i was hoping maybe to get help here, converting this map xnb to a cp pack? most of my save files rely on having that specific map in play and i didn't even think about it before updating!
                                • paradigmnomad

                                  paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                  That means there's something wrong with the JSON at that line. The poster can update the JSON with the error fixed.
                                    cedarlings likes this.
                                  • hatmouse

                                    hatmouse Phantasmal Quasar

                                    I uploaded the wrong version again, sorry! That one was... *drumroll* ... missing a comma. *sigh* I uploaded it again.
                                      cedarlings likes this.
                                    • flameofnight

                                      flameofnight Void-Bound Voyager

                                      I converted a lot of dialogue mods. All done with EditData and not LoadFile.

                                      The OC of the mod(s) is allowed to take this file and upload it on their official page if they wish. You may PM me to have the unofficial port removed if you wish.

                                      A More Interesting Sam
                                      Enhanced Dialogue Updated (some of it)
                                      Haywrites Narrative Overhaul (Year One, this link goes to Clint but that has all of them)
                                      Emily Dialogue Reworked
                                      Extended Dialogue for Jodi and Kent
                                      Haley/Penny/Leah Expanded Dialogue
                                      Harvey Personality Mod (the dialogue parts anyway)
                                      Marriage Dialogue Mod for Haley
                                      Penny Expanded Marriage Dialogue
                                      Penny Relationship (the villager part only)
                                      Shane Dialogue Expansion

                                      I'm hoping someone gets the Penny Expanded events done, I don't know how to edit those files! Also I'd like to plug my own mod, Leah - Expanded Marriage Dialogue.

                                        Attached Files:

                                        jjessirose, Yendia1, Darkyro and 52 others like this.
                                      • ShneekeyTheLost

                                        ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

                                        Sounds like you're using Linux, since this shouldn't happen when you use Windows or Mac.

                                        libgdiplus is a library that should be automatically installed when you install Mono. This suggests to me that you either haven't installed Mono or don't have the proper version of Mono. Try:

                                        sudo apt-get install mono-complete
                                        If that doesn't work, you may need to go to the Mono project website, update your PPA's, then:

                                        sudo apt-get update
                                        sudo apt-get install mono-complete
                                        • Ailsaek

                                          Ailsaek Phantasmal Quasar

                                          Huh. Weird. I’m using a Mac laptop. Someone else suggested I’m using the wrong version of Content Patcher. I thought I had grabbed the most recent one, specifically to go with 1.3. Oh well, back to the drawing board, I guess. (My daughter gives me endless crap about using so many mods. So sue me, I like them. )
                                            blouwho? likes this.
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