If you can't help with this, maybe you can help with one of my other posts: NPC's Giving Gifts to player or Festival dialogue changes: marriage I want to have the npc say something different based on whether or not the Comunity Center if fixed. But I also want it to have more than one segment. For example if you fixed the Comunity Center, Sam will say: "I'm really glad you fixed the community center. The whole town is." and the next box will say: "In fact Sebastian and I were going to hang out there today. I got that done. Here's images: If the Comunity Center is still unfixed than he'd say: "The community center? That place is a complete wreck." and the next box will say: "I wonder if Mayor Lewis should sell it to JojaMart.” I got that too. Here's images: The problem I have is putting the two togeter. The code for the fixed dialogue is : Day: “I'm really glad you fixed the community center. The whole town is.#$b#In fact Sebastian and I were going to hang out there today." #!String The code for the unfixed dialogue is: Day: “The community center? That place is a complete wreck.#$b#I wonder if Mayor Lewis should sell it to JojaMart." #!String And I can get it too choose if I use this code: Day: "$d cc#I'm really glad you fixed the community center. The whole town is.|The community center? That place is a complete wreck." #!String But that only works for the first dialogue box. If I try to get both boxes to work with this code: Day: "$d cc#I'm really glad you fixed the community center. The whole town is.#$b#In fact Sebastian and I were going to hang out there today.|The community center? That place is a complete wreck.#$b#I wonder if Mayor Lewis should sell it to JojaMart.” #!String I get this: It is worth noting that I have fixed the community center and I don't know how to just rendomly test text. If there is a way, please tell me that as well. I have also tried the code: Day: "$d cc#I'm really glad you fixed the community center. The whole town is.|The community center? That place is a complete wreck.#$b#$d cc#In fact Sebastian and I were going to hang out there today.|I wonder if Mayor Lewis should sell it to JojaMart.” #!String That just gives me the frist part and ignores the second. Also, using the trem "#$e#" instedof #$b# doen't help eirter. If anyone knows if and how to do this, please tell me.
I posted the parts of the code tahtI'm using here. This is just an example anyway. The point is I can have it pick dialogue un conditions, such as the community center bing fixed(by started with this comand: [$d cc#]), or I can have multiple dialogue boxes(using the command [#$b#] or [#$e#] to seporatethe boxes, [#$b#] connects them so you click to continue, [#$e#] ends the interaction and the next box is shown when you interact with the NPC again). The problem is that I can't do both. I'm not even sure it's posisle, but if someone knows I'm hoping they will find this. The "Day:" part of the code above is filler. It can be anything from "indoor_Day:" to "fall_16:" the day/date/year/place specified in the code is not important.