Have you ever tried to go on some sort of adventure? Whether it be mining, exploring, building, or even farming, you're limited by the need for food!
Now, that wouldn't be so bad if food didn't rot and could stack higher than 1.
If only there were some kind of machine of some sorts that you could craft at a Foraging Table...
Yeah, some kind of item that opened an interface... And you could put food into it, press a button, and get one stackable preserved (aka: doesn't rot) food item that fed you as much as eating its ingredients would! The Nutrient Bar tooltip even tells you how filling it is, without the need for cool mods!
If only the mod were also multiplayer compatible, meaning YOU have the mod, but the SERVER does not, and you can still share the Nutrient Bars with your friends and enemies...
But for those who play modded singleplayer or modded multiplayer and have a mod that makes food stackable, never fear! For the 'Make 50' button is here!
*sigh* If only a mod like the one I just described existed...
If only...
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Nutrient Bar Maker! 0.7e
Combine food to create something more filling!
Recent Updates
- Update Dec 19, 2021
- More sprites and such! Nov 12, 2019
- Bug fix Nov 1, 2019