Last known good version: Spirited Giraffe
Image by: TheDarkHell
Moar Dungeons 1.0Changelog
This mod will ensure that at least one dungeon will spawn when visiting the following planet types:
Garden, Forest, Desert, Savannah, Snow, Jungle, Alien, Tundra, Volcanic, Scorched.
The maximum spawn limit has been increased from 1 to 3.
Download & Extract.
Place MoarDungeons into your mods folder.
Play Starbound.
How to Use
Visit a new planet to spawn dungeons.
Only works on the default biomes/planet types mentioned above.
New dungeons added to these planets from other mods should be scaled as well.
Known Issues
None yet.
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1.0 - Released
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Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.

Outdated Moar Dungeons 1.0
More dungeons spawn