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Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. TheZero
    Version: 5.6.415
    Thanks for the literal days worth of content. At this point, SB is pretty much an engine that runs FU; cannot play without this.
    Idk if this is the place to ask questions, but are psionics going to be practical at some point or just a gimmick weapon? Just beat ruin with it and am laughing madly at the thought of facing *redacted* with this thing.

    P.S.: I'm still gonna do it!
  2. search190
    Version: 5.6.413
    mod good :D
  3. Huss200
    Version: 5.6.405
    its not working, when i put it with the mods go here file and try to play the game nothing comes up.
    I press on the game and nothing happens pls help lol
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      this space is for reviews, not requests for help. Please follow the provided instructions on the main page and provide a log file. Chances are, you have conflicts installed listed on the main page, or are using an outdated client or have installed it wrong. It does not go with the "mods go here" file.
  4. AvalonArrival
    Version: 5.6.404
    Bloody amazing mod. Can't stress that enough. I want you to know I STILL remember this one mission I play in pre release starbound with this mod which was some sorta eldritch horror kinda mission where I ended up fighting an eldritch god or something. Scared the absolute heck outta me. Love this mod to bits.
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      Happy to supply enjoyment to so many!
  5. X_ZienIX_Xx
    Version: 5.6.403
    Excellent HUGE MOD!!! also, there is a bug on ranged weapons such as guns in the 5.6.4031 update. cant seem to shoot and aim guns...
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      That's because you ignored the incompatible mods list. Please review it.
  6. jack dx
    jack dx
    Version: 5.6.400
    It's an excellent mod
  7. Markuzkiller
    Version: 5.6.378
    Can i use the CuteBound mod along with this one??
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      Should work fine, many others use it.
  8. sbelmont85
    Version: 5.6.366
  9. xpegasox1000
    Version: 5.6.366
    excelente mod :3
  10. yamada331331
    Version: 5.6.361
  11. yooman_13
    Version: 5.6.360
  12. Lumpy109
    Version: 5.6.360
    Do you like boss fights?
    Are you the adventurous type that likes to capture/tame monsters?
    Do you like biomes, but think there's not enough variety?
    Like missions that make the game more fun and/or exciting?
    Then this mod is for YOU.
    Amazingly timed special attacks, epic bosses that make you tingle with excitement each time you fight them, and what's more to need than more monsters, biomes, mini biomes, and much, much more?

    5/5 DEFINITELY RECOMMEND. Added to my collection since I made my first account 2017.

    (sadly I got locked out, and forgot my old email for it, oh well! ;-;)
  13. Ashtar084
    Version: 5.6.3523
    amazing, increasingly amazing, tks so much :)
  14. kibcob
    Version: 5.6.3523
    please help! just downloaded the mod, went into the game, and that's the first mission.... reboot the ship. When I press "e", I open the ship status menu. It won't rebooting, what should I do?
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      Directions for reporting your issue are provided right on the mod page. Please follow them.
  15. zennixAL
    Version: 5.6.352
    nevermind, idk if there is a fuel system. i know there is, but idk where is it and i was confuse cuz i have so many mods that involve with crafting so idk which one. thanks for the mod, that was awensome
  16. Ashtar084
    Version: 5.6.352
    I do not know what I would do without us, I love everything that has in the FU ITD system, research of madness, Mech style, ores, BIOS, and much more love us forever ^ _ ^ continue with this amazing work very grateful ...

  17. Pop Guy
    Pop Guy
    Version: 5.6.350
    The new tree of research of madness is fantastic, I love this Lovecraft's sick atmosphere! I hope that in the future there will be even more things to do with brains, the forbidden knowledge of madness and that the Atropus planets will receive even more unique and pathological features! I think they are the best thing about the mod!
  18. Ashtar084
    Version: 5.6.350
    Sorry, the problem was my starbound was outdated. I updated 1.4.3 and it worked normally thanks
  19. SkyShelter
    Version: 5.6.350
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      stop posting your errors in the review section. This is for reviews, not bug reports. Your issue is caused by outdated mods, not FU.
  20. SanikoZmey
    Version: 5.6.349
    VERY NICE and BIG mod)!!!