22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. L3W

    L3W Ketchup Robot

    The drill (copper-diamond) works great at cutting down trees.
  2. TheFudgement

    TheFudgement Ketchup Robot

    I haven't played much mods, but I think that Ningen race mod makes humans look less.. Stupid?
  3. Chucklehead

    Chucklehead Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Like most other players, people want to have their base on their ship and do not want to be forced to have a base on a planet to keep their stuff . There really needs to be a way to sell items and upgrade to larger lockers on the ship. Some people already did this in a mod but these lockers get deleted after every major update.
  4. willpill35

    willpill35 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Avali race mod:Its a great opportunity for the base game to introduce something other than human like species. Although i believe some tweeks would need to be made on the avali back story to make it mesh better with the other races.
    Starbound colonies mod: It has great potential for starting your own civilization some tweeks would need to be done to how buildings are done and recorces are gathered but overall it would be a great benefit to your home world and how you expand it. Although i like the npc spawner from the base game i think it would be better if that was used for new colonist instead of them just showing up like in the mod.
  5. Vegetable Lamb

    Vegetable Lamb Existential Complex

    I think it's important to remember they aren't going to want to add mods that radically change the game play they're designing. At this early stage, cosmetic mods or mods that add more stuff are probably all they should be trying to add. Or things like the dying bucket that don't affect core gameplay.
  6. L3W

    L3W Ketchup Robot

    Actually race mods not having tiered armor is partially untrue. :facepalm: There are race mods that have up to tier 10 like the Avali Race Mod. Also the mod author RyuujinZERO has a 4 stage plan that is 2/4 done and has been working hard on it (on the wiki it doesn't show phase 2 crossed off yet because he has to fix some settlement issues, but the phase 2 is more or less done as he mentions on the wiki). He said he was waiting to add more weapons for the later tiers and wanted to polish up some things (since Chucklefish want to rework their tier system for armor, weapons, etc). Also if you heard about this modded race cool. I just wanted to let you know about the tiered armor it has. I am not trying to bash on you. I just wanted to inform you. :up: I agree with you on the monster issue though. I wish Chucklefish could add random names to the monsters and you could even name them yourself once you capture them in a capture pod...

    Here if you want to check the mod out

    Here if your interested check the official wiki he made
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2014
  7. Phaded

    Phaded Void-Bound Voyager

    Ship Customization, Ship Customization, Ship Customization, Ship Customization, Ship Customization, Ship Customization, Ship Customization, & Ship Customization.
    willpill35 likes this.
  8. SuperScope004

    SuperScope004 Void-Bound Voyager

  9. L3W

    L3W Ketchup Robot

  10. squirrel_killer-

    squirrel_killer- Sandwich Man

    Basically pick any mod that makes you have to develop fuel rather than just chop trees and mine coal and implement it.
  11. someonefromcanada38

    someonefromcanada38 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The Ammo Overhaul
    Variety Is The Spice Of The Universe
  12. HawK3yLV

    HawK3yLV Phantasmal Quasar

  13. L3W

    L3W Ketchup Robot

  14. SlimeB0t

    SlimeB0t Void-Bound Voyager

    the first mod i want so see ingame is the...
    1. Avali race mod
    2. electric home defense
    3. variety is the spice of the universe
    4. industrialization
    5. Okea
    6. madtulip's customizable spaceship mod. (i'm pretty sure that's not the name, but it could be found somewhere in the top mods.)

    This isn't a mod, but i would really love more background music, not just that one song that plays when you hit someone.
  15. Cyyn0

    Cyyn0 Void-Bound Voyager

    personally all race changing mods should be keep as separate mods
    i have seen anime and such mods wanted here but i prefer orginal ones
    as they are humans apex and rest changing them destroys game! since orginal look is
    how starbound is mean to be..
  16. SmaugTheDragon

    SmaugTheDragon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    1. The Ammo Overhaul (MMN)
    2. Persistent Farmables
    4. Avian Tail Feathers (+Drumsticks)
    Everything made by AnTi
    6. Dungeoneer Dungeons
    7. LessFloatyMovement
    8. PlacablesOverhaul
    10. ExtraZoomLevels
  17. Skunkie

    Skunkie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Avian Tail Feathers

    I would definitely love to see those two avian mods implemented. They don't do very much, but the difference is immense. I also very much like these other mods:

    Liquid Extractor - Amazingly unique mod for extracting and transporting liquids.

    Compact Crops - Changes 2 block wide crops to take up 1 block of space.

    Beauty Blooms - Cosmetic mod for Florans.

    Solarium Back Lantern - T10 lantern on a stick.

    Fuel Rod Fix - Fixes fuel loss from turning fuel into rods.

    Projectile Crafting Bench 1.0 - Makes projectiles craftable. I would also settle for weapon vendors that I can buy throwing weapons from.

    Planetside Teleporters
    - Teleporters for beaming to different locations on the same planet.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2014
  18. MoonLitBlaze

    MoonLitBlaze Big Damn Hero

    PLEASE ChuckleFish don't add modded races to Starbound. It would cost you a lot of money to create a background story for them and not to mention it would ruin the lore. Please if you value StarBound you won't add a modded race. Goodluck~
  19. green3y3

    green3y3 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'd like to have some small mods in the next starbound update, as the bigger I'd like to get more evolved outside of vanilla.

    *all kinds of new plants, like:
    caffeine (tea, coffee)
    + extended saplings

  20. ButtonsLady927

    ButtonsLady927 Aquatic Astronaut

    Perhaps, rather than leave this thread open to ask what mods we want (there seem to be quite a few who want certain ones added) the devs could say "We're going to work on this, this, this, and this. Which should we start first?" with a poll that lists those options with what they would do. Then they could get a pretty accurate assumption of what the players want first and foremost.

    Yeah, I'm suggesting a poll rather than tons of comments to sort through.

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