22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Kyasupah

    Kyasupah Pangalactic Porcupine

    This This This
    I'm all about immersion, anything that spoils that makes me sad.
  2. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    First i want to take the moment to mention that Persistent Farmables is a terrible mod to add to the vanilla game.
    Why? Because anyone with a real farm would cause extreme lag to the world, and for some PCs a complete fps shutdown. As a server owner, i had to remove the mod completely because several people had condensed super efficient farms, and they could no longer do that, or anything close to it.

    I will only accept PF into the game if the lag is completely removed. Yes REMOVED not minimized. We already have plenty of things in the game that generate lags, such as player warehouses, and any dungeon that contains large amounts of population, such as bunkers, or airships. We dont need yet another source to add to it.

    As for race mods. I dont want to see ANY new races in until the creators are finished with them. I would like to see Avali especially in the game, but only after Ryuujin is finished and ready to let chucklefish take control.

    aside from that. Medical Stations would also be nice to see in the game, as they add a balanced way of crafting healing items throughout the tiers, rather than just chucking small wraps like a drug induced chimpanzee.

    Ammo MMN would also be nice with a few balancing tweeks here and there (like making grenade launchers two handed. that would be nice.)

    Horozontal Doors would also be nice as it adds.. well you already know.

    Dyeing buckets as they have been stated several times.

    Smart Pet would be especially nice, but with some balancing changes.

    Alternate Aquariums adds more variety of aquariums that you can craft. can never have too many fish X3

    HoverBikes, with ofcoarse tweaks and balancing.

    STARBOOZE cause i like my booze. But after they are finished with their mod.

    Actually i think this should just be stated for everything to exist as a mod. They shouldnt be added until the creator is done with it.
  3. Dunto

    Dunto Guest

    I would have to agree with those who prefer to avoid major game-changing mods. I've seen several listed that make "the grind" easier. Please do not make it any easier than it already is, I've been on several ghost-town servers where people have reached the max and gotten bored. Making the process faster will just have people maxing out faster and then either demanding more content or abandoning the game.

    I understand mods such as Creative Mode, I've used it myself in specific situations when I want to build a nice, themed base on a specific character. I feel these types of mods are best left as mods and not included in the core since there are quite a few, myself included, who do not want them used all of the time. To those who claimed that included mods benefit from better updates, I'd advise you to look at the changelog for the mod and then the changelog for the game. Mod developers can release fixes faster than the Starbound devs (due to the difference in workloads and single-area focus vs whole-game focus), when is the last time an active mod developer missed two or more major game updates?

    If you do think about adding in anything to speed up "the grind" or make it easier, please also add options in the config file for us to adjust or disable this (in fact, adding more options such as damage multipliers, pixel rates, PERMISSIONS [planet, building, etc] , and such into config wouldn't hurt).

    Some of us feel that it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. Please don't pull us from the cruise liner and shove us into a cramped airplane just because some people want to get there faster.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2014
  4. Whirlwindjon

    Whirlwindjon Void-Bound Voyager

    I dont think they would add any mod that specifically changed "the grind" mainly because they already confirmed that in the future most of that will change dramatically, but i do very much agree with the idea of including such options as you described in the config files for starbound.
  5. Julimarie

    Julimarie Void-Bound Voyager

    Awesome! :)

    pls include the colony mod!!!
  6. Drakostax

    Drakostax Void-Bound Voyager

    I would love to see Avian Tail Feathers added to the vanilla game; I get that it might conflict with the whole 'flightless birds' aspect and possibly other lore, but I can't help but think Avians look so much nicer with a bit of plumage.
  7. Terkup

    Terkup Phantasmal Quasar

    Read the first page, and I'm pleasantly surprised to see the Avali mod suggested 4 times already, and I fully agree on that.
    Other mods I want are:
    Persistent farmables - Because those current grow times are horrifyingly inconsistent, and in some cases far too long, for example chilis take 45 minutes per stage.
    Rise of the Hylotl.
    The tiered pixels mod
    Avian tail feathers - The version with the podotheca/drumsticks arms and legs to be specific.
    Improved asteroid fields
    Variety is the spice of the universe
    extended songbook
    Endgame matter manipulators - Or a similar mod, this one in specific feels a bit too overpowered and requires tweaking, but is other than that excellent.
    Lightdrones - although I feel it requires some tweaking, for example the endgame one providing so much light and heat, as well as air is a bit overpowered.
    Dyeing bucket
    Lissar's Hair Mod - Or similar mod. Haaaiiiirsss! <3
    Combat Overhaul - It's actually not as big of a change as the name makes it sound, but it feels sooo much more responsive with the new swingtimes.
    Horizontal doors
    Dungeoneer dungeons
    "Nudity" overhaul - Can we pleeaaase finally have invisible vanity items for showing off our hair or removing the back now? Pleeeaaase? <3
    Madtulip's Spaceship mod - Best " build your custom ship" mod out there. without a doubt. And it's very nicely balanced.
    v6ooo likes this.
  8. Zody

    Zody Weight of the Sky

    I don't really use mods regularly, but Persistent Farmables. Please.
    Leak likes this.
  9. ___MeRliN___

    ___MeRliN___ Guest

    1st. Its on reddit, which is a hiveminded page, if they pos changelogs there they can expect people like me and many others on this forum to be upset about this
    2nd. Its from the AMA, the AMA is not explaining what got changed in which patch...
    Frigglish likes this.
  10. Filthey

    Filthey Big Damn Hero

    Id definitely have to say XS Mechs - They are not only well drawn but extremely well tiered. I also love the variety of races that modders have added. I personally love the Kemono mod and the Kangaru mod (being im an aussie) lol A lot of effort especially went into the kangaroo mod. I cant but feel amazed at all the great races that people have added into the game. Love to have them all !
  11. Thew303

    Thew303 Void-Bound Voyager

    mine are:

    Avali race
    Medical potion
    persistent farmsable (need that crops grows also without pg presence) !!!
  12. Zerleger

    Zerleger Space Hobo

    I would be really glad if you implement diffrent death animations, depending on the way you die or kill an enemy. Acid, Parts of body, become dust.
    The other thing I missing is are more bosses. In dugeons, in Twons, landscape and so on.
    + abilities, like the more variations of tech upgrades or some kind of magic. double jump and butterfly fliying is not satasfying enough.
    Or Ultra skills, but please not race depending.
    The balance of ultra skills could be that they cost all you energy and you walk slower for 10 sec or something similar.

    I read that the current ships are level 1 ships. are there going to be other ships as well to buy? and if yes can i chose from a gib varitey of do i have to take the ones from tier 2 and so on?
  13. Hans Moberg

    Hans Moberg Tentacle Wrangler

    Planet Weather Scanner, that's what I want. I've been searching for ages now for planets without acid/meteor rain.
  14. Professer Kokonoe

    Professer Kokonoe Void-Bound Voyager

    like would like to see 1st of all the Avali race mod as their one of the few true alien's even in the mod's and their No.1 on the mod forums. Also i think the human's eye's should be update to look like the Neko mod as their black dot eye's creep EVERYONE out. other then that my fellow star bounded travelers will fill the blanks. :3
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2014
  15. Nekokoro

    Nekokoro Big Damn Hero

    I know I'm late to the party, but by and large, I want to see the colourblind mods be integrated, even as just optional settings. I'm not the only gamer with colourblindness of one stripe or another and when those mods were up to date they were indispensable. Now they seem largely abandoned, which is a pity.
  16. Eyrok

    Eyrok Void-Bound Voyager

    1: Avali Race Mod
    2: Stim Lab
    3: Various industrialization mods (Industrialization, Starfoundry...)
    4: Your Starbound Crew (at least, once larger ships get implemented)
  17. Simon Lasonne

    Simon Lasonne Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The following Mods are great:

    1: Colorbound
    2: Avian Tail Feathers & Drumsticks
    3: Dyeing Bucket
    4: Mining Laser
  18. Shiokuri

    Shiokuri Ketchup Robot

    I don't think any modded-races should be added to the game, it just wouldn't be up to Chucklefish standards seeing as they wouldn't have full tiers of custom armor.
    Two mods I would love to see added are:
    Freaks of Nature

    I'm sick of seeing the same monsters on planets, so that's why I want MORE VARIATION. :D

    Anyways, I would also love to see more biomes, but most of the biome mods kind of suck. :/
  19. catmonkshiro

    catmonkshiro Phantasmal Quasar

    would be nice, but i think it'd be sorta game breaking if you could make it early on. perhaps if they were to make the original one upgradable with some of the higher tier ores though. dor example, adding violium bars would give it a light upgrade, and impervium gives it a heater upgrade.

    that way it would be something handy and convenient for late game building, but if wouldn't make the entire game too easy.
  20. catmonkshiro

    catmonkshiro Phantasmal Quasar

    whoa... and people say i was bad :p but this does raise a good point... upgradable ships would be AMAZING even just making it so larger storage containers had more than 16 slots.if you have a giant crate that has the same space in it as a tiny little locker, of course you'll go with the locker. that's just more spatially economic

    to be fair though, inregards to the hoarding? i been doing the same. i've set up little world homes, but only using things i won't miss if they wipe before i can pick them up

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