22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    I do not object to A FEW different sizes. What I object to is adding more than, say, four sizes of the same thing, in this particular example. If they added another half-dozen wooden crates that all looked about the same with different inventory sizes? Yeah, that would piss me off.
    Also, that point may differ for you than it does for me. That's why I marked "personally". Maybe I wouldn't like TES for this reason, no need to be an ass.
  2. Chumpp

    Chumpp Void-Bound Voyager

    Anything to broaden the range of ships available and mech's :)
  3. Daus_kaus

    Daus_kaus Void-Bound Voyager

    the only mod i want to be in vanilla is the customisable ships, please :)
    ChoMar likes this.
  4. MurpyDee

    MurpyDee Void-Bound Voyager

    ChoMar likes this.
  5. Kellins

    Kellins Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Pretty much the majority of the race mods and something like the race extension mod, Because I like the Bunnykin and Neko mods, but I also like all the others like Half warps, Vulps, Inu race, Avali, Felins, Familiars, Munari, Insectlids, Kitsumes, Drow, Crystalith, and Kokido

    I also like the invisable armors mod, mainly because I like the armor, but not the head piece and so I go helmetless, and it looks comandoish.

    I do like the drumsticks and avian tail mods for the avians.

    I also like the instrument creation mod -> http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/instrument-creation.337/

    I'm sure there are other instesting and creative mods out there, just I'd like the later three at least since the races all depend on the creators more than anything. Still they all look cool and fun to play.
  6. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Just a clarification from my earlier post, I'd like to see the Human Dreadnaught mod as like, the final tier human ship, or something similar.
  7. DaftenEvan

    DaftenEvan Void-Bound Voyager


    -XS Mechs
    -Dyeing Bucket
  8. MachineWraith

    MachineWraith Void-Bound Voyager

    Persistent Farmables
    Your Starbound Crew

    Mostly fairly small and simple mods that add things I feel are missing from the game at the moment. Persistent crops should really just be part of the game, and the same goes for hatches. B.I.A.B. lets you have a little forward base wherever you may need one that's easily constructed.

    Lightdrones fill a gap in equipment. I wouldn't go so far as to say the drones themselves are perfect, and they may need balancing, but they're a very welcome addition overall.

    With all the great ship mods that add space to the starter ship, it's easy for your interstellar vessel to feel empty. Your Starbound Crew adds a great way to fill those empty spaces with NPCs that are unique and helpful.
  9. Toofloated

    Toofloated Void-Bound Voyager

    Fully Customizable Ship
    and then maybe some form of once you select your Race, you can select which ship you'd like. In case you have other ship mods

    edit: also please please please mannequins I want to be able to display my armors not have to have them stored in a chest
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
    ChoMar likes this.
  10. jokerinblack

    jokerinblack Space Spelunker

    Starbound Crew and Tulips Ship Mod!!! Also the ability to sell your stuff but that's in the Starbound Crew as well! A secondary thing would be new armors and races but primarily a customizable ship and/or a crew for your ship. Some add-ons to go with the hardcore/permadeath could be something to balance the monsters but make things like crop failure or food more scarce, a sanity meter for the dark or when not around other npcs, also a different lore, music, and less but scary monsters for the atmosphere.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
    ChoMar likes this.
  11. joriandrake

    joriandrake Subatomic Cosmonaut

    this reminds me, currently no way to properly sell stuff right?
  12. Oberic

    Oberic Spaceman Spiff

    Hmm.. I don't know how to do them embedded urls, so I'll just put normal links!

    Edit: Sorry for the large post! But there are so many great mods out there that don't drastically alter gameplay..!

    1. Avian tail feathers, and Drumsticks: Avian look so much better with both of these..

    2. antimonster and freaks of nature: monster parts mods, more variety is always nice.

    3. Rock blocks: Because we have a multitude of colors of dirt and sand, but the ten different types of rocks all become the same one (yet not stacking sometimes) in your inventory, and it makes no sense.

    4. Tables and Chests: It apparently allows us to craft tables and chests of each metal tier that, for some reason, are in the game yet (maybe?) are not implemented.

    5. Spice is the Variety of the Universe: More biomes are always welcome, and now they can be implemented much easier.. Might as well take advantage of that.

    6. GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL and SmartPet: of course not catching bosses as that is absurd, but the larger monsters, yeah. And SmartPet is just fantastic.
    Otherwise some changes to the pet system we currently have need to happen.

    7. MMN's ammo overhaul: With a few tweaks it could really do a lot for the game, atleast the different ammo types (even if not the other parts).
    My riskiest choice, as it does alter gameplay somewhat, in that it kinda makes guns better than melee in a lot of cases.

    Also, there are some interesting mods that I do not have first-hand experience with.. Here are links instead:
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  13. Rocky401

    Rocky401 Void-Bound Voyager

    MrStrangerPL likes this.
  14. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    Even though I could add that I like tulips ship mod, i actually prefer a modular approach if possible. In way of expanding or placement of components of ship to expand area. I don't know if that is possible at this time, even in modding. However if anything I would love upgradable ships in some form or another, even if it has to be block by block. (I rather reserve block by block for building on surface rather than ship itself...

    The other one that I remembered because someone else mentioned it was the "seed extractor mod" as that one is a nice addition among the rest. I like so many that much of the people here have mentioned. So much to look through. :D
    jokerinblack likes this.
  15. Pikramus

    Pikramus Void-Bound Voyager

  16. kittentamer

    kittentamer Existential Complex

    To all the people who don't want mods added into the game, here is my two cents:
    They aren't going to add something that goes against what they want the game to end up like. More minds mean more ideas, and if the modders have something fleshed out they think fits well with the game, they ask for permission to add it. It makes the community feel a part of the game, I know it drew me in further knowing the fans get some input and the potential to have helped make the game even more awesome. I mean, I love my Firefly Big Box o'Loot, but it wouldn't be added to the base game. Just because something is suggested, doesn't mean it will be added. Trust the devs to be able to pick things that fit with their goals for the game.

    To people suggesting mods? Can you put links rather then just names? The developers are busy people, some really cool mod might get passed over just because they didn't have time to search for the mod you mention. With a link, they can click, take a peak, and see if they like it.

    I know there are a lot of trolls out there (seriously, huge red letters and text speak?), but this game is awesome and I find it incredible that not only are they helping people make mods so they can add content they want, but they are making us all a part of the creation process by adding some to the vanilla game! When I saw them mention the skyrails were added from a mod, it inspired me to look at the mods and get involved. They don't steal content. People pay to have their names put in the credits as having helped fund the game. We get the chance to be in the credits for helping *create* the game!

    <gets off soapbox>

    So, tiered backpacks anyone? <duck>
    L3W likes this.
  17. MrStrangerPL

    MrStrangerPL Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't use mods that much, but I would love to see Dyeing Bucket and some kind of Water Gun. You know... Gun? That shoots water? Multiplayer friendly? Would be awesome. It does not rain on every planet, so making some kind of pool or lake is pretty god damn impossible. And Dyeing Bucket is simply awesome. Idk why it ISN'T in the vanilla already.

    @Edit: And yeah. I was wondering... You can find in prison texts like ,,Go away'', ,,They say, they would go back'' or something like that, right? I would love to make something like this on my own. You know what I mean. Just type text and place it like a painting somewhere. I don' know how hard could it be to make, but it would be amazing. :D Something like signs in minecraft maybe? Little more climatic, and without sign. Just text.

    @Edit2: I read some posts and saw some pretty good mods. Avian Tail Feathers would be nice. Wasteland Planets. Sounds like perfect place to live. :D
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
  18. AppleKingSandwich

    AppleKingSandwich Master Chief

    Definitely the Dyeing Bucket would be my number one choice for mods to get added.
    Amberes likes this.
  19. aricvomit

    aricvomit Void-Bound Voyager

    1. starfoundry
    2. madtulips spaceship mod
  20. xerospike

    xerospike Intergalactic Tourist

    I feel like something to do with better healing would be a nice addition...though I don't know of anything involving that...Healing seems a little unbalanced atm.

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