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Outdated The Amorybound Wars 0.5.3

Starbound meets The Amory Wars! Includes balanced (but useful) back items for your characters!

  1. Bigger glow radius.

    Added in a .patch file that allows for a bigger glow radius for the Emblems. If you wish to learn how to edit this file for yourself to change the value back to its original (or if you wish to make the radius even greater), you can check out the mod customization guide. Also, I updated some small parts of the code to certain files.
  2. Energy regen effects fixed, and particle effect updates.

    Changed the way Energy Regeneration works, since the other method is depreciated. Now the mod properly tweaks the base cooldown period and base regeneration rate for each emblem. Special thanks to Slowtapus for allowing me to realize this. Other small changes include reintroducing the flame particle effect for the "Run Boost" buff, and adding particle effects for the "Glow" effect....
    Slowtapus likes this.
  3. Animated emblems!

    Changed the opacity on the particle effects to be a lot more transparent (40% opacity), as well as changed the actual sprites for the back items themselves to be animated. If you happen to dislike this change in any way, I have provided a .zip file in my mod customization guide that allows you to switch back to the non-animated version of each Emblem. I have also changed the max stack...
  4. Particle effects and code update.

    Updated the particle effects to match the Emblem colors, also added a new text color for the "Rage" buff for each Emblem to match this change (with new text). I also fixed the spacing on the rest of the mod files to be more optimized. If you really dislike these changes, you can learn how to change or remove them with the Mod Customization guide link I have posted on the mod page.
    Naga-Boss likes this.
  5. Really small update.

    Small update with the .back items, just fixed the spacing on the status effects. I am also in the process on writing a guide for customizing this mod to your liking. If this mod looks interesting to you, but the items seem too overpowered, then you'll be able to see how to modify some of the files to your preferences.