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    Outdated Mods have been moved to their own category! If you update your mod please let a moderator know so we can move it back to the active section.
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Outdated Strong Copper Pickaxe 1.0.7

Stronger, faster, more powerful then your everyday standard pickaxes made of copper.

  1. 1.0.7 - Upbeat Giraffe

    Just a port over to use the new Upbeat Giraffe methods... its way over powered just an FYI
  2. 1.0.6

  3. 1.0.6 (Beta v. Enraged Koala)

    Sorry guys,
    I dropped off the planet because work and starting up a new business (www.mygeekygoodies.com) but now I am back! I'll be updating these mods for you again!!!

    I fixed and packed the mod for the latest version so now you can just unzip the "boz_strongcopperpickaxe.modpak" into your mods folder and have fun!

    This mod requires you to have an anvil to craft it.

    This is really a cheat mod so please do not use if you want a balanced game....
  4. 1.0.5 (Angry Koala) updated to support Angry Koala release

    Release Notes:
    • Cleaned up player.config and updated modinfo for Angry Koala release
  5. 1.0.4 - Extended compatability for Weapons Of Starwars Mod updates

    Release Notes:
    • Updated compatibility with the Star Wars mod I made
  6. 1.0.3

  7. 1.0.2 - Added support to prevent player.config collisions with Weapons Of Star Wars mod

    1.0.2 Update Notes:
    • Added support for new Weapons Of Star Wars Mod so configs don't collide
  8. Version 1.0.1 -

    All i did was add compatability with my Logan's Patch mod (since the player.configs are still not mergable)
    and now compatible with the "THE TABULA RASA"