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Outdated Race Abilities 1.3b Enraged Koala

Adds Racial bonuses to all current races!

  1. Few tweaks and incoming support for Custom Races!

    Dr. Toros
    New with 1.3 is the addition of plugins for custom races!

    From now on, on the race page will have links to tiny mods that provide support for custom races. Easy to pick and choose any mixture!

    Custom races supported
    The Elven Race Mod by Ahmi: Race Abilities Plugin here

    I've gotten permission to produce plugins for
    -Grey Aliens

    I'll be working closely with those authors to produce add-ons that meet their approval.

    Expect a few more before the end of the week!

    If you have a custom race and want to see support, or have suggestions, let me know!​
    BreadUwU and Khazhor like this.
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