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Outdated Fish Gun vFish.0 vFISH

Have you noticed the game has been missing a fish gun? Me too. I made one

  1. SexualRhinoceros
    Have you ever been playing Starbound and noticed the guns just don't FEEL right? Have you been yearning for a much slimier and more tasty tool of mass destruction? Me too. I made the perfect device to fill that gap, a fish gun that shoots fish that swim through the air. Modeled based off other fish things, this is fish fish so fish fish fish fish. fish fish fish, fish fish , fish fish fish. So fish fish is the way to fish!

    By the way, I run a modded server! Come play with me!


    1. Untitled.png

Recent Reviews

  1. Slug
    Version: 2014-01-02
    I would like to somehow auto-download all of Rhino's mods, as they both are things that make the game immensely more fun. THIS IS PROOF YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT.