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Outdated Easy Character Delete ENRAGED KOALA U8

[+3000 DOWNLOADS!] Choose the name of the character you want to delete and... Delete it! :D

  1. 2.4 MEGA UPDATE! :D


    -Game Version: Enraged Koala
    **The entire program
    **The code
    **Management deletion / backup of characters
    *Management with custom races
    +Table with the information of the selected character
    []Custom supported races: Peglaci (http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/the-peglaci.1768/), Novakid+ (http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/novakid.983/), Avali (http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/avali-race-mod.998/), Felins (http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/felins.68/) and Skellies (http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/skellies.994/)
    +Button to choose the Starbound folder
    */GUI (Graphical User Interface)
    --Some obsolete functions

    */Improved and changed

    New screen:

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