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Outdated Community Hairstyles Pack #1 (Discontinued!) 2/21/2014

A compilation of hairstyles done by numerous Starbound community members.

  1. New hairstyles from Madosuki, Mio, and ODABUTSU.

    Shadow Wolf TJC
    I've added some new hairstyles from the following mods:

    Mado's Clothes and Stuff
    Mio's Chuu2 Rikka, Majikoi Miyako, and Madoka Magica mods
    ODABUTSU's Ningen Race Mod

    I modified the wigs from Madosuki's and Mio's mods into actual hairstyles (complete with customizable palettes for the hair and accessories) for the humans, and added in the Ningen Race mod's hairstyles (except for those with animal parts or hats) for the humans as well for those who'd like to play as them and/or encounter them in-game. (I also have an Anime Faces mod to go with these new anime hairstyles.)
    YukkieNeco and Isher like this.
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