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Outdated Bow of Epirus 2.3.4 (v. Enraged Koala)

Wield the power of the gods!

  1. Compatibility with Enraged Koala

    No known incompatibilities thus far, feedback if found!
  2. Treasurepool Hotfix 2

    It's been really rough testing wise, but I think there is a finally functioning drop system for the blueprints in each respective tier.

    Also, the drops are now only limited to planet Mini bosses, and subsequently a higher drop rate due to the limitation.
  3. 2.3.1 Hotfix on export files

    2.3.1 may have caused unnecessary incompatibilities... all cleared up.
  4. Treasure fix *frustrated*

    Hopefully the nail is in the coffin this time...
  5. More Treasurepool work

    Hopefully cleaned up treasurepools even more.

    On another note, if you want more bows, More Bows of Power has just been released, with a dependency on this mod!
  6. Treasurepool Sector Limiting FIX HOPEFULLY

    Hopefully put the nail in the coffin for limiting the drops to where they are supposed to be limited to. If so, this is a big step for starbound modding....
  7. Perfectly Generic Item quiver recipe fix

    - All fixed now, it was working earlier, but something happened, I don't know what... Fixed!
  8. Quiver of Epirus

    - Added a new item, a backitem, the Quiver of Epirus.

    - Small chance to be found in Sector X

    - Has to be crafted at the Tablet of Epirus, or Tabula Rasa.

    - At the moment, it substantially increases energy capacity.
  9. Slight Tweaks

    - Increased Projectile Speed on superior version by 42%

    - Enlarged explosion animation... may need to re-HD-ify... or maybe revert. A test.
  10. Treasurepool Hotfix (Phew!)

    Fixed the problem, it was a big, little, problem. Pretty much some syntax was off and even now I don't really know what the problem was, both files editions compiled, but I don't remember them being different... I will have to do some more comparisons... Just trying to get this fix out!

    Sorry it took so long, it was a rough patch there for a bit.

    Have fun, and leave feedback!