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Why the fans are upset about Starbound

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Critwrench, Sep 17, 2013.

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  1. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Crit says it better then me. So just going to quote the part I need to in response.

    "I think that, if nothing else, should be the biggest clarification for all those who decry me as merely impatient. Bartwe said that all the preorder money has not made the beta come out faster. It is making it come out better. And that is a complete contrast to what was said on the preorder page."

    .. and add again, people being bothered? Not surprising. No grasped straws here unless of course something else was meant to be said that wasn't, and its more miscommunication.
    Pingeh likes this.
  2. primitiveType

    primitiveType Void-Bound Voyager

    It sounds to me like he's arguing that progress is happening faster. Doesn't that mean it will come out faster? They aren't going to release it until it is playable either way. He seems to be saying what I said above - that progress is faster due to the preorder, but there were still issues, that, if it weren't for the preorder, would have taken even longer to resolve.

    They are giving us information as they get it, within reason.
    Serenity likes this.
  3. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    That's great, everyone does things differently.

    We don't own stock in the company the only grounds for lawsuit would be the beta/ game is made but not given to the backers that's it, dates don't mean nothing and it's estimated.

    primitiveType likes this.
  4. MrDragco

    MrDragco Big Damn Hero

    Nice OP!! agree with you in many ways!

    Ow and yes this will be my last pre-order of anykind ,especialy
    from anything that Chucklefish makes... and i will discurage ppl to do it aswell
    as from my expirience so far its only bad news..
    its good for the devolpment but mosly the people get scruwed.
    Kingpendragon likes this.
  5. Critwrench

    Critwrench Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    He further clarified that they would've still pushed a beta out by the end of 2013 even without the funding they got, but that it would've been leagues worse. So: Yes, progress on developing and improving the game is coming faster. Release is not. Getting the game up to a given level of quality is happening faster. Release is not. I am glad to have that clarification, because it is certainty. Rather than avoiding the issue of whether or not beta is coming out faster (And you pulled a response he made to someone else, not the response I'm talking about), he has given me the best answer to my question that he can. That's all I ask.
    Kingpendragon likes this.
  6. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    Everyone can do things correctly you mean.

    Well, I guess you believe they can do whatever they want with our money then.
    Good for you.
  7. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    We would only have gotten screwed if when the game is released we don't get a copy or access to beta.

    Sure spin doctor what ever you say. Also legally yes, and what is correct is just your opinion.
  8. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    Majority changes opinions into facts.
  9. MrLevi

    MrLevi Phantasmal Quasar

    That is ridiculous. Most game devs don't say squat about their games while in development and they aren't constantly getting sued for "Taking too long".

    They said it'll come out sometime in 2013. Its still 2013, so there really isn't a problem. I'm sure if they find out that its going to take longer, they'll be sure to tell us "sometime 2014". And that is fine too because delays happen.
  10. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Bad news pal you're not in the majority.
  11. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    I actually have some bad news for you as well...

    When it comes to big developers, the only people they care about are the ones who invested money into them.
    Not the consumer, and what they tell those people who invest are not meant for the general public.

    Seeing as I can't give any to them money, only products they have released.
    Unless I plan to give them thousands of dollars.
  12. primitiveType

    primitiveType Void-Bound Voyager

    On the topic of terraria spoilers:
    There have been at least as many spoilers for starbound as terraria. He made one video, and put a warning at the beginning - so what does that mean? Starbound should spoil every little thing for the first several tiers? Why would they do that? They have spoiled so many things already, shown a ton of gameplay, etc. They are just trying to make sure that there is enough curiosity left for yyou to actually play the game when it comes out. That dinky little 2min video of terraria has NOTHING on the amount of content that has been spoiled in starbound.

    Considering it's a game you've never even played, way way way more has been spoiled about starbound than what was revealed in that terraria spoiler. Personally, I've had too many things spoiled for me on starbound. I had no intention of knowing what the first boss was, but someone spoiled it for me (on reddit).

    If you've seen every spoiler they've released (including things that have been spoiled in streams), then you really have spent an insane amount of your free time simply trying to spoil the game. People complaining that more needs to be revealed is just insane. If you're that hungry for a taste of the game, I really do recommend that you just take a step back, try not to be so invested, and take a break. Get a hobby, learn a skill. I'm really not trying to be rude here but there is so much gameplay video of this game that isn't even finished yet, if you have seen it all, you might just have too much time on your hands. It's not the devs' jobs to make sure you can make a full time job of spoiling the game for yourself, months before it is released.
    Skarn likes this.
  13. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    I knew it was cancer darn time to cook meth.
    Skarn, Katzeus and Lobo like this.
  14. Red Space Monkey

    Red Space Monkey Phantasmal Quasar

    You know...
    I didn't intend to write this, but now my horizon of patience kinda got destroyed.
    I, like many others of you I think, live in a first world country. I have more food than I can eat, a warm house, a powerful laptop, water as much as I want and many other great things.
    Many of these things I view as absolutely basic, I NEED them. When it comes to things like videogames, I am aware of the fact that it is pure and utter LUXURY. It is actually one of the most nonsensical but yet tempting things out there for many people.
    And now, this team comes along and produces this game with a passion I have never seen before. They put out DAILY updates, which I also have never seen before with any other company out there. They are funny, polite and open for suggestions...

    And this is where the problems start, but not because they did something wrong. Their openess now kinda bites them in the arse. People got more from them than they ever got from any other gaming company when it comes to communication, and now they don't know where to stop. It was fucking clear from the start, that the estimated release was 2013. It was FUCKING clear, no traps there and no invisible contracts. You PRE-ORDERED the game, you didn't fund it or anything. All you are entitled to because of this, is getting the actual product when it is ready. But now that you have put money into it, you feel that you have the right to bitch and moan about something you feel you have the right to.

    I really really weep for Chucklefish and what they have to go through. I really have the feeling some people don't have ANYTHING else in their lifes that keeps them entertained, that makes them happy, that interests them...than this fucking game. They are able to build up so much anger about something that is nothing but pure luxury, even if they knew FROM THE START that there was no clear release date and there wouldn't be one for quite some time.

    That's not all I wanted to say. I just want to conclude with saying, that I am really disappointed in the human race, when THIS is what many of us get upset about to the point, where it seems to dominate mostly all of their thoughts. I am really sorry for you, if your life is this empty.

    Have a nice day.
    Xefs, Sarzael, WoxandWarf and 15 others like this.
  15. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    I thought we were above personal attacks..
    Kanthel likes this.
  16. Vinauf

    Vinauf Industrial Terraformer

    Aaaaand this shit right here is why the devs don't think it's important to be upfront about their product. I mean, as long as people love them they're the golden boys right?
  17. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    As much as I agree with your points war crimes kind of made me disappointed in the human race before hand.
  18. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    That was a joke, relax ;)
  19. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    I just completed the threat sentence you meant towards me it's a self deprecating joke and a pop culture reference.
  20. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    If we are going to bring open interpretation, I am going claim a bad breaking bad joke as an attack.

    Also, why do you have a name from firefly, but use an xfiles avatar.
    Pingeh likes this.
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