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Why the fans are upset about Starbound

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Critwrench, Sep 17, 2013.

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  1. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    Whoa, wall of text!! Communication overload!!! Thanks Molly!!
    Trowzers and Serenity like this.
  2. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    Sometimes, you have do things your not proud of to get the desired results.
    I am simply just doing what must be done, so the better equip can prosper.

    I openly admitted to not being the smartest and im only good at being a smart-ass.
    However if you like my antics. please rate, comment, and subscribe.
    VeriChip likes this.
  3. mxpsych

    mxpsych Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I have to say that I didn't read the whole thread, but this is a very well articulated observation, I agree with nearly everything you said.

    Hopefully your post continues to get 'liked' and receives the attention of the dev team (if it hasn't already, again I apologize as I didn't read through the whole thread yet)

    EDIT: Looks like it just did - Thanks for the information Molly! I think updating the various pages where this conflicting information exists will help alleviate confusion, although the guarantee that full release NOT in 2013, while not surprising, is still saddening. Most of us knew that was the case, but that misleading information on the various pages was a glimmer of hope lol
  4. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    Thanks :) That post was very informative. I also had that code making machine thing in mind, though I didn't voice it :rofl:
    Also thanks to Bartwe for his posts. They cleared lot of things up as well :)
    Serenity likes this.
  5. Eonwulf

    Eonwulf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Good job Molly. Put the part about the beta definitely being out by 2013 and the release being 2014 somewhere easily visible to people, and you will alleviate a lot of fear.
    Hippolv likes this.
  6. jovial

    jovial Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Is 2013 over? Technically, they could go into beta next month, release in November or December, and still fulfill their promise. As for communication, I don't think I've seen any devs do as many frequent updates as these guys. When 2013 comes to an actual end and these promises remain unfulfilled then you can rant and complain. I'll join you even.

    Though I have to agree some more concrete information about the status of the upcoming beta and release would be nice.
  7. Caidoz

    Caidoz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Disappointing but concrete. This is the kind of information people need. Thanks.
    PSS, kesvalk and Katzeus like this.

  8. That's why I'm updating the site today. :)
    Trowzers, bshadow, Bandethor and 8 others like this.
  9. Critwrench

    Critwrench Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You and Bartwe both have been wonderful about trying to answer this thread's questions, yes, and I appreciate that a lot. It has really helped ease a good number of concerns I personally have. I'll restate, though: The team may want to consider some kind of update to the FAQs on the website, or otherwise put the information you've told us in this thread (and in other places) where it is very clearly visible. People within this thread have raised the point that "this same thread with the same questions will pop up in three weeks", and I think if it does, it is a step backward. Please: Update the pre-order FAQ pages. Tell people in a more visible place what has been going on, or why things don't 'seem' sped up. Make posts about it on the front page, or elsewhere that it would be very easily seen and read and understood.

    Unfortunately, the fans are not a collective hivemind; I can try to spread information I obtain, as can others, but I feel part of the communications 'failure' a lot of people feel is the lack of that central addressing of issues. If you guys found a very centralized, visible place to air the concerns you've answered today, and make those answers clearly and easily referenced, it would lead to a lot less confusion.

    Aside from that, all I can say is: Please, don't be afraid to reaffirm things you've said in the past. Even communicating that yes, this is still going to happen at this time, or yes, we're still doing that-- that's much, much better than saying nothing. Just be sure that it is done in places where people can see it, rather than taking for granted that people can find it as it sits.

    Edit: Welp, I got ninja'd by Molly.
  10. Mizaria

    Mizaria Star Wrangler

    You should go back and re-read what molly just wrote, beta is coming this year and not release.
    I mean, on the one hand, it's a bit mind-boggling to me when people say we don't communicate with fans. We update people on our progress every day, we're constantly in IRC, we answer questions over e-mail, etc. We can't answer questions we don't have the answer to, though.

    There's been no paranoia/internal mandate saying "DON'T ANSWER QUESTIONS", but obviously we've already had some trouble with giving release estimates we couldn't make. We don't want to answer questions when the answers to those questions aren't clear or may change.

    As for one of the most recent concerns-- whether or not full release will be in 2013 or not-- the answer is no, it won't. We've said as much in a lot of places, but the team's been sort of scattered about lately and it's been disorienting. It's my fault really for not keeping the main site completely up to date (our About page is especially bad), which is something I plan to work on today.

    However, you guys will be able to play the game this year. We are releasing the beta this year.
    Serenity likes this.
  11. Pancoar

    Pancoar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This should be the first thing you change.


    kesvalk likes this.
  12. MrDragco

    MrDragco Big Damn Hero

    Thats the most informative post we got in a long time!!
    Atleast now we can wait with ease to december.
    instead of just predicting stuff.. and quessing if we will even see a beta this year.
    dont take me wrong but so far you missed a lot of them ... and that is what makes people worry
    and thank you again at least now we know where we stand.
    kesvalk likes this.
  13. kesvalk

    kesvalk Cosmic Narwhal

    Now, that exactly what we wanted! A firm affirmation of what is happening, now we can go on with our lives knowing that the release was pushed and we wont be seeing it until at least 2014.

    Thanks Molly.
  14. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Going to say this. You realize Molly people will hold Chucklefish to what was said on those pages /even if it changes/.
    (No really the internet is a hard cruel unforgiving place)

    What would help, I can't stress enough.. is a deep explanation of why things changed. Not these shorter answers, not that developing Starbound is weird.. if your going to have to break your promise of the game being out this year that you made on the preorder page... then explain why. You don't /have/ to.. but when you break a promise, it helps to do so I've found.

    I hate to say it but without insight into /how it is weird/, and why the promise of 2013 release is being broke.. nobody will appreciate it. They will just continue to remain bothered that Chucklefish is not living up to what they said. (again.)

    However if you give a good explanation, it would help calm people down. If you got into the whys and hows, people would be willing to be more understanding about things.
    LeifGram, TheGiriel and Pingeh like this.
  15. YumYumKittyloaf

    YumYumKittyloaf Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hey Molly, how 'bout you and I get together and talk about OOP and data structures and see where the night takes us. ;)

    I've got a BS in computer science and it ain't no BS, gorgeous. :iswydt:
  16. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    Xander, please take a look...

    "People" seem satisfied with the answers...
    If you want more answers (or deeper ones) just ask, devs are participative today! :giggle:
    But don't talk for "people" please :whistle:
  17. LightHoof

    LightHoof Pangalactic Porcupine

    Here it comes, it is never enough.
    Hugt, Hippolv, irongamer and 2 others like this.
  18. MrDragco

    MrDragco Big Damn Hero

    No i think this made a big difrence
    and a lot ppl are at ease.
  19. Brionkendo

    Brionkendo Master Chief

    Wow amazing response from Molly. People.. just be PATIENT. The game will get here. It will.

    Would you want to release something you made if it was buggy and not the product you were happy with? Especially if people pre-paid for it!?

    Put yourselves in their situation... then you will realise that you just need to be patient. ;)
    Serenity likes this.
  20. LightHoof

    LightHoof Pangalactic Porcupine

    A lot of, not all though.
    Serenity likes this.
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